Chapter 7 - Moving Along.

Hmm where am i right now? Is this a dream?

I was alone standing in a forest, there was someone that looked like a beast eating what seemed like a student.

He than looked at me...


He growled like a wolf and suddenly 3 more Wolves showed up.

They seemed like their underlings.

He than ran towards me at full speed after transforming into a complete Wolf.

There was the figure of a man standing behind the wolf who soon disappearanced the moment the Wolf started running towards me.

I was in a panic, What's going on?

What is that wulf that had the appearence of a 2 Metre tall that looked like a human before it got on all 4s and turned into a wolf.

I panicked and got back but the Wolf jumped at me and than...


I felt a nasty pain on my neck and than i woke up in my dorm bed.

Sweat trickling down my head, i was devastated.

I had a hard time breathing. I could still faintly feel the insane pain on my Neck.

What was tha-

Huh? What is This?

A giant blue screen was floating above me.


It said.

[Would you like to proceed with the system?]

Hmm? What is this?


What is this? Where did this even Come from? What's the significance of this?

The door soon slammed and someone entered.

"What was that scream? Are you alright?"

A blue haired women in a maid outfit showed up.

"Mm.. I'm fine, sorry for startling you."

"Do you want to visit the doctor? Your face seems pale."

she asked in a worried tone. Is this women showing concern to a commenor like me?

That's kinda funny. I flashed a kind smile towards her and told her.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying."

"Well, if you say so."

She opened the closed door and bowed her head

"Well than excuse me."

she said as she left.

She sure is a peculiar one, Why's she bowing to a commoner?

"Excuse me."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Why are you being so respectful towards me?"

"I was allotted as a maid for this dorms, so you are my master... It's only natural to show respect to my master."

"I see, but there's no need for you to do that. I'm below the rank of a maid, I don't think i deserve such respect. Plus, I'm the 4000Th ranked Student. I don't think i deserve such respect."

"Your status or role is of no concern to me, i was assigned to Protect students in this dorm and that is what I'll do."

"I see, You look like you are the same age as me. So I'm just saying that there is no need to be so respectful towards me. Just call me Revan, I'd appreciate it. Or, would you prefer not interacting at all? I Don't have any objections."

"That... I Have to Interact with people on daily basis, i see i have no choice. I guess I'll call You Revan than."

"That's good, i look forword to our time together .... What's your name?"

"Its Klara Revsou."

"I see, it's nice to meet you Klara."

"Well than, i'll take my leave."

"Well, see you."

So, she excused herself again.

She's stayed for quite a while but...

It appears she can't see the Screen floating on top of me.


What is this?

[Prevent the 1st Month Exam Slaughter.

Goal - Talk to the following people

Klara Revson - Ice Mage - 12

Nilou Stervior - Water Mage - 0

Floue Steve - Swordsman - 0 ]

Hmm, At the beginning it was at 0 For the Maid Klara too but now after the interaction it's at 12.


It was Sunday, and i was in my house pretty hungry.

I'm mostly over The Imperial Princess, I was somewhat hoping for us to go back to normal but i don't think that will ever happen.

She absolutely despises me. It has been over a week and i've run into her a lot of times but she has never really even acknowledged my existance.

She's been awfully close to that guy... It does make me jealous that he's so close to her.

but, honestly speaking... The possibility of us being close is quite delusional.

I'm a commoner and she's the 1st in line for being the Imperial Princess.

She's not just Popular in the school but she's well known among the entire world.

Wherever you go, you'd probably hear something about her.

That's how popular she is.

Than there's me. The only thing I'm known for is being the worst among the entire School.

I'm ranked 4000 out of 4000 people.

Both in Academics and Battle.

If i stay at 4000 in both studies and Battle i'd probably be expelled.

That's why i had to make a leap, I had to atleast rank in the 3900's in the coming Tournament if i want to survive in this Academy.

It's pretty easy though, I was a D rank when i got here and after getting those 2 Weapons I'm pretty much set in stone for 35% of C rank Now.

After intense Battle and Distruction of my body, i'd finally risen from 30% to 35%.

In just 5 Days.

It was a huge leap, considering the time it takes to get to B rank.

It'll take me 3 months to get to B rank so, that's pretty high Up.

There were still a lot of days left until i reach B rank but for now.

I should br able to take care of the 100 or so students in my sect and Take care of them as i am afterall a C Rank.

Only the one's who are below or at D rabks are students At the very bottom.

The bottom 200.

I was a C rank, who went past 30% So i should be rabked pretty high up right now.

Atleast at the 3500 Mark.

So, leaping a 100 Stages isn't very Hard.

Especially considering the rumours that i might be some kind of a weak prodigy or something after i was taken in By mrs Sofia.

They wouldn't be surprised if my ranks grew higher.

But, right now.

I feel like, if i don't train My agility I'll die after i reach "that" stage.