Chapter 9 - 9:9

Elara woke up early the next day, as the sun began to peek through the window, signaling the start of another busy day. She knew her responsibilities had only just begun, and she needed to be fully prepared for whatever came her way. The castle was still quiet, and the silence in the air was almost peaceful, but she knew it wouldn't last long. Today was going to be the beginning of a routine that would quickly become second nature, or at least she hoped so.

She quickly made her way to the kitchen, where the bustling sounds of the staff were already beginning to fill the air. The head cook was busy overseeing the preparation of the morning meals, but Elara had a specific task to attend to today. She approached the cook, a large, broad-shouldered woman with graying hair, and handed her the king's menu for the day. She also made sure to pass on the instructions about the side dishes, as they had been carefully chosen to complement His Majesty's meals.

Elara's instructions were clear: stay by the cook's side while the food was being prepared and ensure everything was done perfectly. If there were any mistakes, she was the one who would take responsibility, and she knew that the consequences could be severe. The pressure was weighing heavily on her, but she wasn't going to let it show. She nodded to the cook and stayed close, her eyes scanning each step of the process.

As the food was being prepared, Elara observed every movement with a critical eye. She had to make sure nothing went wrong, even down to the smallest detail. The cook moved swiftly, adding spices and ingredients with practiced hands, and Elara made sure to offer guidance when needed, correcting a few small mistakes here and there. It was exhausting work, but she couldn't afford to make a single error. Her mind was focused solely on ensuring the king's food was perfect.

Once the dishes were prepared, Elara carefully arranged them on a tray, a tray with wheels underneath that would allow her to push it more easily through the halls. The weight of the food was more than she expected, but she had no time to think about it. She needed to deliver the meal to His Majesty without delay.

As she made her way toward the king's quarters, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the task she had taken on. The castle was vast, and the long corridors stretched endlessly in front of her. She had to be cautious as she navigated the stairs, knowing that even the slightest bump could ruin the carefully prepared meal. The stairs were steep, and Elara found herself wishing for an easier way, but there was no choice. She had to make it work.

With every step, Elara's heart raced, her grip tightening on the tray. She moved with care, avoiding the bumps in the floor, her eyes darting from side to side to make sure no one was in the halls. When she reached the king's room, she carefully checked the door before entering. It was important that His Majesty was not present before she set the meal down.

The room was empty, the silence almost oppressive. Elara moved quietly to the bedside table, placing the tray with the carefully prepared dishes beside it. She stepped back, making sure everything was in place before leaving the room. Her task was not yet complete. She had been instructed to wait until the king had eaten something from the meal. Even if it was just a small bite, she needed to make sure His Majesty had at least tasted the food.

Elara lingered in the hallway, her thoughts racing as she waited for the king to come. The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity. She didn't dare enter the room again until she was certain the king had finished his meal. The rules were clear: take the food back if it wasn't eaten, but only after His Majesty had had something from it, even if it was just a token piece.

She stood there, nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot, but she was determined not to make a mistake. She had already come this far, and there was no turning back now. The day had only just begun, and she could already feel the weight of her responsibility. But she was here for a reason, and she wouldn't let anything spoil her chance to prove herself in this new life.

Minutes passed like hours, the anticipation weighing heavily on Elara as she stood outside His Majesty's room. She had waited long enough, and the silence in the castle seemed to stretch on endlessly. She couldn't help but wonder if her efforts had been in vain. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she decided to knock on the door.

No response.

Her heart sank a little, but she reminded herself that the king might be somewhere else in the room, as she had learned earlier that he didn't always come to the door. There was another entrance to the room, a smaller door leading to a side chamber. She took a breath and gently pushed it open, her eyes scanning the room.

To her surprise, the food was still there, untouched, exactly as she had left it. Her stomach dropped, and she couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. She had expected something—anything—but the king hadn't touched a single dish. The plates remained as pristine as she had set them down. It wasn't the food, she realized; there had to be something else at play here.

Maybe it wasn't the food itself. Maybe there was something wrong with the way it had been prepared. Elara's mind raced with possibilities. What if it wasn't about the dish? What if the king was particular about the preparation itself? The thought struck her like a bolt of lightning. She couldn't simply rely on the cook anymore. This was her responsibility, and she would take it on fully.

Without wasting another second, she gathered up all the untouched dishes and returned them to the kitchen. The weight of the task settled upon her shoulders as she prepared to cook the meal herself. She would do this right, no matter what it took.

The kitchen staff stared at her in confusion, but she was determined. "I'll cook it myself," she announced firmly, her voice steady despite the chaos in her mind. The head cook, seeing Elara's resolve, stepped back and allowed her to take control. Elara didn't need much—she already knew the king's menu by heart. She would prepare the dish with precision, with care, and with a focus she had never known before. She checked every temperature, every ingredient, and every step of the cooking process. This had to be perfect, down to the smallest detail.

Hours passed as she carefully prepared each dish. Elara didn't rush. She wanted to ensure everything was done just right. She even made sure the presentation was flawless. This time, the plate wasn't just a plate—it was a work of art. The colors of the food were vibrant, arranged meticulously so that each element complimented the others. When she was finally finished, she looked at the dish with satisfaction. It was perfect.

She carefully placed the food on the tray, double-checking everything before heading toward the king's quarters once again. Her steps were slow, deliberate, as she navigated the halls. She had been so determined to get this right. As she walked, her mind kept going over the same thought: If only I can get him to eat a little bit more this time.

She finally arrived, but once again, the room was empty. There was no sign of His Majesty. Elara couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration, but she knew better than to let it show. She had done her part, and now she just had to wait.

Minutes passed, dragging on like the longest stretch of time she had ever known. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door to His Majesty's chambers creaked open. Elara waited with bated breath, hoping, praying that he would eat something.

To her surprise, when she entered the room and glanced at the plate, she saw something that made her heart soar: crumbs. There was no plate of untouched food anymore. Though the king hadn't finished everything, the plate was no longer full. There were crumbs—small signs that His Majesty had eaten.

Elara felt a rush of relief wash over her. It wasn't much, but it was enough. He had eaten something, she thought. That was all that mattered. A small victory in the vast and often overwhelming castle. She smiled to herself, the weight lifting from her shoulders, feeling lighter than she had in hours. It wasn't perfect, but it was progress. And that was enough.

As she stepped back from the room, Elara felt a sense of pride settle in her chest. She had done it. She had made a difference. For the first time since arriving at the castle, she felt as if she belonged. She had fulfilled her task, and that was just the beginning.