The next day ,at sunrise ,xeno woke up feeling extremely tired ,he had lived his whole life in his mother's embrace living comfortably, eating without having to worry about when his next meal was gonna be or finding food,sleeping on s soft mattress .but now , he had to adapt to this new life of survival .
After gathering his things , and putting them into his heavy bag which he carried as training ,xeno walked and walked ,he walked for hours and hours until sunset .however ,at sunset,a change occurred . The clouds started gathering above him ,a mist started appearing around him, and he started feeling the ground shaking which seemed like an earthquake.
Xeno didint have a place to escape to from the storm, which meant he would have to pass through it ,hoping he was lucky enough not to die from it .
But just as he started despairing and thinking about what to do, he saw two gigantic red balls floating in the air.
'What is that ? Very weird'
But soon ,his question was answered.
Because after seeing the red balls ,what he saw was an enormous hand , and afterward, he saw another .
Although he couldn't see very well though the mist, he could see that the hands were white.
After a few seconds of the hands appearing ,what xeno saw left his mouth wide open from shock .
He saw a pair of legs!
It was a monster !
But not any monster ,a gigantic monster ,so big that his head couldn't be seen even when xeno raised his head to the sky, the monster's head was amongst the clouds.
His arms were so big that even multiple cities would be able to live above one of his arms .
His feet were so big that xeno wasn't even a quarter of his toenails's size.
Afterward,xenosaw the big red balls , which served as the monster's eyes ,move like they were looking at him menacingly.
'Crap,you're telling me that that earthquake was that monster's footsteps and that mist was his breathing ?!!, sigh … what did I do to be so unlucky'
The monster noticed xeno ,although the size difference between them was as big as the difference between the sky and ground , it seemed to have sharp and precise eyesight.
'The monster seems to have noticed me ,but it won't necessarily want to kill me, ill try getting as far away from it as possible, sigh … lets hope it doesnt see me as it's meal'
Xeno ran as fast as he could from the master while trying not to make a single sound.
But ,at this moment ,a laser started shooting out from the monster's eyes .
The immense laser was shooting toward xeno .
Was it by instinct or by luck , xeno suddenly threw himself to the right which made the laser miss him by a hair!
'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what …what happened to my armpit hurts ,it hurts'
Although the laser seemed to have missed xeno, just the hot energy around it had burnt xeno left arm ,which was closest to the laser.
The monster started moving its hands towards xeno,whowas laying down , as if wanting to grab and squeeze him to a pulp.
The hand started getting closer, and closer , and closer.
'Who would have thought that without getting stronger even a little bit , whiteout knowing the real name of the bastard who put me in this state and without killing him, I would die a miserable death here in this desert. But again I have never heard of this creature ,sigh …how can something like this exist ,it is just …just too big ..too powerful ,sigh…'
But the moment the arm was gonna touch the young boy ,xeno saw that same arm flying in the sky , high above the clouds , even above the sky.
'What happened ?!'
"Hahahah , you managed to put yourself in a dangerous situation ,haven't you , young boy"
Xeno heard the voice of a middle aged man talking , the next moment , he saw a tall man standing in front of him ,in his right hand was a scythe and in his left was a short scythe with no handle, it only had th blade and a little longer where he held it .
"Who a… are you?" Asked the poor boy.
"Me I am …"
As soon as he was about to answer, the monster screamed , a scream that shook heaven and earth, a scream that xeno felt could destroy the whole multiverse , if there was one of course.
And then, a second later, the monster shot lasers from its eyes once again, but the middle aged man didn't dodge ,neither did he run or do anything , he … just stood it his place.
"What are you DOING?, it's gonna kill you ,do you want to die??"
"Hahahahah , this weak toy laser cannot beat ME!"
as soon as the laser reached him, the middle aged man formed an X shape with both of his scythes and let the laser hit them.
For a few minutes after that the man and the laser kept fighting ,he would push back a little and it would push him back a little.
"Aura of death!"screamed the man.
As soon as he declared that, the scythe started releasing a weird energy, he left his right scythe to deal with the laser, while moving his left scythe to perform a slashing movement from up to down.
"What is he doing? he's too far to slash it'
But ,unexpectedly , a huge slash came out of the scythe ,the slash was dark purple in color, and was as big as the monster ,when xeno looked at it ,he felt like he would die at any moment just looking at it .
The slash reached the master and sliced a huge slice on his body, spanning from his right shoulder to his left leg .
'Whaaaaaaaa' xeno was lost for words.
"You asked for my name , right?, my name is veldor ! The dragon slasher!!"