The man's powers have gone, he was kicked away after the slash. The man is falling into despair a deep lake and it triggered his transformation. His mind was no longer in his hand and he has only one objective. Manifestation 100% (used by the man) the man kicked Zen and constantly punched him in the stomach when Zen observed his face has changed he manifested wings however he has only five minutes to live. He kicked Zen in the face and giving constant hits, he was receiving lethal blow breaking his ribs and bones in the arms and feet. Zen lost consciousness because of the blows . Five minutes finished and the man fell, Zen regained consciousness. The man with all he had came to stab Zen with a sword but Rutherford jumped in the front and took the blow. Zen , after seeing that many things were going inside him the feeling of being covered by Zael. That moment Rutherford came and hugged Zen, he said, "you are the last and the first ally I made, I am grateful to you". Rutherford started manifesting wings and his consciousness changed into another entity, he manifested the eyes of a devil. The devil said, " I am Xeros, a dominant devil of the paradise. Seems like you also have a dominant one and you are threat to our paradise, your whole clan is. I will have to finish you sooner or later, because I saw everything that glimpse was indeed very frightening". said, Xeros and he flew off. At the moment Zen held Xeros' wings and was standing in the air. Xeros said," human, you can't no longer fight because you are a human, Zen's consciousness faded off and he fell down. The devil flew. At the time somewhere at Euphoria a religious cult were having a sacrilegious session due to the awakening of their god, Xeros. Xeros is flying towards Euphoria with the wounded man. Zen woke up and he is now at the Cutthroat healing tent. There was someone sitting near to him and the man said that his name was John and he is the current East division captain. He also said that Zen is selected in the East Division and we are all like you, devil wielders. Come to East Division headquarters soon.