Chereads / Sent to betray my true love / Chapter 14 - A love story re written

Chapter 14 - A love story re written

His heart was pounding, his thoughts dragged away. Grey had already realized how loosing Carmen felt like and he didn't want it no more. Grey was drifting through the roads with the clouds getting darker and the rain commencing, he didn't want to stop until he found Carmen again.

Grey had been in love with Carmen for a short time by then but his bad tempered behavior had screwed everything up, Grey was afraid of losing her before he told her his real feelings. The fear pushed him go even faster.

Grey could see the tower from a shorter distance as he approached. He had to slow down for a while and park his car at a distance to make it easier for him to walk straight to the tower without being noticed by Carmen.

With a guilty and regretful heart Grey walked slowly to the tower, he stopped for a while as he glanced at Carmen from a distance, his heart beat grew even bigger as he ran out of words to say, bigger and bigger his guilt grew as he approached the tower.

She was standing beside Adrien, admiring the the tower, just as Grey had done earlier that day. She looked peaceful as Grey approached from behind her. He stood still as Adrien noticed him and remained silent, but Carmen was still engrossed in the view.

I'm here to apologize, Carmen," he said with a tender voice as Carmen turned to look at him. Adrien seemed to give them space as Grey drew closer.

"Thanks for the ice cream, Adrien," she said, picking up her jacket and preparing to leave.

"Carmen, please don't be like that. Just give me one last chance to explain myself," Grey pleaded.

"I've had enough of you. Why won't you leave me alone?" she replied, walking away.

Grey bear to simply stand there and watch her go, he began moving towards her. Grey kept on following her as she moved to the subway station without saying a word,

"Grey please don't come after me okay, I don't want to see you", Carmen said as she moved towards the boarding train

"Carmen just let me explain, I know I made a mistake, but please hear me out", he said defensively as he followed,

There's nothing to hear from you, Grey. Just stay away from me," Carmen said as she entered the subway train. Everyone around the station watched them as they argued.

"Please give me a chance to explain, Carmen. I didn't mean to upset you," he said as he followed her onto the train. All the passengers on the train remained silent as Grey spoke.

Carmen, I am truly sorry for everything that happened. I apologize for losing my temper on you and causing all that chaos," Grey said desperately as he approached Carmen.

She stopped walking and looked back at Grey. "Is that all you have to say, Grey? I've heard enough from you, and I guess it's not helping. Just leave me alone," Carmen replied, moving to the next car of the subway. Grey watched her go, feeling embarrassed in the crowd on the train, but all he cared about was Carmen.

Grey followed her to the next car. "Carmen, I regret losing you more than anything, and I promise I'll make it up to you," he said desperately.

"How?" she scoffed. "You've already lost my trust."

Grey's face turned gloomy as he lost hope. The entire crowd was also quiet, waiting for Grey to speak.

"Carmen," he said softly as she stopped moving and looked back at him. "In this time that we've been together, I've come to know what true happiness feels like, and it's all because of you," he said as Carmen closed her eyes.

"Grey, please stop," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Carmen, I can't. If I were okay, I wouldn't bother coming near you, but I'm not. Carmen, the first time I saw you, I saw a different kind of girl, unlike anyone else. You made it hard for me to concentrate whenever you were around me," Grey said, his voice filled with emotion. The entire crowd remained silent as he spoke.

"Carmen, I can't keep on fighting my heart. I know that all I want is for you to be by my side. All I want is your forgiveness, Carmen," he said.

"Will you stop bothering me if I say that I forgive you?" Carmen replied, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Carmen," Grey sighed. "It's more than just forgiving me. I was too shy to admit this, but for the first time in my life, I found a girl who made quite an impression on me. And I can't bear to be far from you, Carmen."

"what do you mean Grey? and…",

"I'm in love with you Carmen", Grey interrupted as everyone looked at Carmen, silence filled the whole chamber after Grey spoke

"I fell for you the exact moment I saw you, Carmen. I had sworn not to fall in love again, but you restored the loving heart within me. I can't bear to be far from you anymore, Carmen. Just forgive me, and we can set everything right," Grey said as the train pulled into the next station.

Tears were streaming down Carmen's eyes as everyone watched her, waiting for her to speak. Grey's expression revealed that he was waiting for the same response from Carmen.

"I think I'm not ready for any of this Grey, just let me be alone", she said as more tears streaming down her eyes, "I just feel like…", Carmen didn't finish speaking and went off the train leaving Grey in the middle of the crowd, everyone on the train felt pity for Grey as he gazed through the window watching Carmen as she walked away from the train.

"Don't worry, young man. The world is filled with many beautiful young women. I hope you'll find another one who appreciates you," an old man said, patting his back. Grey looked at him with a sad face.

"stop that nonsense Garry", the old man's wife said, "don't lose your hope in her son, the worst thing about women is their emotions, I believe that that young lady has some love for you if you've been with her for some time, but her emotions are making it hard for her to admit it, if you truly love her go after her", the old woman said as she touched Grey's cheek. 

Grey felt like his spirit was uplifted, "thanks a lot madam", he got off the train as it started moving. Grey looked for Carmen at the station but she was nowhere to be seen, he tried asking the people around the station but they were too busy to have seen her. The train had moved and cleared a way, Grey saw Carmen leaving the station and approached her without knowing.

Carmen started running faster as Grey approached, but she was unaware that Grey was following her. The raindrops grew heavier as she ran, and her grief intensified.

She continued to run faster and approached the roadside, where she paused for a moment and looked to one side of the road. She was about to cross the road, lost in thought, when she heard a loud honk from a loaded truck approaching her from the left. As she began to cross the road, she turned back, but the lights of the truck blocked her view, and she stood still as the truck approached.

Carmen heard the lorry's honk soften driving off as some one pulled her. She had closed her eyes and heard another voice, "I've got you", it said as the person held her tight

Carmen opened her eyes to see who it was, she recognized the familiar perfume scent and looked up to his face, it was Grey. 

She kept on crying as she lay on his broad chest as the rain fell on both of them.

"Why did you follow me? I told you to stay away," Carmen said, her sobs subsiding.

"I meant what I said, Carmen. I can't bear to be away from you anymore," Grey replied, pulling Carmen's head to his chest as she continued to cry.

"I'm sorry for being so stupid, Grey," she cried.

"It's okay, Carmen," Grey said gently, stroking her hair.

I apologize for being so difficult, Grey," she said, sniffing. "I didn't consider how much you cared for me due to my anger."

"Actually, Carmen, if anyone needs forgiveness, it would be me," Grey replied, releasing her and taking her hands. "It's entirely my fault that we're in this situation."

Grey gazed into Carmen's eyes as the rain fell, feeling a sense of relief at reconnecting with her. Carmen began to smile, their silence momentarily broken by her joyous laughter. As their eyes met and shared the moment silently.

Stop it, Grey," she said, her gaze dropping as she touched her hair. Grey looked at her, his expression questioning.

"I was curious as to why you kept laughing. What's so amusing?" he inquired, his voice laced with a hint of confusion.

"It's just funny," she said with a laugh, the rain falling on her face. "Everything is funny. The rain is falling, but we're still standing out here."

Grey followed suit, joining in their laughter. "Grey, can't you see we're getting all soaked up?" she asked with a smile.

Oh, about that. I got carried away again and almost forgot it's raining," he smiled back. "Let's find somewhere to talk while we wait for the rain to stop," Grey suggested, and they began walking towards a nearby restaurant.

Those around them were captivated by the scene that had just unfolded. It was like something out of a movie. They couldn't help but watch as Grey and Carmen walked hand-in-hand towards the restaurant, their smiles unwavering despite the rain.