As the sun began to set, I made my way to the last agenda of the day, perhaps the most important: Mana-Enhanced Practical Weapons Training.
Ahead of me stood a massive, covered stadium. Its spherical structure towered above the surrounding buildings, boasting a size that could easily accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. The grandeur was almost intimidating.
Inside the facility, I found myself in a field of grass under a bright, clear sky—completely opposite to the dusky twilight outside. The dissonance was unsettling but awe-inspiring.
In the center of the field stood a group of trainees encircling a large, bald instructor who appeared advanced in age. His face was framed with dull grey hairs, lending an air of seniority and wisdom. He noticed me and gave a beckoning gesture with his right hand, his booming voice carrying across the field:
"Alright, looks like everyone's here. Let me start by saying it's good to see you all and well. You know what to do—grab a weapon from storage while I meet the new lad. You have a few minutes to stretch while I finish inducting him."
The trainees dispersed toward a storage area while the instructor marched toward me. I noticed some familiar faces among the group, their curious glances less blatant than earlier in the lecture theatre but still noticeable.
"Instructor Anolly. You may call me that," he greeted, his voice as commanding as his stature.
"Well met, Instructor Anolly. I am Rell Zorias. Looking forward to learning from you," I replied, extending my hand. Anticipating a firm, manly handshake to set the tone, I readied myself.
But to my surprise, he hesitated briefly before awkwardly taking my hand. His grip was far less assertive than I expected, and the exchange was clumsy enough to kill any momentum I had built.
"Well, let's just get started!" Instructor Anolly barked, clearly covering his own awkwardness with volume. "See that storage over there, trainee? Pick your size and grab the protective equipment. Lose the shoes—you can keep the socks if you want. The gear is yours to keep, and I expect you to wear it before coming here next time. Go quickly; do not keep us waiting."
"That's yes, instructor, not aye."
"Yes, instructor."
I jogged toward the storage area, grateful for the physical conditioning I had regained since leaving the hospital. Being fit again was a feeling I never thought I would experience, and it was one I planned to hold onto.
Reaching the storage area, I found an electronic dispenser. I input my size, retrieved the gear, and stripped down to my socks and underwear. The red, skintight bodysuit felt snug but comfortable, and the armored padding for my limbs and torso fit well enough. I placed my shoes and clothes together in one corner, assuming no one would bother them.
Returning to the field in a light jog, I joined the other trainees, who stood stiffly in formation. The instructor's gaze turned to me.
"Ahem… Mister Zorias. Actually, do you mind if I just call you Rell?"
"Of course, Instructor Anolly," I replied.
"Hmm. Did you not see the dressing room just ahead of the storage area?"
I followed his pointed finger to a doorway leading to what was clearly a locker room.
"Oh. My bad. Sorry, Instructor. It's a bad habit. I will be more mindful next time."
"A bad habit, eh? I wonder where you picked that up." He turned his attention to the trainees. "As for the rest of you shameless brats—next time this happens and I catch you gawking…" He paused, his sharp eyes singling out specific trainees.
"I'll make you wish you had not. Are we understood?"
Realizing that no apology of mine could salvage the situation, I chose to remain silent. While being seen in my underwear did not faze me, the faux pas I had committed left me thoroughly embarrassed.
Low-key, my ass, I thought bitterly. I can't even do one thing right.
The other trainees probably thought I was an idiot. I was mortified.
"Looks like today will be eventful in more ways than one," Instructor Anolly declared. "We've wasted enough time already. Let's begin."
He extended an empty hand toward a spear rack five meters away. One of the spears clattered before flying into his grip at an impressive speed. The casual nature of the act only made it more awe-inspiring.
"Last time we were here, we were still practicing weapon and mana integration," he continued as if nothing extraordinary had happened. "I remember a handful of you managing it back then. I wonder if that's all of you now."
He stomped the butt of his spear into the ground, creating a small breeze that propagated outward. A green glow enveloped the weapon.
"Who wants to go first this time?"
"Alright. Since no one wants to step forward, I will pick someone myself."
He embedded the spear into the ground, leaving it standing upright, and retrieved a tablet from the grass. After a quick swipe, he squinted toward the trainees.
"Arriana, you were one of the gawkers, little lady. Care to introduce yourself to Rell over there? Perhaps show off a little?"
Said the instructor, his face shifting to that of an old tease. His carefree demeanor now prompting the crowd to have a little laugh at her expense.
A person came out of the crowd. A woman with considerable height, huffing and puffing as she trudged ahead with a mace and shield in hand. Her short hair bobbing up and down, matching the rhythm of her exaggerated stomping.
"Ooh! Looks like the little lady is mad! Alright, let's see if the bark matches the bite."
There is certainly nothing little about this lady.
Arriana turned around and faced the crowd, her eyes focused ahead, appearing outraged by the instructor's taunting.
"Alright, the mace or the shield?" said the instructor with a smirk, goading the trainee on. The implication not lost on everyone.
A question that doused the lady's anger a little.
She looked down for a moment before sneakily peeking in my general direction to check for something. Our eyes locked for the briefest of moments.
"Don't bite off more than you can chew, little lady," Sir Anolly warned.
"Sigh, just the mace."
"Very good. Show us what you've got."
Arriana took a deep breath and got down to one knee. She placed the kite shield down from her left hand and held the mace before her with both hands, its bulbous head angling away from her chest. She closed her eyes, and everyone remained silent, nary a whisper was made.
Thirty seconds. That is how long it took before glimpses of earthen-like mana started making its presence known on the mace Arriana was holding. Beads of sweat pooled all over her forehead, which was now tightly scrunched up.
Another fifteen more seconds, and the mace found itself fully saturated by a brown hue. Its wielder now panting and out of breath, a wide smile painted her face despite the exhaustion she must be feeling as she stared at the weapon in glee.
Knowing the weight of her accomplishment, after going through a similar thing, I felt joyous seeing someone else overcome the same hurdle as I did. It is no ordinary feat what she had just done. Being a mana adapter does not mean one is entitled to being able to integrate mana into their weapon.
Thinking that there is only one response to such an occasion, I started clapping.
An action that took the attention of the entire room. But I am not one to shy away. I truly believe that this is something to celebrate, and no one would be telling me otherwise.
Perhaps the instructor also found reason with my actions, as he started to clap as well.
"Well done."
Seeing the instructor follow suit, everyone else did the same.
Surprised by what was happening, the lady stood up meekly, unsure of what to do next. The joy in her eyes, however, was evident. She bowed toward the instructor and to her audience before making her way back toward the other cadets. Whatever indignation she had before coming up to the stage, it was wiped away by the triumph she had just achieved.
On her way back, she looked at me and flashed a smile. An action to which I returned a nod, acknowledging her thanks as well as congratulating her for achieving, probably, one of the most important thresholds a knight needs to overcome.
"Now, is there anyone who wants to volunteer and go next?"
"Very good. I like the initiative! Let's keep this rolling!"
One by one, trainees went forward to attempt mana integration. A lot of people failed, but the few that succeeded earned the applause of the class, which further encouraged the other trainees to be braver and volunteer themselves.
In the end, each and every trainee, in a class of around thirty people, found their courage and attempted the trial. Then finally…
"Good. To those today that were finally able to integrate, well done. What you did today, however, is only the first step to becoming an official knight. I expect you all to keep working at stabilizing your techniques and efficiency.
As for the rest of you, there's still a lot of time left before the end of the year. However, I expect everyone to be able to integrate by the end of this month. Extra sessions are available every weekend as long as you schedule an appointment ahead of time. A senior trainee that's volunteered will be there to help you and give personal advice. I suggest you don't waste this opportunity. I expect to see names listed by the end of the week.
Now, with that out of the way.
Trainee Rell!"
"Yes, instructor."
"Why don't you show us what you can do?"
The instructor gestured at the assistant, bidding him to come. In his hands, a metallic case.
"Come get your weapon. Let's see if you can get the Dean in trouble."