Summary of Chapter 6:
In a devastated universe, Barbatéos, a monstrous entity, dominates without opposition. With his terrifying appearance, he enslaves entire worlds, feeding only on destruction. An intergalactic army is formed to counter him, but despite the desperate efforts of the fighters, Barbatéos remains indifferent and continues his conquest, absorbing all forms of life, including entire galaxies. However, an old enemy emerges, a divine being who dares to challenge the Devourer, managing to temporarily push him back. This confrontation sparks anger in Barbatéos, but he remains unyielding, ready to continue his quest.
Later, Barbatéos joins his brother Vemolia, and together, they meet their Master, a mysterious being, the lord of a cosmological region belonging to the enigmatic Organization. The latter entrusts them with a new mission: to investigate dimensional rifts leading to new realms, the source of an extraordinary commercial treasure.
Upon learning of the death of one of his commanders, Barbatéos discovers an unexpected adversary, Atachi, a human with tremendous power. As he prepares to conquer Terra, Barbatéos braces for an unprecedented confrontation.
Meanwhile, on Terra, the Yorquin Rangers gather to understand the origin of a recent dimensional explosion. A Z-class hero recounts having witnessed an unimaginable force at work, but a mysterious being, Atachi, mastered it with disconcerting ease. Toscov, an ambitious hero, seeks to challenge this entity while questioning the endless spiral of power and control that defines the warriors he serves. And Titan, having failed, cannot face his father, for he is weak and has not yet passed the front door in several days.
Concepts to Address:
Variety of Worlds:
Cosmological Universes: These originate from the birth of a "natural" phenomenon, governed by the laws of physics. I say "natural" in quotes because they are created by a race that we will encounter later in the story.
Realm: A category of world based on an infinite structure similar to a universe, but without a cosmos, consisting of worlds with no limits. For example, imagine a world described as finite; there are a few realms, but it remains limited in the existence of the entire Realm.
To explain more simply, these are worlds considered finite but that possess an infinite potential for expansion depending on the power of their owner (mortal or divine).
They exist in almost every conceivable and inconceivable structure in my novel; I will try to explain as best as I can.