The imperial girl walked closer to us. Emerald looked silently at the girl standing before her. The tension is sharp between the three of us. Not knowing what to do, I attempted to ease the tension a bit.
Nervously, I raised my palms towards the two of them. "Hey hey, easy now. I'm sure we can-" and before I can say anything, Emerald sprang up and hugged the girl tightly.
The two embraced each other, with Emerald lifting the girl into the air.
"It's so good to see you, Dolly!" Said Emerald excitedly.
"Same here, Emmy", said the girl.
Looking at the two embracing and smiling, I almost couldn't recognize the girl. She who was so coldly stared at me in the forest is smiling and exchanging pleasantries with Emerald as if her gauntlet isn't smudge in blood.
"Gosh, when I got here and saw the knights, I was wondering if you would be here." Said emerald.
"Of course. I wouldn't want to pass up a chance to see my dear friend." The girl said while smiling.
Emerald put the girl down. Dolly stabbed her spear into the ground to free up her hands. Slowly, she unbuckled her gauntlets, placing them on the table. She then reached up and took off her helmet, releasing her red hair into the flowing wind. She then set the helmet on the table alongside her gloves. I could only sit there astonished at what I am looking at.
"This must be a friend of yours?" Asked Dolly while looking at me.
"Yes. His name is Sebas." Emerald then introduced us to each other. "Sebas, this is Elizabeth, and Elizabeth, this is Sebas."
She extended her hand towards me with a friendly smile on her face. I also reached out to shake her hand. "You can just call me Dolly to make it easier." She looked at me for a moment. "Good to formally meet you under calmer circumstances." She seems to remember the encounter in the forest.
"You two met each other already?" Asked Emerald.
The girl looked back at Emerald before speaking. "Yes. I was hunting when I ran into him accidently. Quite the coincidence that you two know each other actually."
"Sure hope you didn't scare him." Emerald added.
"I might have." The girl turned to me and bowed her head. "I do apologize if I caused you any distress or discomfort during our first meeting." She raised her head and looked directly into my eyes. "I like to maintain a professional feel when I am working."
"That's alright", I blurted out. "By all means, I was merely so impressed by your prowess I was speechless."
She chuckled a bit. "All in a day's work. Don't mention it."
"Why don't you have some stew with us as well? We have a spare seat." Emerald pointed to a chair beside her.
"Don't mind if I do." She sat down, maintaining her manners in the way she sits. "I quite missed the taste of Granny Topk's cooking."
"Aren't you going to order?" Emerald asked.
"I already have. I did so before leaving to hunt", said Dolly.
"So you two know each other?" I asked.
"Indeed we do." Said Dolly.
"Practically sisters if I do say so." Continued Emerald as she put her arms over Dolly's shoulder. "We used to get up to all sorts of mischief before this girl decided to go to the capital."
"Oh please, don't get me wrong. I miss you a lot Emmy." Dolly nudged Emmy with her head before speaking again. "I was just a bit busy at the academy and didn't have much time to visit town again."
"I don't suspect you came here just to visit me?" Said Emerald in a judgy tone.
Dolly laughed a bit. "Actually, it kind of was. I managed to overhear the captain say something about a mission at the Forge Village, and I just had to join in to get a chance to see you. Otherwise I would be elsewhere if it weren't for you."
"By captain you mean the man in black?" I asked.
She nodded her head. "Yes. His name is 'Mastrov', but he prefers to go by the nickname of 'Black'."
The sound of bowls and cutleries interrupted our conversation. Came along Granny Topk with the food.
"It's good to see the two of you back together after all these years." The lady smiled. "If you two need anything, don't be afraid to call over Granny, ok?"
"Thanks Granny!" The two said in unison.
"Let's eat before the food gets cold. Eat now, talk later", said Emerald.
The three of us dig in. The stew was a slow boiled broth with minced serpent meat. The taste was unique, unlike anything I ever ate, but in a good way. The meat was very chewy, but the texture was quite nice and soft. The broth was salty and sweet with a lot of aromatics from plenty of herbs. We all got the same food. I suppose they really are like sisters. After a bit, we finished eating.
"So, what were you planning to do now?" Asked Dolly.
"We were just planning to head back to Wolf Town", replied Emerald.
Dolly seemed a bit disappointed. "Oh? Why so urgent?"
"Sebas here got me an Alpha dragon core to play with, so I was planning to put it to good use."
"My my, an alpha dragon core." She looked over to me. Quite the hefty battle I'd say. Nonetheless, you did come out on top. That's what matters."
I chuckled. "Almost died in the process though." I added.
"Yeah. First time I fought one it was no laughing matter. Almost frozen alive. But anyways, those cores are something special. Most legendary weapons are crafted from them. I'm sure if anyone can make you a legendary weapon, it has got to be Emmy here."
Emerald laughed a bit out of embarrassment. "No need to compliment me. I already know I'm good at my job."
"Well, since this is such a rare chance, you wouldn't be opposed to me joining you, would you?"
"I don't have an issue at all. Sebas?"
"We could use the extra protection." I replied.
Emerald clapped her hands together. "Then it's settled. You're free to join us for as long as you would like."
We paid Granny Topk for the food. They talked a bit and said their goodbyes for now, before heading toward the entrance of the village. "Black" was there, sitting at a campfire. He looked up and see the three of us walking toward the exit of town.
"Hey Dolly, what are you up to now?" He asked.
"I would like to request to separate from the squad for a day or two, captain." Said Dolly.
He sighed before speaking again. "For what reason?"
"Just visiting a friend." She said nonchalantly.
He sighed yet again. "Can you catch up? We plan to head back to the capital tomorrow."
"That won't be an issue, Black."
"Very well. I expect to see you back at the capital within 3 days", black said as he went back to the campfire.
"See? He isn't that bad", said Dolly.
We then headed into the forest and headed west, back to the Wolf village. While on the way, Emerald also took some time to gather some of the local minerals for her crafting materials.
Dolly nudged Emerald before speaking. "So how's your father doing?"
"He's healthy as always." She sighed. "Somewhat ignorant of what I say, but healthy regardless.
"He's quite the man, huh?"
"Believe me, Em here is more of a father to him than he is to her." I said.
They both laughed. "Sebas, you should have seen what Em was like when she cried."
"Do tell" I egged her on.
"Don't you dare" threatened Emerald.
"She would throw a tantrum, and scream and cry and yell for a whole night. You had to give her what she wants or else no one and I mean NO ONE will get any sleep that night."
We laughed at Emerald's expense as we kept walking. After a while, I couldn't help but bring up my curiosity about her weapon.
"Hey Dolly, I'm curious about your weapon." I said.
"What about it?" Said Dolly.
I took a moment to think. "Your weapon can transformed right?"
"And when it does, there's the ticking noise."
"Mhm" she looked at me a tad bit confuse as to where I'm heading with the questions
I took a moment before speaking. "Does it ever make you tired when you transform it?"
She paused and thought for a moment. "No. Not that I recall. I mean, sure, I get tired, but usually it's just because it's a long fight."
"Can you transform it at will?" I asked.
She held out her spear and reversed grip it, pointing the tip at the ground. The *TICK TICK TICK* ticking noise started up, and the weapon quickly transformed into a three pronged spear.
"Woah!" Emerald looked intensely at the weapon, amazed by how easily and quickly the weapon transformed. "I know weapons can transform, but I have never seen it happen. This is the best day ever! Can I hold it?"
"Sure thing" said Dolly.
Emerald held out both her hands. Dolly gently laid the weapon on her palm as Emerald grip the weapon tightly.
"You can hold onto it until I have to leave if you want." Added Dolly.
"Really?! Thanks!" Emerald smiled and fawned over the weapon as we walked.
Taking a closer look at the weapon, some engravings caught my eye. "Prototype: Catastrophe". The engraving looked to be the same language as that on my blade.
"Hey Dolly, do you know what the engraving means?" I asked.
Dolly took a moment before answering. "In out language, it means "Model Catastrophe".
"Can you understand that language?" Emerald Asked.
"Not really", responded Dolly. "I'm not necessarily a scholar as you are well aware." She took a long pause. "I actually don't know if it actually means what is said. It's weird, but ever since I was 12, I have had these dreams."
She looked up for a moment. "Do you want to hear about it" she asked. "It might bore you."
"Go ahead. Your stories are always interesting." Emerald said.
I nodded my head, encouraging her to share.
She took a breath before telling her story. "The first dream I ever had, I was standing in this great field of flowers, spanning as far as the eye can see. The sky was completely white, not the usual blue. In the middle of the field was a beautiful white table, along with two chairs. I approached the table, and saw on it, a set of poetry for tea, along with food I have never seen before. Bread, layered on top of eachother with brown fillings between each. The top of it was well decorated, even having the word "welcome" written in it with a white substance. I dipped my finger into it and gave it a taste. It was sweet. Sweeter than any fruit I have ever tasted. Like sugar."
She paused for a moment trying to recall her dream. "Then, a little girl in a black and red gown approached me. She introduced herself to me as Titania. She was around my age, maybe a year older or two. And that was how I meet Titania. We would sometimes just talk, and sometimes we would play with things I have never seen before. She would transport me to places I have never seen, and tell me things that I don't quite understand. One of those things was when I was 16. I was picked to try my luck with the Spear of Dawn, a relic of the capital. The same one you are holding right now Emmy. When I grasped the weapon, I felt a warm sensation. Even though the handle is made from an iron of sorts, it felt as if I was holding the hand of a dear friend."
She looked down at her hand, closing them and opening them for a bit. "Even now, I notice my hand feels cold through my gauntlet when I am not holding it."
Emerald spoke out quickly. "Oh, you can have it back, you know."
Dolly chuckled a bit. "It's alright Emmy, it isn't like the weapon is going anywhere. I can take it back when I leave for the capital."
She looked up ahead once more. "But yeah, that day was when she told me the weapon and its name, translated into our language." Dolly concluded her story.
Emerald was first to break the silence afterward. "So do you think your dream means something?
Dolly thought about it for a bit. "It might. I know that dreams shouldn't usually be remembered this clearly, and I know dreams aren't meant to be so… consistent." She looked at her weapon. "I know the girl is real. Somehow. She grows old with me, and she knows about my life in ways that I don't even realize."
I remembered my dreams. Unfortunately, mine is not as bright and free spirited as Dolly's. Her dream does give me comfort in knowing someone also has abnormal dreams. Perhaps I can find some answers from her when she is in town.
We continued talking for a bit as we slowly arrived in town as the sun set past the horizon.
"I must head home to Lily before she gets too angry." I said.
"What about the Core?"
"You can work on it yourself. Don't worry about getting it to me tomorrow, I can rely on my weapon for now."
"Gotcha." Emerald turned to Dolly. "How about we head into town for a bit. I want to show you around."
Dolly nodded her head. "See you around Sebas!" She waved goodbye to me as we split ways. I walk toward the house, looking around town as I walk. People were putting away their goods and cleaning up their store. The sky really is beautiful with the sun setting over the horizon. I scratched my head, wondering what to do about the weapon and my dreams. If only I had everything figured out like Dolly. Maybe I can come talk more to her when I get the chance.
I opened the door to the house as I put down my weapon and hung my armor up.
"Lily, I'm home." I said, getting no response.
I headed into her room, seeing her sound asleep. I looked upon her adorable face as she slept. Her white hair spread out on her pillow. Dim sunlight passed through the window, showing everything in a warm golden glow.
I approached her and parted some of her hair from her face. Her long eyelashes, her Rosy cheek, her long white hair, her lips, they were all more prominent now with the dim lighting. I gently laid my hands on her cheek, caressing it. She closed her mouth and smiled a bit before snuggling into her blanket.
I give her a gentle kiss on her forehead before I head back to my room. I took off my shirt and took at my scars again. I placed my hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeat.
"Normal", I said to myself.
I sat on the bed and untied my boots. Sitting and thinking for a bit, I found myself wondering about what is going on with the situation in the Forge Village. Either way, my mission starts tomorrow. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes as I fell into a deep sleep as the sun starts setting.