"Each week will be divided into three parts and each part will proceed simultaneously.
I will teach you a total of three topics each week, these topics may take one class or depending on the complexity or need, I will extend the class up to three classes for one topic.
That does not mean I will be taking three classes in succession, the class will be of the same duration however, I will be taking extra classes on the following days to finish the topic. It is up to you to attend it or not."
Those were basic things. There was a little more that they needed to understand so the headmaster looked around the class, at the back where Alexa was sitting, and in the middle section where Rain was.
Then the headmaster cleared his throat to continue on with the topic.
"However, since you all are in my class, you will inevitably have to finish the assignments that I give out each week. That will be the second part of your week."