What? I shake my head, trying to process his words. "You say that now, but back then, it felt like I was just… a replacement. Like you were trying to fill the void she left behind."
He squeezes my hand, his voice raw. "I know I gave you every reason to think that, but it's not true. You were never a replacement, Meg. You were my everything, and I was too stupid to see it. I should have- if I knew what I know now, I would have ended the friendship with her. It was toxic to us- to you and I. Selfish of me to want you- to expect you to accept her friendship given our past even after you overheard the conversation between us. I'm sorry, you should have never even heard that." He pulls away and rests his head between his hands, between his open legs. He was speaking of the discussion between them where she said she wanted to continue their relationship while Gabriel and I were together.