Ugh!,I just wish if I just go on a damn good ass adventure.(This is Midas he is a 16 year old obsessed with religion just like his grandpa also named Midas anyways let's get back to his boring story) damn also wish if I was a angel just like my grandpa,WOW HE REALLY THINK HE CAN BE HIS GRANDPA. Who are you I am GM or call me Golden Mercury,wow what are you a angel!!!! Stop there your poking my wings oh thank you God for how lucky I am, Hold on now God would like you shouting his name in vain,of course I know that .But I have a question yes Mortal,can I become a angel UHHHHH!.Please Please, FINE! YOUr JUST LIKE YOUR STUBBORN GRANDPA,Wait you know my grandpa Yes he was a angel what do you think.Okay well can you train me fine human, Here our adventure begins!