Chereads / The devil secret daughter / Chapter 14 - wedding day

Chapter 14 - wedding day

Today is the day I am to pick my husband for the rest of my life, I'm not ready for this I feel sick and my head hurts, what am I going to do, who do I choose?

I head down for breakfast and everyone seems so quiet this morning I guess everyone will be a little on edge today.

"Uncle' becca you have until noon to pick so I can make arrangements and prepare your wedding a month from now"

Till noon well that doesn't give me long its 10 now, ahh I'm going for a wall in the gardens to clear my head.

I walk around the garden and then sit for a while then walk some more and before I know it, time has come to make a decision I head to the study where uncle is waiting for me.

"Uncle' becca come in so have you made up your mind here are all my sons a waiting for your answer"

I will pick, I will pick , I can't decide Uncle it's so hard to choose I have hardly spent any time with them to really know.

"Uncle' this wedding must happen soon or a war will surely brake out the demon relm will not stand for a half breed to rule hell you must marry a full blood demon, well it's settled then you will marry carl! "

WHAT! no uncle please I will pick one please not carl . I can't marry him he is so rude and he don't care about me he just cares about been king. my eyes start to fill up and then suddenly out of the blue.

"Alex' becca don't marry carl will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

I am absolutely speechless, I was not expecting that at all. I speak up and accept Alex proposal yes I will accepted I will be happy to become your wife.

"Carl' no I forbid you two from marrying uncle said me first so that means where getting married!"

No Carl I will not marry you I don't like you and I have accepted Alex proposal.

"Carl' mark my words girl your making a big mistake!"

Yeah yeah get over it. Carl walks out of the room and the other brothers congratulate us and leave the room leaving only me and Alex and uncle there.

"Uncle' becca now you have accepted Alex I will prepare everything for the wedding and then there you will be announced to all of hell of your marriage and becoming qween of hell there is lots to prepare and lots for you to do first you and Alex may share 2 weeks together this will get you better acquainted then after that you will part ways and won't see each other till your wedding day is that understood?"

Yes uncle I think I got all that while scratching my head at least I will get to know Alex more better before the big day.

The following day has come and Alex is taking me on a romantic walk so we can get a little more acquainted, we talk about are likes and dislikes we talk about the things that makes us happy and we talk about hoping to see my mother and father and how proud the might be of us the day goes so fast it's already time for bed.

2 weeks go by in a flash and it's time to say goodbye till our wedding day.

"Alex' my dear becca I'm going to miss your sweet smile and your eyes that light up in the night sky we will be together again very soon and then I shall not leave your side."

Alex leans down and kisses my cheek while holding my hand he tightens his grip like he's never going to see me again.

Alex my love it's only been 2 weeks since I have really got to know you but already my heart is feeling torn by parting from you, just think tho Alex in 2 weeks I will be your wife and we can share our bed together. I giggle at that thought in my head.

"Alex' like wise my little demon."

He goes on his way glancing back at me. It's soon night fall and I am in bed thinking about my big day.

2 more weeks pass and it's time for the big day. I am so nervous but excited to see Alex, I hope he likes my dress , chloe is here helping me get ready along will some servants who are doing my hair and make up. I am almost ready and the castle is jam packed with guests. I start to get more nervous I don't know if I can do this in front of all those people, chloe what do I do? .

"Chloe' becca just take a deep breath ok, just look at Alex on your way down don't look at anyone else ok, you can do this your so brave I love you like you are my own sister."

Well technically chloe I am soon to be your sister, I'm so glad you are, we have been best friends for as long I can remember you have always been there for me and now on my big day let's do this.

We head down to the great hall, everyone is seated and waiting for my entrance, the music that sounds like someone has died, came on and then that's it here I go.

"Man' becca wait may I walk you down?"

I'm sorry but who are you? I can't just let some random stranger walk me down, I have never seen you before and I do not know of who you are so I am sorry to say but no thanks.

"Man' becca my dear do you think I would miss my own daughters wedding day I will give you away my sweet little girl oh how I have missed you so."

Wait Dad?