Chapter 75 - Outpost

[You come across a few posts and wooden structures in the river, and you are happy, as you are sure that you have finally found Lang Town.]

Lem's simulated self quickly made the decision to leave the river and approach from the forest. If the guards could be trusted, then there was a chance he would be killed on the spot if he made his presence known to the town.

Lem agreed with the actions of his simulated self.

From everything that he understood, the riverway would be a popular entry point.

His simulated self intended to slowly approach until he found a different entrance where he could monitor the people who were going to and from Lang Town. As long as he was not noticed by the guards, he could likely find a martial school disciple before he was in any serious danger.

[You walk away from the river, not wanting to approach from a conspicuous direction…]

As he put the muddy riverbanks behind him, Lem felt like celebrating.

Now that he had found Lang Town, he no longer needed to search for it in future simulations.

The results of the current simulation were no longer as important. Even if he failed to trade for a cultivation technique, he could just keep trying over and over again until he succeeded.

Of course, he would be happiest if his simulated self could get his hands on a cultivation technique in this simulation, but it was no longer something he was desperate for.

Looking through the forest ahead, Lem's simulated self saw that the trees were thinned out.

He drew closer.

As he had suspected, it was a road. With the river as a reference, it was easy to tell which direction led to the town.

Lem's simulated self did not leave the forest. Instead, he began walking parallel to the road.

He was prepared to duck down and stop moving if he noticed any signs that there was someone passing by.

[You find a road, and begin to follow it towards the town.]

As his simulated self walked, Lem expected to hear the sounds of passersby at any moment.

The forest no longer seemed so empty now that he had found Lang Town.

The next hour passed in anticipation.

Every hundred meters or so, he came across a fork in the road, but it was easy to distinguish the main road from the offshoots.

The side roads were not maintained well, and had less wear.

Lem's simulated self continued walking towards the town.

It was silent. There were no babies crying, no squealing wheels of a handcart, no casual conversation picked up by the wind.

Even the air was still.

Lem's simulated self passed by another fork in the road, before he stopped.

Up ahead, he saw a stone structure that was in the rough shape of a hut, built by the side of the road.

There was an opening in the front, where a sentry armed with a spear was visible.

Lem's simulated self turned around, careful not to make any noise, as he began walking back.

The guard outpost indicated that he was close to the town.

Now, all he had to do was wait.