Still lying down and as uncomfortable as my baby body allows me to be in this situation, I keep listening and observing as many details as I can with my underdeveloped senses.
In a matter of seconds, the creature that had been hovering above where I am stopped its movements and somehow paused in mid-air...
The only clue that this creature is still nearby is the sound of wings flapping. Enormous wings, I must say, and by the way it's staying in place up there, perhaps the creature is purposely looking for something.
But because of my baby body, I can't even move to try and find a better position to observe this creature. What comforts me, slightly, is that the trees are so tall and with such dense foliage that I wouldn't be able to see anything even if I were an adult.
How many meters tall does a tree need to be to block out the sun like this? Seriously, I've walked through dense forests, like the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and several boreal forests in Canada, but this forest might be even more eerie.
The urge to cry is strong, but the fear of being eaten alive is much greater.
Seriously, what kind of karma do I have to end up in such a situation?? Was I not kind to people? Did I do more bad things than I can remember? Or was my past life so repugnant that I deserve to suffer so much right after reincarnating?
Crack Crackle Boomm
Crap; I think my time has come... The creature seems to have found what it was looking for and started moving again. Unfortunately, it wasn't just the creature that moved; practically all the eerie trees around me also started to move.
As if they were being pushed by some invisible force, the trees began to lean and squeeze rudely against one another, just like several slices of bread being squashed...
I have no idea what's going on, but I'm sure I don't want to get caught in the middle of this phenomenon...
Soon, the sounds of trees breaking, twisting, and being crushed began to get louder, to the point where it hurt my ears. In addition, the ground started shaking, and the sun, which had been blocked by the trees, began to light up the entire scene around me.
What had once been shrouded in strange and sinister gloom was now so bright that I was forced to shut my eyes tightly.
But my agony was soon overshadowed by something even more urgent.
I felt everything around me tremble in a very peculiar way, as if something very large had just fallen very close to me.
I may not have the best vision because of my baby body, but fortunately, I can still feel the tremors of footsteps and the sound of wood breaking. Even so, my fear continues to overpower my rationality, and all I can think now is that I'm going to die...
If I could choose, I would prefer not to know what made such a noise. But I don't think I have a choice, as the creature responsible for all of this is walking in my direction...
Is this a good moment to start crying? Or would praying be better? Should I stay silent? IS IT GOING TO DEVOUR ME?
Footsteps Footsteps Footsteps Footsteps
The sound of the footsteps began to echo, as did the tremor they produced. Unfortunately, in my position, I could barely see what was approaching, and this only made me more apprehensive.
Soon, a huge shadow completely covered me and a large area around me. I tried to open my eyes to get a better look at what this creature was, but my eyes hadn't fully recovered yet, and I could barely make out the silhouette of the creature blocking the sun.
"Hello, little human, why are you in such a remote place?"
WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!!?????? This thing talks… Or is it just my imagination? But I'm sure I heard the deep, strong voice of a man. Could someone be accompanying this creature?
As my eyes began to adjust to the light, the creature started moving its head closer to me, stopping only when it was close enough for me to feel the heat emanating from its skin.
"Hmmm, I understand, so that's why you were abandoned…"
I have no idea who's speaking, but I began to feel some sort of strange sensation in my body as the voice spoke again. It was as if a soft cloth was being passed over my skin.
"Given your condition, you should have died some time ago... How have you survived until now, little human?" The voice, which had been neutral before, began to take on a more compassionate and gentle tone.
I have no idea what he's referring to, but I'm sure this creature may be my only chance of survival... I must seize this chance now and grab the opportunity with all the strength I can muster.
"Wwaa… arghh… ghhh… Buuuahhh" Unfortunately, despite desperately trying to ask for help, all that comes out of my mouth are grunts.
I don't know if it worked, but my eyes finally adjusted to the light, and I was finally able to see what was in front of me. And the first thing I saw was a gigantic reptilian eye staring directly at me.
As if that wasn't enough, I managed to get a good look at the creature responsible for all the destructive chaos around me. And the only thing that comes to mind is: how beautiful. I even stopped thinking for a moment, and my mind went blank.
IT'S A DRAGON... A large golden Western dragon. Even though the sun is reflecting off its scales and slightly burning my vision, I'm sure of it. It's a gigantic dragon with golden scales.
Aarrgghhh, it's frustrating not being able to move my head properly. I wish I could better observe this spectacle in front of me.
"Strange... You should be panicking and afraid after feeling my Aura, little human, but all your Aura shows is joy and a small amount of anxiety... Could your condition have affected the development of your brain?"
With every passing moment, everything becomes stranger and more confusing for me. This dragon is intelligent, very intelligent, and I suspect it also has some sort of magic related to the mind and body. It knows what I am and the condition of my body just by observing me.
Fortunately, it can't understand or read my thoughts, but I don't think it's speaking in English, and yet I can still understand what it's saying.
And as I think about all this, staring directly into the giant eye in front of me, the dragon also seems to be analyzing me with its gaze.
"Your innate curiosity is truly surprising, little human. You do not fear my Aura; on the contrary, you are curious to know what's happening, and you look at this Lord as if you were a moth being attracted and flying blindly toward a candle's flame."
Everything he says with his gentle voice sounds to me like some kind of scientist finding a very interesting object of study. As if it were a human looking at a puppy that attracted him with its cute and sweet behavior amidst the many animals in a pet shop.
To me, at this moment, he's weighing in his mind the benefits and drawbacks of lifting me out of my misery, what advantages I can offer, and whether it's worth the trouble to help me...
"Your anxiety is starting to rise, little human. Is the tension building because of the size difference? Let's try to fix that…"
As soon as he said that, a glow began to emanate from the dragon's body, which completely blinded me again, and I was forced to close my eyes.
Fortunately, everything happened quickly, and soon the glow disappeared. But while it was simple, what happened was truly surprising.
After all, the gigantic dragon that had been so close to me disappeared, and in its place appeared a tall, muscular man with blond hair and golden eyes. I didn't even know that kind of eye color was possible.
"Very well, little human, I think it will be less uncomfortable for you to interact with this Lord in this form."
Right in front of the tree stump where I was placed, the man stood, with an impeccable and imposing posture, like some high-ranking aristocrat, barely lowering his head to look in my direction.
"What should I do with you? The idea of helping you now is not appealing, but I believe Dory would not approve of this Lord's attitude… Should I just leave you somewhere near a city? Or is it possible that the Aura has united us for some purpose?"