Chereads / Crucible Aeternum / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 - Valerian Emporium

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 - Valerian Emporium

The first few drops that landed on his suit felt like nectar quenching the thirst of an arid desert. The pitter patter of the drizzling rain was a soothing lullaby that pulled him to rest. But he was still crossing the last leg of the journey to the city.

Galeon's mind felt clear as though the rain was washing away everything that weighed down on him. He always did love the rain. The melancholy it brought was like a drug he could never grow tired of. He was addicted, but he would never want to be free of this addiction.

He was a contradictory person. He liked the bustle of the streets, but he also enjoyed being alone at home. He liked the freedom of driving in the wilds, but he also loved the comfort of his bed. He himself did not really understand why he was like this, but it his way of life.

He finally passed through the gates of the Free City of Therion as his short introspection came to an end. And just as one might expect of a city inhabited by wanderers, it was packed full. He had to slow down just to move on the streets as there were many other vehicles that moved to and fro.

He weaved through the traffic, occasionally driving on the pavement to get through the congested streets. He arrived during rush hour after all, so he could not really complain. Even if most people here were wanderers, the permanent residents of the city had jobs in the various establishments across the city. In some ways, Therion was not so different from the other corporate owned cities.

But that was mostly because of its reputation for being safe and secure. Therion has the lowest crime rates in all of Corrin after all. Anyone who is caught committing a crime will have to deal with the Guild, and the Contractors have no tolerance for criminals. Because of this, many business feel safe and assured that even with all kinds of people coming and going, they would be able to earn a lot with guaranteed safety in Therion's walls.

Finding a rather empty alley nearby, Galeon headed into it, shielding him from the gazes of passersby. The streets were too congested to drive through so he opted to walk. Once he was out of sight, he quickly hopped off his hoverbike which then melted into liquid crystal that surged back into him. It was honestly quite convenient that he was carrying his ride anywhere he went.

He walked back to the main street, strolling past the crowd of people going about their own businesses. He gazed ahead, taking in the unique atmosphere of Therion.

Although its population was definitely high, it did not quite look like other cities that were like veritable forests of towering skyscrapers and monotone office buildings. Therion had a wild and free atmosphere to it.

The buildings were spaced out with careful design and planning, making sure that even with the increasing number of them, the city did not look like a cramped suffocating mess. Vegetation was among the things that was most heavily affected by the advent of Prisma, and Therion has gone to great lengths to making sure that they survived and thrived within the city.

Wherever you went in Therion, you would find trees and brushes flourishing. There were gardens and small parks in different districts, all given the greatest care and attention. No one is even allowed to so much as smoke around the plants lest they get fined heavily by the city government, or worse, be punished by the Guild. And considering that all vehicles were running on Prismana rather than fuel, smoke has become something of a rarity now.

Galeon continued his walk toward Valerian Emporium, his pace not too hurried. He would have loved to bask in this energetic atmosphere of the city, strolling under the lights, but he had a job to complete.

And although he dreaded it, he knew that the moment he stepped foot inside the Valerian Emporium, his life would change. This single commission he had received was practically dictating the trajectory of his life now. He could already feel the hunting dogs coming.

Was he ready for them? Of course, he was.

Has he planned his next course of action? Hell no!

Everything was all too sudden. Without the Vernal Bloom, he was not anything special. He was just a Contractor who enjoyed his life alone in his house. He knew how to fight, but that was what it took to be a Contractor to begin with. He never loved fighting.

So yes, even if he was ready to face whatever was coming, he had no idea what to do next. Should he leave Therion behind and find a safer place? Where would he even go? Not to mention the distance, the terrain in between the cities were all danger zones. The wilds have become even more primal than before, returning the world to a seemingly more natural state.

Traversing through that alone required preparation, something that he might not even have time for. For all he knew, the hounds could already have sniffed his scent since before he even reached the outpost earlier. Many worries and anxieties filled Galeon's mind, but he pushed them all down as he finally stood in front of his destination.

Valerian Emporium

Its building seemed like a mix between a mansion and an outdoor market. Its walls looked pristine and effortlessly elegant with little to no decorations. The main attractions and the only decorations they really needed were the items displayed all around.

Galeon entered through the front door, a female staff welcoming him with beautiful smile. Before she could speak her usual spiel, however, Galeon produced a badge that belonged only to Contractors affiliated with the Guild. Seeing this, the staff immediately understood his purpose.

"I have been instructed to guide you to a private room, Mr. Contractor. Please follow me."

Galeon followed after the staff while silently looking around. The Valerian Emporium was known as one of the biggest auction houses in the world, but they not only dealt with precious treasures as they also sold other necessities. Their business was definitely only a level below those corporate giants like Navalli and Kalisto, but that was because Valerian did not have its own city. They were content with having branches spread out across the world.

Walking through the marbled halls, Galeon felt like he was finally understanding the depth of this establishment. He had never once visited Valerian Emporium mainly because he had no business here. The products they sold were too luxurious for his meagre needs. Even his former custom combat suit would likely not have been priced any higher than the ones on display here.

Indeed, this place was looking more and more like a museum to Galeon. But he knew that it was only because those items on display were among the least valued. Why else would they be out on display, waiting for any customer to check them out and buy them on a whim like a retail store?

If they were truly valuable and precious, they would be hidden away, stored behind the best locks and keys, waiting for the day that they are brought to the grand stage for an auction fitting their price.

The staff led him down several hallways that twisted and turned several times. It was like a maze that Galeon made sure to remember. In case he needed to escape from this place, he would at least have a mental map of the lay out of the building.

Before long, they arrived at an elegant yet cozy sitting room. Galeon sat down on one of the long couches as he waited for client to come. The staff served him a cup of tea, placing it on the table in front of him before leaving. Galeon did not even think of touching it for even a single second.

Who knew whether they had cameras hidden around the room? He would not risk his identity being exposed when the client could very well become the very enemy that hunted him down. He kept calm and composed under his helmet, his mind filled with simulations of possibilities that might play out.

The best outcome was definitely if the client did not push the issue. The object was gone and he had failed the commission, but in no fault of his own. If they did push the issue, however, then worst case was that he would get chased down by Valerian Emporium and possibly even the Guild. By then, he would no longer be a Contractor, and he would be forced to leave Therion.

There was really not much he could do now other than hope that the client was reasonable and that they do not suspect him of anything. He sat their patiently as a few minutes passed. And just when he thought they were doing some kind of intimidation tactic where they let him simmer with his thoughts and anxieties before interrogating him, he heard footsteps coming from outside the room.

The door to the sitting room opened and a woman entered. Galeon stared at her in a daze, seemingly lost in her presence. She was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.