Emily looks at the book flipping through the pages till she reaches the F-Rank dungeons. She finds one that's just outside Cobblemill town.
Emily races out out of the building over to the dungeon arriving in the early afternoon. A small fence surrounds the portal, she carefully enters finding herself in a dense dark forest.
Following a small path made of trodden plants and dense dirt Emily draws her dagger prepared for anything to come her way.
She stops after 10 minutes feeling like she is being watched. Swiftly after a few Flower gremlins appear with their large mouths and scary lumpy bodies Emily is startled.
Quickly getting her composure she charges at the Flower gremlins, driven to grow stronger. With ease she cuts them in half after dodging a few large vines.
"You have leveled up, vitality and stamina has fully recovered"
Emily picks up the two F-Rank flower gremlin monster cores, she then looks at her stats adding ten points to agility and ten points to strength.
Moving forward she remembers reading some books about plant type monsters like those she just beat, one book described how weak they are in F-Rank and E-Rank dungeons because they have no abilities they can use and most of their stats are in spirit. Another book she had read previously described that often E-Rank or higher plant type monsters rely on poison and other statuses to kill their foes.
Emily continues forward killing three more Flower gremlins before finding a large clearing, in the centre a large tree stands tall brimming with life, as it's purple and pink leaves shimmer in the light occasionally falling creating a mystical vibe. As Emily walks closer to the tree she feels a warmth fill her body.
Suddenly the warmth turns cold as ten flower gremlins climb out from the surrounding foliage, after the flower gremlins a giant undead ent filled behind shaking the ground.
Suddenly surrounded by monster Emily drips sweat as she grips her dagger tightly launching in to attack, swiftly taking down the flower gremlins one by one leaving the Ent for last.
"You have leveled up, vitality and stamina has been restored" sounds in her head as she slices through the tenth flower goblin.
All that's left is the undead ent, Emily tries to attack the ent only to be mocked back by its giant branches, it's slow speed but quick reflexes make it seem extrodinary while the creeking of its movements create an eerie background.
Emily gets up again as she sees her vitality stabilise around 90.
Using the time she has as the ent slowly moves towards her, she puts 10 points in agility and 10 points into stamina.
Using her advanced speed Emily quickly raced forward reaching the main body of the ent before it could react in time narrowly dodging a branch attack. Using her dagger she quickly stabs into the ent with great force.
With a few more quick and decisive blows the ent falls, quickly breaking down leaving behind an F-Rank Undead Ent monster core.
Emily picks up the ten flower gremlin monster cores.
Quickly the warmth of the giant magical tree fills the area and Emily's body as she marvels at its beauty.
Suddenly a voice sounds in her head "you have found an…