"Ok, that should do,"
Looking at the list I made I smiled. Folding the paper I put it in my pocket.
"Considering my talent would be evaluated in about a month, I might as well get the first part done,"
I had some money laying around and I had enough for some camping gear.
I'll explain the background of this world real quick. In the year 2012, the world changed. The event known as the "apocalypse" started, and portals started to appear in the sky all over the world causing national militaries to be deployed however, they would soon realize that it was useless.
After 9 days monsters started to pour out the gates. Guns, Misslesm Nukes nothing could hurt them. That was until seven heroes appeared and were able to kill the monsters. This was because they could use something called mana.
Many others started to obtain the ability to use mana but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Once the monsters were taken care of many people wanted to be rulers of the world.
Law and Order? There was no such thing.
But the seven heroes then created the "Player's Association". They were there to keep order and keep the piece. But despite that, it was impossible for them to keep the piece alone. Between the rogue players and portals, it was hard for them to keep up. Then guilds were created to help the Player's Association to keep order and piece. In this world, many clans were a part of the Player's Association. However, there are seven main clans: Byakko, Leo, Draco, Aries, Lupus, Sagittarius, and Ursa.
However, that didn't mean there weren't any criminal organizations that were disbanded. There were still a few that were hidden or were a waste for the Player's Association to destroy.
But then the other races came.
Pantheons, Vampires, Elves, Dwarves and the Beast Kin.
Each of their homes was destroyed by "The Abyss".
While it wasn't a race exactly it was a fallen reality that created a race called the "demons".
The other races were happy that they probably found a strong alley but alas they were proven wrong.
For the Pantheons, vampires and beast kin the humans were too weak. For them strength was everything and even their societies reflected that.
While for the elves the human's greedy nature and lack of care for nature was a huge turn-off for them. This was further driven home as the criminal organizations that were still around.
But the dwarves saw humans as nothing more than barely evolved monkeys. What turned them off even more was that they took their technology with pride even though it was nothing special.
This caused them to take some parts of the new terraformed earth for themselves leaving the rest for the humans. This somehow worked for them as the apocalypse had drained a lot of their resources.
But with the human's recent advancements in both technology and strength, the other races were somewhat impressed.
"Alright now let's break my talent cap,"
"Next Stop Elysian Peak,"
Hearing the crisp melodious female voice I got up from my extremely comfortable seat and stretched.
Exiting the train I looked at the giant mountain that was in front of me. Looking around I saw what I was looking for a big tree. This tree was different from others well because it was the only tree on top of the mountain.
While you may think that this is a tourist attraction point you'd be wrong. The forest is considered dangerous due to some monsters so not many people come here.
If they do it's either for training or hunting.
So what does this place hold which can help me?
Well, it had 2 things.
One is a unique ability while the other is a way for me to break my limit.
The sap of the World Tree.
The World Tree was a…well a tree however, Each branch held a different reality. It basically connects many realities, like a multiverse. That's what the Aybss were conquering, each reality was a stepping stone to the top of the world tree.
This also caused most of the other races to move to this reality in order to regain their strength.
But the world tree also had strange pools in every reality. These pools contained the world trees' sap which can break a person's talent cap or "pure the soul".
A "Talent Cap" is the amount of stars someone can have in their soul.
Every soul can contain a certain amount of "stars" or well you could also call them mana cores. It is also by luck, it doesn't matter if you are from a prestigious family your talent cap may be super low.
And honestly, I didn't want to die. Sure with the current population, a 6 star talent isn't bad. In fact it's pretty good. However, with future events I knew that I'd basically be dead and if I wanted to help the MC and his group I needed strength as my knowledge could only get me so far.
So all I need to do is bathe and absorb the sap. Looking at the mountain I gulped "Doesn't seem too bad,"
"Damn, it's so fucking high,"
While this body was leagues better than my previous one it still got tired while climbing. Also as I climbed I noticed that there were fewer and fewer trees.
Making it a certain point I started to drink water from my water bottle, "It should be close to here". Looking around I started to walk around the mountain until I found what I was looking for.
A Cave!
Getting out my flashlight I entered the cave. There weren't any animals here which wasn't a surprise as in the novel the main character had to heal his soul. So he seeks out the sap of the world tree.
Ok, I know what you're thinking "But doesn't he need to heal his soul? What happens if his soul is damaged?"
And don't worry I already have a plan for that.
As I kept walking I had finally made it to my destination. In front of me was a giant pool filled with a white liquid. The crystals on the cave walls were glowing and some flowers were sprouting.
Quickly I started to take off my clothes and backpack. Tossing them to the side and leaving myself in my underwear I slowly entered the pool of white liquid.
Relaxing I closed my eyes as I waited for the process to start. I didn't have to wait long though as a soothing feeling started to envelop me. But just as soon as it came it disappeared leaving only a searing pain all over my body. I gritted my teeth and waited for it to end.
When it did I opened my eyes and realised I was on dry ground. The once pool filled with liquid was gone leaving the ground which was strangely dry. After putting my clothes on I exited the cave.
There was one thing remaining I needed. Making my way behind the tree I pressed my hand on the tree. Pouring some mana into it the once-distorted runes lite up.
Stepping back I waited for the process to finish. Once the bright golden light faded it revealed a small circular object that was embedded in the tree. Pulling it out I put it in my pocket and started to make my way down again. Walking around the tree I found the branches that were in the shape of an outline of a portal.
Taking note of it I then kept walking and found what I was looking for. There were a few golden symbols imprinted on the tree. Bringing out the stone I pressed it on the runes and they started to glow.
This caused the tree to open up slightly revealing a grey metallic object with golden runes over it.
"Found it," I muttered
The Lost Eye of Wisdom And Knowledge.
This thing belonged to a god who gouged out his own eye for knowledge and wisdom. If it wasn't obvious this was based on the legend where Odin sacrificed his eye to drink from the waters of cosmic knowledge.
I used a lot of mythology and based some realms on them like the Olympian realm.
Now how do I use this?
Thankfully I didn't have to gouge out my eye. All I had to do was simply absorb the mana in the eye.
Closing my eyes I went through the memories and tried to see how to absorb mana. And after a few seconds, the ball in my hand turned to dust.