10:38PM ...
I found a vtuber who struggled to find any viewers, I was a youtuber myself for four whole years yet I am stuck with 669 subscribers.
That is what everyone else thinks I have, but I realty I have 669 million subscribers..
With the help of a special tool given from youtube to youtubers like us to hide our true subscribers.
And so I set on a mission to help her and her team grow. Well, actually she was a part of a singing team called the " nonothasis:one " and the group itself was quite unpopular as well.
That's why they streamed as an vtuber to increase reach, they do gameplays and karaokes as well !.
I stuck with them for about nine months, I gave them tips to grow I told them everything I knew about YouTubeing.
And for only one and only reason, to win the heart of that one member names idol-two, her real name ?
Well... I still don't know yet, but the way she talks and her kind yet dark humoured personality won my heart..
I had confessed to her once before as well, and have given hints countless times but it seems she naver took them seriously. I even put their channel on yt ADs for quite some time.
Although they did not gain any subscribers but they did get a bit more attention, and a lot from before if to compare.
But well, at last she is just a vtuber and she has all the rights to reject me.
Today is the last day I will be telling her how I feel about her, and if she doesn't reply or if she rejects me it'll be THE END and so I begane to plan for today.
Day fell night came and they begane to stream, but litile did I knew — today was their last ever stream. But there was nothing written on the title nor discription about it.
So I too did not know it, I went by my plan and confessed her one last time. But unlike any other time when she ignores it or just smiled at it...
This time she actually told me she'd give me the answer in a week ! Isn't that great ?
I thought so too, but they naver came back, that week naver came...
It seemed like the world has been frozen up and I am waiting for it to end until the ice breaks...
6 Long Years Later ———
So they now has more than 48 million subscribers huh ? Well, good for them I guess.
Hm what's this ? They have a concert this week?
' shyam muttered to himself before drifting off to sleep, but he made sure to book the ticket for the concert... 6 years ago after they left streaming, shyam would think about her all day and night. They gained a significant amount of subscribers over the years, not as much as him but still a lot.
And around two years ago they started doing concerts as well !....
And shyam went to almost every one of them, the chance to look at her crush who naver gave her an answer would always melt his heart...
No matter how much he would try, he could naver turn back from going to the concert. Especially if idol-two is there...
It was the day of the concert and the seats were full Everywhere were fans and lights. Everyone was excited including shyam.
The concert started and they started singing evrything went well and the concert ended in a flesh.. it was time for Q & A, nonothasis:one would hold a Q & A after every concert...'
' countless questions were asked, but there was this one question that spread a pin-drop silence in the entire hall. It was " idol-two, who do like !? " It was a question which everybody wanted to know the answer of. And, and shyam too...
He too wanted to know if there is anyone who she likes, without hesitation she said '
There was this one boy who started watching us from one and supported us so much that we are forever thankful to him. He is the reason why we are standing in a big stage as this today...
That boy liked me, but I naver gave him an answer, I was too shy and didn't had as much courage to tell him just how deeply I was in love with him.
And we even stopped talking to him we stopped replying to his comments, I made sure that he starts hating me...
I did not want him to be with someone as guilty as me, and he probably did give up after a while, he stopped commenting on our videos and nave came back to our channel...
But now, today if you are watching me shyam I want you to know I LOVE YOU . ' those words struck through shyam's chest like a arrow..
She loves him back? He could not think about that possibility. And even know he could not believe this was a reality. In the pin-drop silence he, although didn't want to but his mouth spoke on it's own '
I naver stopped commenting, it's just you guys got so popular my comments disappeared into the thousands.
' he said trying to hold back the tears but before he could speak anything the fans picked him up and brought him to the stage. They all shouted all at once '
" Confesses! " ' it was a embarrassing moment for both of them '
Yeah and I still remember it, it was fun though wasn't it ?
' a couple were sitting on a open balcony taking a sip of coffee under the rising sun, they seemed to enjoy they lives. And in THE END they both got together '