This novel delves deeply into the captivating yet untold story of Gunther Middleton, a character whose past lives vividly intertwine with a rich tapestry of new figures and intricate plotlines. Expect to be swept away by an array of intense emotions and unexpected twists that may very well leave you breathless. Set against a backdrop of deep-seated grudges, misconceptions, jealousy, and hatred, this narrative is also infused with themes of love, romance, and slow-burning connections that challenge conventional relationship dynamics, all central to the overarching theme of an arranged marriage.
The book is structured to consist of forty primary chapters, meticulously crafted to draw you into the complexities of the characters' lives. Additionally, there will be ten supplementary chapters that dive into various timelines of already established relationships. These chapters will not only provide backstory but will also incorporate humorous interludes designed to provide levity amid the darker, more twisted elements of the tale.
At its heart, the novel celebrates diversity through its Korean-American protagonist, Park Han-Ah—often referred to as Hana Park—whose experiences and cultural background enrich the storyline. The narrative also prominently features her ex-fiance, Tae-seong Han, alongside a vibrant cast of Korean family members whose dynamics will resonate with those familiar with the intricacies of family life. Readers can expect to have their Kdrama fantasies brought to life in a fresh and engaging way.
Mark your calendars for the book's release on November 17! Each week thereafter, new chapters will be available every Sunday at 12:00 A.M. Eastern Time. Make sure to stay updated on the book launch and follow along with the online press tour on my Instagram: