Chereads / Oregairu shin, My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected shin / Chapter 2 - Prelude: And So, Hikigaya Komachi Said

Chapter 2 - Prelude: And So, Hikigaya Komachi Said

What is all of this about?

Even if you ask Komachi about that, Komachi wouldn't know … rather, Komachi would like to 

ask him by myself. 

Komachi wanted to ask Onii-chan about it, but every time I tried asking, I couldn't go any 

further, as I was too shy to continue …

No, it's not like that. It's not because "Onii-chan is going to be taken away from me, I'm going to

be so lonely, uwuwuu …" Ah, that scored a lot of Komachi points! No, for real, no!

I'm not lying to you! You're asking how honest I'm being? I'm being quite honest! To say the 

truth, it's probably best for Onii-chan to get married away quickly, that's what I had always 

thought. Yes, I really didn't lie to you. It's true! I'm not feeling lonely at all. So, what I'm saying 

is the truth, it can't be truer than that.

… I already said, it's true!

This person is so annoying, not giving up at all! How many times do you have to ask about the 

same thing! Are your parents parrots or something? Ah, so that's how it was, I understand now! 

If it's like this, then there's nothing I can do … to think that I would meet the alternate 

champion of the Birdman Competition here …

For real, I'm not feeling lonely or jealous or anything. It's not that I'm in denial.

It's just that I'm too shy to ask him about it …

It's like asking your parents how they started dating.

Hearing how your dad courted your mom, isn't that just awful to hear? If he was making an 

embarrassed face and speaking in a deeply emotional manner, that would make it even worse!

So, you would feel uneasy and naturally start playing with your fingers. That's right, you will 

make the face that Komachi is making now.

Listening to your brother talk about his love stories would be a similar scenario. Can you 

understand? Hey, can you understand?

I think that in daily life, I've always kept an appropriate distance from my brother, so even 

when I hear about topics related to relationships, I can stay calm. You're saying that's not the 

case, that we're very close? Really? Aren't all siblings like this? Well, actually I'm not too sure 


So, until today I had no problem hearing about things like this. I don't know whether it was that 

I couldn't understand in that moment or what, anyways it just didn't feel realistic.

… Ah, no no, it's not like I never imagined it, rather, it's just that I hadn't imagined enough. A

hazy scene of "I'm so blessed! So happy! Onee-chan!" that type of scene I have imagined. 

But in reality, it was not that simple …

What? Repeat what I said again? I'm so blessed, so happy, Onee-chan! You mean this? 

Another round? This isn't a sauna, why another round? But I'll say it again anyways. Komachi 

has a great spirit for service after all.

One, two, three, Onee-chan!

Whew …

What's up with this person … ah, let me have some tea first.

… Wheeew …

Ah, sorry, I'll continue. It doesn't feel like Komachi should be the one to apologize though … 

whatever, let's just put that matter aside.

I did hear Onii-chan try to bring it up once. He promised me he would tell me if anything was to 


But, being the person he is, even if I went to ask him, he would try hiding it and make excuses, 

so I thought I'd just take it slowly, he'd reveal it bit by bit anyways. That way, Komachi could

also accept reality bit by bit, that's what I thought …

But things were not what I had imagined …

No, at first I was just going with the flow, teasing him in an attempt to squeeze some 

information out of him, but when it came to the "So? Are you two actually dating?" part, the 

conversation suddenly became unbearable.

Because, it's that Onii-chan! My Onii-chan!

You know what happened? Onii-chan made a serious expression and cleared his throat, then in

a serious manner told me: "Komachi, actually I have something I want to tell you …"

I thought he was going to get into the topic, he was finally going to get into the topic!

So, Komachi sat straight immediately.

I waited ages for him to start talking, but he never did.

And in the end, all he could say sounded broken and small like a mosquito "Um, so like, I think, 

it went pretty well," his ears were red, he couldn't make eye contact, and he sighed, but still, he 

forced out a smile.

I didn't even know if I should have called him disgusting, cute, or pure, I didn't even know if he 

was happy or not, anyways, even I started to feel bashful …

And then, I couldn't help but say, "Oh, oh! So that's how it is! That's great! Then Komachi can 

rest easy," faking a calm expression and ending the conversation. Oh my, that really gave me a 

fright, I didn't even know that I had such talent in acting … if I don't keep myself in check, I 

could turn into an evil woman that toys with men's hearts!

Hmm? You're saying that we're similar in how we try to muddle past our problems? Nonono, 

there is no resemblance, not a bit. If you keep saying that I'll get angry!

Because, we're not the same at all! Onii-chan muddles past his problems by adding weird selfdeprecation, which makes it especially disgusting, but Komachi's technique has an indescribable 

cuteness to it, a flair of personality … what are you laughing at! Uh … no, like I said, we bear no 

resemblance …

You're saying that I'm trying to muddle past this? That, I admit.

We both have the same idea.

Yes, Komachi accidently muddled past the problem again …

Onii-chan is the same too, I think.

Like a thorn stuck in his heart, there are things he isn't prepared to let out, and therefore he 

can't say it out loud, which is why he didn't tell Komachi more about it.

But that's just my own selfish thoughts …

Ah, no, it's not like there's any real evidence. After all, Komachi wasn't even with him, didn't 

hear about it all, and still have a lot I don't understand.

However, during activity time in the club room, I can't help but have the thought that "Ah, Oniichan is daydreaming again."

Do you know? When Onii-chan is daydreaming, he's usually thinking about complicated things, 

and his face just becomes this jumbled mess. 

Yesss! Like the face you make when you eat sour candy!

Ah, so you already knew. You're smarter than you look.

Yeah, so like, it's ok if he makes a normal expression like frowning, but his entire face gives off a 

sour and off-putting vibe when he's daydreaming.

Things like this, if you hadn't been together for a long time, you wouldn't possibly know 

right …? That's what I thought. Oh really? There are people that know this other than Komachi? 

Oh, ok.

Well, since everyone knows already … looks like Komachi said something unnecessary.

… Ah!

Aaah, stop it, stop patting my head! It took me so much effort to tidy my hair … say, this person 

uses so much force when patting someone's head … ouch, take your hand off my head! Hmm, 

that wasn't really all that bad.

… Yes, you're right.

Indeed, even if Komachi does nothing, those other people would do something, I think.

Heh-heh, hearing you say that, I think I've cheered up a little.

Ah! Wait! I said stop patting my head! No! I'm not that down!

But the future really makes me feel uneasy, ah … what a troublesome future … thinking about 

what will happen from now on, Komachi gets really worried …

Yes, just as you thought.

This is probably going to go on for a while.

But I think things will slowly start to change.

No matter it being Komachi, or Onii-chan.

… Or for all of the members of the service club.

My new life? Yeah, it's going pretty well! I'm working hard, slowly but surely.

As for the club …? Things are considerably well … not good but not bad …

So, if you can look over him for a while longer, I will be very happy as a little sister. Ah! That 

scored pretty high on Komachi points!

Then if there's anything else, I'll let you know!

That's the gist of it—

I'll be in your care for a while longer!