Chereads / 72HOURS OF CASTLE (2) / Chapter 11 - A surprise attempt

Chapter 11 - A surprise attempt

In the evening , Prince Ace was in his chamber working on the multiple document of the kingdom. As the future king and in the absence of his father , it was his role to manage the kingdom affairs.

He felt sleepy at a moment and fall into the hands of morphea.

After some minutes he woke up and directed himself on his bed. He felt as if someone was observing, he was feeling a presence inside his chamber, when suddenly he heard a sound in his chamber.

"Who's that?" He asked looking around but no replied

He sat on the bed knowing well that there's someone in his room. He felt laziness to search for the person.

'If the person is here for me then he will come and kill me when I will be sleeping and I will catch him' he thought

He set his body on the bed and close his eyes. After some minutes , Ace felt a cold sharp object on his neck.

'I was sure'

He opened his eyes gently. The object on his neck was a dagger and they have the reputation of been very sharp so any abrupt movement of him or that person may be fatal him.

The person had a mask on the face, so the person's face couldn't be seen.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked calmly.

When he uttered those words, the person was pressing the dagger even much on his neck. He could feel the animosity coming from the person.

"It's Sir Garyl that send you? My uncle" Ace said

When hearing the name of Garyl , the person has released the pressure applied on the dagger, as if the person was surprised. But it was just for few seconds because the pressure on the dagger became even more stronger.

The person had huge black rain hood that didn't favored the shape and the mask that didn't allow any trace to identify if the person was a man or a woman.

The person hold the mask with the other hand and finally remove the mask on the face.

Ace eye widened at the discovery of the person that wanted to kill him.

"Amber-ruby!" He called her name been surprise.

Ace could easily take the dagger off the hand of the unknown person or he could even called the guards that are outside if he didn't want to stress himself but he wanted to know first the appearance of the person.

"Do you know that the guards are outside?" He said still with a calm voice

Amber-ruby smirked "Don't worry about them, they are peaceful sleeping" she said "I will have time to kill you personally and gently" she added her smirked disappearing leaving stern expression.

"Kill me?" He asked

"My dear prince" she said sarcastically and continued " So, it was your plan. You were aware that your sister Logane was going to be killed and you used me as your scapegoat"

"Oh! How stupid I was thinking that after those 72Hours, my life will change with everything that you had promised me. Your are a the worse traitor I have ever seen" She added

Ace was still wondering that Amber-ruby was alive. He knew the cruelty of the person that commended her dead, he will never allow his prey to run from him or maybe they had an agreement? That's what was going on Ace's mind.

"How come your are still alive?" He finally asked what was on his mind

Amber-ruby smirked "Oh! You're wondering , aren't you? Let me answer to your question"

FLASHBACK 8months before

I saw the bullet coming to my direction, I pressed my legs on the floor, pushing the chair to fall through the window. Fortunately, the bullet touched me on the chest not on my heart and they was having a bunch of hay .

The chair broke as I felt through the window, I took my last force to stand and started walking with difficulties.

"She's still alive!" They wondered.

"She's escaping! Let us go and catch her if not the boss is going to kill us"

The time that they reach down I was already inside a dark forest .

I was dizzy, my vision was blurred, I had lost too much blood , I wasn't feeling my legs again and I felt on the grasses.

"She will not go very far with these wounds and when she would die we will go and take her body" said one of them




Amber-ruby opened her eyes gently. She saw the roof a house that she didn't recognize and she stood up suddenly.

"Where am I?" She asked

"Don't be rough . You will open the wound" A masculine voice said

She looked at where the bullet was located and saw a bandage . The bullet wasn't on her chest anymore.

"Who are you?" Asked amber-ruby

"It's your way of thanking me?" He said

"Oh! It's true, Thank you. You're in the dark I can't see your face" she said

The man was in the corner cleaning something and stopped . Turned to amber-ruby for her to see him perfectly.

It was a man in his 50s, tall and still in a good state with a very masculine voice. He was a paysan.

"I'm Laurent Jackson. A farmer" he presented himself

"I found you in a bad state, almost between life and dead. What happened to you?" He asked

With a displeased and angry expression on her face, she relate the story to the man.

Amber-ruby did 6months recovering from her wounds, fractures and her mental state because she had nightmares every nights. She was also planning her revenge from the traitor that put her in this situation.

Everyday she went to the castle observing Ace and his action without anyone noticing her.

When the perfect time arrived, she gave drinks to guards having soporifics inside. She entered by the window of Ace's chamber when he was taking his bath and now here they are.


"Now be ready to be killed PRINCE ACE RAYS" she said furiously

"Before you kill me, can I explain myself?" He calmly said

"What can you explain? You are a big liar and manipulator" she replied

"If my explanations doesn't convince you then I will allow you to kill me without any resistance from my own" he said

Amber-ruby didn't want to hear anything from this prince. For her, Ace was a manipulator using people for his own benefits. But something was intriguing her, when she placed the dagger on Ace's neck, he asked if it was his uncle, Sir Garyl that send her.