The debate had ended, but the night was far from over.
As per the structure of the event, both candidates now had the opportunity to formally present their policies and platforms to the public. This was where the people would truly judge their plans and decide who would lead Amerathia into the future.
The audience, still buzzing from the heated exchanges of the debate, remained in their seats. Some murmured amongst themselves, others scribbled notes, but everyone was waiting for one thing—a clear vision of the future.
Moderator Edward Calloway stepped forward, raising his hand to quiet the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "we have heard both President Hesh and Mr. Royce debate key national issues. Now, we will allow each candidate to formally outline their policies and vision for Amerathia should they be elected."
A hush fell over the theater.
Calloway turned toward Royce.
"Mr. Royce, as the challenger, you may begin."