We stayed up all night practicing how to fly. We didn't know what else to do. Walk into town when everyone but the drunks are asleep?
When the first sign of light showed in the sky we flew a bit more gracefully to the edge of town. Zara lost all her friends so she had no one to rely on. After talking with Zara we both decided to go to the only person I knew to trust. Mary.
This was a good option for many reasons, one of which being Mary lived at the very edge of town in an old cabin.
"I don't know if she is even awake..."
"Should we even knock?"
Both of us stared at the door worrying about what to do. Mary is an old lady and probably isn't awake too early... Despite agreeing on what to ask Mary I felt a great amount of anxiety thinking of what I should say. After all, we both have a pair of huge wings behind us.
After half an hour of indecisiveness, I gathered the courage to knock... Nothing... Again? Knock a bit louder...
After hearing nothing for a while I decided it would be better to just wait a while more not disturbing the nice lady's sleep. Yet, before I could tell Zara about my plan I heard a voice come from the side of the cabin.
"Hello? I thought I heard knocking?"
"Oh! Umm, yes! It is me, Ivan!"
"Oh Ivan! Have you thought about my offer?" As she spoke those words she came around the corner carrying a bucket of milk.
"Um, Well, I am not here for that right now."
"WHAT! You became a saint! I knew you were too nice to be true! Looks like my faith and actions allowed me to go to heaven with the Lord." Mary immediately kneeled spilling the bucket of milk everywhere as she got into a praying position.
'What am I supposed to do now!'
"Um... Mary, I am not an angel or saint... I am still that boy you met who is living in your house."
She looked up with confusion in her eyes for a moment before they lit up as she spoke with certainty, "Yes yes. Of course my lord. I will not tell a soul you have descended into the mortal world."
Helpless I thought that this might be good enough, "Um, Mary... I wanted to ask if you have noticed anything mystical yesterday, or today? Or can we use your computer or something to connect to the internet to look for it ourselves?"
"Our?" Mary spoke softly as she suddenly realized there was someone looking over my shoulder. "You got yourself a girlfriend? Wait you are a saint so maybe it is someone who is helping your saintly duties..."
"Please Mary, believe me when I say I am not a saint. She is someone who had something mystical happen to her also. So together we came here to use your internet if you would let us. You see both our phones have become damaged with water after a small incident yesterday." As I spoke about the incident Zara blushed and hid while shrinking as much as she could behind me.
Mary on the other hand didn't understand much, but still nodded and quickly walked to the door and invited us in. Holding the door as I came in and bumped my wings on the doorframe.
"Sorry, I am still not used to these things." With an embarrassed expression I explained, but Mary seemed to only smile wider as she quickly ushered me in.
Then... came Zara's turn to be ushered in...
"BLACK! A-A-A D-D-DEEEMMMOOONN!" Before I could explain Mary had already slammed the door on Zara's face with a loud thud.
Slightly stunned I quickly ran to open the door for Zara. Unfortunately, I didn't understand how strong I had truly become as ripped the door open I slammed it open on Mary making her hit the wall, Hard.
Suddenly I was in between two women sitting on the ground with expressions of pain. Not totally sure what to do I asked them both, "Are you alright?" Looking back and forth between each of them Mary was the first to stand up surprisingly despite her old age she stood up like it was nothing.
"No need to worry about me, Saint Ivan. God has blessed me with a strong body." Despite being surprised how easily she stood up after getting slammed by a door, I quickly turned my attention to Zara who looked in pain, but not physically.
Zara looked up at me with tears in her eyes as she softly mumbled, "It's fine..."
Kneeling down to be eye level with her, I spoke softly to her, "If you are angry at Mary you can just say so. Being called something you are not is annoying. Yet, being called something terrible that is not true is even worse.
We can leave right now..." I reached out my hand as I tried to comfort her, "All you have to do is say the word." I liked Mary, but to just say someone is a demon without understanding them is wrong. Sure she has black wings, but where in the bible does it say all angels have white wings?
Seeing Zara hesitating I was about to speak more before I was interrupted by Mary, "Look... I am sorry... Um, please don't go Saint. I am sure there is a reason you are by that suspicious looking woman."
Hearing her speak I turned to her and spoke with a dead smile and repeated the ideas of the bible I was forced to read, "Do not judge others and be kind to your neighbors. Forgive yourself and your enemies. Those are the ideas of the lord you were praising. Try following it."
After saying this I turned back to Zara completely ignoring Mary. After all, I knew she wasn't a bad person, probably just a bit misguided. "Do you want to leave?" I reiterated.