Chereads / steps to nothing / Chapter 9 - Luka's pov.

Chapter 9 - Luka's pov.

I woke up feeling as if my head was being played like drums, in front of me was an out stretched hand that handed me a glass of water. My gaze landed on the sarcastic eyes of my savior, Myra. Her look was as if she was ready to call me stupid in a thousand different languages. "From hades to Satan himself, that's gonna change your status in the administrative industry for sure," she said as I took the glass of water from her hand. Not ready to argue, I rolled my eyes as I remembered the earlier events. Realizing I brought a god damn terrorists to the house I stood up just to regret eat. My muscles feel like they were been torn apart, from the smallest vein to the largest bone, it ached like hell. Myra covered her hand against her mouth preventing a laugh from exiting, my curiosity wondering as I looked at her attempting to approach her. I guess whatever I did was really funny to make her laugh so loud that she couldn't even breath. Finally controlling her self she called out to me but rather than my name she decided that old man Luka suited me better. Looking at myself I realized what she had been laughing at, my posture and movement were that of an eighty year old man struggling to walk after hours on a wheel chair. "Ha..ha, it's not that funny dummy," I said with no hesitation, as I dragged my damaged body to the unconscious terrorist, taking a chair I sat down in front of him," Pass the kit," I instructed Myra stretching my hand out. "I didn't know manners didn't exist in hell," she retaliated crossing her arm over her chest as if to tell me to use please. With a low tone I said please and with that the kit was in my hands. Her face had a look of victory as she approached me closer asking what I was doing. "Have you ever worked in the interrogation unit in the military?" I asked smughly as I opened the kit and took a surgical needle a a coupe other tools and laid them on the ground. "A bit, so is that your plan?" She asked as I waited for the poor guy to wake up. She clearly saw the smile I had as I held the needle. "It's better you leave, we wouldn't want a weakling stain the floor with vommit would we," I said as the man showed signs of waking up. Myra cockingly said, " Your the one that can't even move a muscle without wincing in pain, so I can handle some torture. To be honest I want to know the reason your called hades everywhere you go," with that I instantly told her to wear some gloves and open the guys mouth. "What!" She shouted as she stood there,"Oh, and pass the pocket knife on the table while you're at it," I responded not changing your mind. Her instant respond was, "Hell no, your are a detective not a surgeon, there is no way this guy will live if you do whatever you want with him and we both will be in huge trouble," she said holding the pocket knife in her hand about to throw it far. " Whose territory do you think your in, I don't work for the stupid government like you and a word of advice, quit you're job, I was never planning on letting him live," as I said that I saw the man twitch alerting me that his awake. I gritted my teeth knowing it's too late to asked for the knife, although in pain I opened hi mouth forcefully grasping his molar and attempting to pluck it out. The pain must have been intense forhim to bit e my hand during the process, well I didn't care as I continued not even removing the teeth from his mother just stuffing the in his right check as I proceeded planning to leave him without molars or pre molars. Finishing I removed my hand and tried to prevent the bleeding that came from the bite marks, with a smile I asked the man to spit out, with that many teeth covered in blood came out as he screamed that I was a mad man. Myra could not even look at them and immediately agreeing with the guy. Pissed I stepped in the tooth, a s a liquid appeared on the floor, although little it was enough to kill two grown man." Might be traditional style of assassin's who planned to kill themselves without a word but still very commendable, a painless death indeed," I said to the man whose name is Douglas from his bike by the way. Wrapping my arm in a compression bandage, I asked the man to speak everything he knows as I took the needle back to my hand.

"Look man I know nothing other than you were not supposed to be in that whole fiasco okay," he spoke calmly almost as if his mocking me. Taking his hand I shoved the needle in between his nails to the deep end of it's origin as he screamed in unimaginable pain, I did it severally till all his nails looked liked it was split by a saw.

"I don't need you to speak to get an answer, you can die a silent death if you want," I said forcing a smile to appear cruel. Realizing the situation is dire stress filled him and a hand he felt reached out to his neck slowing increasing it's hold and strength. "Decided?," I asked still awaiting for his answer as he struggled to breathe.

"It was an order, we are constru..ction workers that ..." He said as he took a breath as I finally released my hand. Although no one noticed I was the one scared of this situation glad he decided to speak as my hand still trembled slightly.

"Thank you. We were told that we need to install some bombs and afterwards flee the scene and for that we will be given half a million each," he ended rubbing his neck from the pain.

"Your leader?," I asked already having a speculation.

"Pardon?" He looked at me questioningly.

"Leader? Is he butcher," I asked waiting for a response. A nod was all I needed from him to condirm my suspicion. My gaze grew hazy and my head became dizzy as I slightly laughed my word cryptic as they came out, "I'll let you leave if you work for me," I said holding the knife as he began agreeing pleasing to help his family and agreeing to devote his life to me.

"What family, I thought they don't hire people that hire family?" I said looking back at him with worry eminent.

"They don't, but the chance for that amount of money was an opportunity to change our lives so most of us took it and hid our family status and how'd you know?" Douglas looked at me with grim expression as if he thought I was part of them. I ignored his look not even realizing how horrible the situation was as I stood up abruptly, looking for my phone and simultaneously releasing the knife I held as soon as I spotted it. My hand dialed a number as fist as I could as Myra approached with curiosity etched all over her face.

"Hello, sir is there an issue?" The man at the other line said as I sighed in relief saying that I required a team to CN tower immediately. That's when my gaze faded and all I heard was the man at the other line requesting for more information as Myra called out my name as she took the phone and Douglas is scared face as he shouted for the issue at hand.