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My friend who graduated from college is my co-worker at the pizzeria

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My friend Layla came to my pizzeria job one day to make fun of me for dropping out of college, but soon after she came back because she couldn't find a job, now she works with me at the pizzeria. What will the future hold for this pair of young adults, will love happen?

Chapter 1 - William and Layla

El bullicio de la cafetería de la universidad era un ruido familiar para William, uno que siempre lo había relajado y al mismo tiempo lo había estresado. Las risas y la conversación se entrelazaron como melodías de fondo mientras se sentaba frente a Layla, que lo observaba con una mezcla de curiosidad y preocupación. Era un día nublado y el aire olía a café recién hecho y a libros de estudio.Layla, con su cabello rosado brillando a la luz, le preguntó con curiosidad.—¿Por qué estás tan pensativo, Will?Sus ojos eran una chispa que iluminaba el lugar, y su expresión le hacía sentir una extraña combinación de calma y angustia.—Es solo que...William respiró hondo, buscando las palabras.—No quiero seguir, la universidad no es para mí, quiero salir al mundo y hacer algo de verdad.-Pero... ¿Qué hay de tus sueños de ser diseñador gráfico? -respondió Layla, sorprendida. Eres el mejor de su clase. Antes te apasionaba, ¿recuerdas?—Sí, pero no es suficiente. No quiero pasar dos años más sentado en un salón de clases, escuchando a profesores que no saben de lo que están hablando", su mirada se desvió hacia la ventana, viendo las nubes acumularse en el cielo, "No puedo soportarlo más.Layla lo miró fijamente y, en ese instante, supo que estaba decepcionada.—Will, por favor, piensa en esto. La vida no se trata solo de trabajar. Se trata de aprender, crecer... Y las oportunidades que te brinda un título universitario son invaluables.—Lo sé —respondió en voz baja—, pero no es para mí, quiero hacer algo ahora.Layla se cruzó de brazos, frunciendo el ceño.— Si te vas, ¿qué vas a hacer, vas a estar repartiendo pizzas toda tu vida?Se miraron en silencio con el peso de la decisión aún en el aire, finalmente, William le dedicó una sonrisa irónica y respondió.—Tal vez me convierta en el mejor repartidor de pizzas que el mundo haya visto jamás.—Eso sería todo un logro —bromeó Layla, aunque había una sombra de preocupación en su voz—.Con una sonrisa, William se levantó de la mesa y le dijo resueltamente.—Necesito tiempo para pensar, gracias por escucharme, Layla.


Años más tarde, William volvió a estar frente a Layla, pero esta vez fue en el pequeño comedor de Tito's Pizza, ella había terminado su carrera y no pudo evitar mostrárselo.—¡Mira, Will! Yo soy un graduado, y tú... Bueno, sigues siendo un repartidor de pizzas jajaja -su voz era burlona, pero su sonrisa mostraba el cariño que sentía por él.—¡Oh, por favor, eso no es justo! ¡Te has graduado mientras yo he estado trabajando duro para asegurarme de que la pizzería tenga suficiente queso! -se burló William, levantando una ceja y fingiendo estar ofendido.—Me alegro de que estés contento con tu vida —respondió Layla en tono juguetón—. Pero no te preocupes, aún te dejaré comer mi pizza sobrante, esa es una ventaja de ser mi mejor amigo.—Todos lo sabemos —dijo sonriendo—.—¿Te imaginas si hubiera dejado la universidad y me hubiera quedado aquí? No, espera, te hubiera superado como repartidor de pizzas jajaja.William se echó a reír, sabiendo que había un trasfondo de verdad en su broma.—Ahora voy a salir y ser el mejor graduado de diseño gráfico del mundo.


—¿Recuerdas cuando saliste diciendo que ibas a ser el mejor graduado? Jajaja en realidad, tú eres el que se quedó en la pizzería, y yo soy el que tiene el brillante futuro de ser el mejor repartidor. ¿Cómo te sientes, soltero?Layla lo miró, su expresión de enojo ahora se convirtió en una sonrisa.—Keep teasing me, but I'm here because, you know, I didn't find a job after I graduated. Not everyone can be like you and get a dream job at the pizzeria.—So, can you say you're a pizza graduate? -William laughed, enjoying the joke.—Shut up! -Layla threw a piece of dough at William, who managed to dodge it with a smile.Tito's Pizza was a vibrant place, where the aroma of freshly baked dough and fresh tomato sauce permeated the air. The place was a bit large, with dark wooden tables and chairs holding satisfied customers. The walls were adorned with photographs of customers, captured moments of laughter and joy as if they were family.William, 180 cm, had a good build, but his face was that of a regular guy, Greek nose, dark eyes and thin mouth. His brown hair was a bit tousled, as if he had spent more time in the kitchen than looking in the mirror. She wore a navy blue uniform with the Tito Pizza logo on the chest, an outfit that seemed to match her laid-back attitude perfectly.Layla, on the other hand, was a charming sight. Standing 170 cm tall and with a body that looked sculpted, her pink hair, which was always well-groomed, was a reflection of her bright personality and pretty face. Her uniform consisted of a tight-fitting blue T-shirt and a black apron that accentuated her figure. William often found himself distracted watching her, not only because of her beauty, but because of her infectious energy.The place was always full of customers, but the ones who livened up the atmosphere the most were the employees. Sofia, a 19-year-old girl, was a whirlwind of energy and always ready to make a joke.—William! Have you noticed that you've lost the ability to be funny since you started working here? -she shouted as she served a pizza to a group of customers.—Lose the ability to be funny? Have you tried making jokes with pizza dough? It's an art you haven't mastered yet," William replied, laughing.And then there was Lucas the manager, a 23-year-old guy, who seemed to be the most disinterested, but always made sure everyone was at their best.—You know, Will? If you ever decide to stop delivering pizzas, you might be a good comedian, but you'd have to stop making fun of Layla," said Lucas, as he arranged a box of pizzas on the counter.—Why not? It's part of my charm," replied William, with a smile, "I really enjoy watching her blush.The dynamic between them was special. They teased each other constantly, but there was a spark in the air that suggested something deeper. The way Layla would smile at William as he spoke, or how she would laugh at his awkward jokes, was indicative of a connection that went beyond friendship.As William moved among the tables, serving customers and delivering pizzas, he couldn't help but steal glances at Layla, she moved gracefully, interacting with the customers, and every laugh she shared with them seemed to make William feel more attracted to her, it was a strange mix of admiration and desire.—William, stop flirting with the girls and go take that order! -Sofia shouted from the kitchen, provoking laughter among the employees.—Me? Never! -William replied with a smile, while Layla looked at him with her arms crossed.—Come on, Will, don't kid yourself, you're about to be pizza king, get to work! -Layla said sarcastically.—Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, cheese queen," he replied, as he moved toward the cash register.As the workday continued, Layla tossed him a small piece of pizza dough as a joke. William ducked with quick reflexes, laughing as he stood up.—That was no way to make friends, Layla," he said, smiling, "Careful, maybe I'll steal your bachelor's degree and become a graduate.—In your dreams Will, don't forget that, even though you didn't finish college, you have the talent to make pizza an art.That was the spark that ignited something in William. The laughter in his eyes, the way his lips curved as he spoke, everything seemed perfect. There was something deeper between them, a romantic potential they both seemed to ignore.As the afternoon turned into evening, the pizzeria filled with laughter and the sound of the oven running. William moved among the tables, serving pizzas and chatting with customers. At one point, while making sure everyone had what they needed, he noticed Layla chatting animatedly with a group of friends. Her laughter was infectious, and William felt a pang of admiration.As she spoke, her eyes sparkled with vibrant energy.—Do you have to do that? -asked Sofia, as she filled a tray with empanadas.—Do what? -William answered, grimacing.—Look at it as if it were a work of art. You're here to work, not to become a spectator," Sofia said with a smirk.William shrugged, unable to hide his smile.—It's hard not to, sometimes I feel like the pizzeria is just a backdrop for his performance.—You're a romantic, Will," Sofia laughed, "but maybe it's time you told her how you feel.William frowned, processing the suggestion. The idea of opening up and confessing his feelings to Layla seemed terrifying to him.—What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm just a friend to her?—What if it's something more? You only have one life, and you can't stay stuck in the friend zone forever. Life is too short," Sofia replied, gently pressing William.—Yes, maybe you're right. But... I don't know how to do it," he admitted, feeling his heart beating faster.Later, when the service quieted down and the pizzeria began to empty, William found a quiet moment. He approached Layla, who was organizing some pizza boxes.—So you're a graduate now? -said William, smiling as he approached- -You think you're better than me?—Just a little bit -Layla answered, with a playful tone- but not so much that I would stop working here, sometimes I think this is more fun than being in an office.William nodded, enjoying the familiarity of their interaction.—Don't forget that you owe me a free pizza for every time you remind me that I didn't finish college.Layla looked at him mischievously.—Maybe you should consider that I'm the only person here with a degree, and yet I'm here, maybe college isn't all it seems.—Maybe we should make a deal. I'll teach you how to make pizzas, and you give me a class on how to be a successful graduate," William suggested teasingly.—That sounds fair, but I don't think teaching is your thing," Layla laughed.