Arielle went home feeling on top of the world,she could still feel his skin on hers. 

Her body shook as he hugged her ,she could feel his broad chest on her fullness.

As he spoke softly into her ear when he hugged her she felt surreal,his voice was so soft, she felt something dripping in her pants.

Now there was a problem, how is she to meet Dave without her mom's knowledge and where would they meet without the knowledge of other neighbors. Westland was not all that big . 

Coincidentally someone who knows either her parents or her brothers might see her and she couldn't take that risk.

Arielle was baffled by the thought. She decided to ask Brenda who seemed like she had the answers to all her questions concerning her feelings and emotions.

Grrrr her phone rang, Brenda was calling.

She picked up immediately how did it go babe she asked. It went even better than I expected. Arielle chipped in excitedly.

He feels the same way Brenda. I was so happy when he said that. He also hugged me , Arielle rambled on happily , Brenda was surprised at this new Arielle ,The previous Arielle would not talk like this, never has she heard Arielle speak so excitedly.

Are you there Arielle asked Brenda yes I am. What do you think Brenda, well he feels the same for you .

There's a problem. He asked us to meet during the weekend but you know how West land is. How am I supposed to meet him without anyone familiar with my parents or brothers seeing us?

That's a tough one there. Brenda said. 

I have a suggestion, shoot Arielle said to her. You guys can go downtown to "Junks n More"

Most of your parents' friends would not go there ,they are elderly and wouldn't want to eat junk food. Also you would wear sunglasses and a baseball cap so Jamie's friends won't see you.

I think there's a private room there. You can decide to reserve one to make it safer.

Oh my goodness how are you so good at coming up with ideas Brenda. I didn't even think of this . Thank a lot honey I owe you one. We would meet on Saturday. I would tell my mom I am going to the library to read.

She called Dave after ending the call with Brenda he picked up at the first ring.

Hi Dave hello Arielle he said Arielle felt heat rush up her neck and face, She cleared her throat We are going to meet at "Junks n more" on Saturday by 12pm.

Okay let me check for the address on my Map, you know I am new here. Ohh that's true Arielle said ,it's a popular place you should order a ride to make it more easier.

I am going to book a reservation for us and would send you the details after .

Why would you want to reserve a room Dave asked for he feared that he might not be able to keep his cool if they are together in a confined space.

Well my parents are quite popular in town and I wouldn't want to risk being seen by anyone either them or anyone who knows them. Okay Dave answered. Bye Arielle said, Bye Dave answered. After saying Goodbye they were still reluctant to end the call. 

Arielle Her mother screamed, she ended the call and ran out to meet her mom.

What were you doing up there Mrs Jones asked your brothers would be returning back to college, won't you sed them off and say your goodbyes.

Of course I would mom I was just arranging my room when you called.

Hey baby girl Jamie said and lifted her up . She screamed in excitement,I will miss you. Make sure you call me on Skype often and telle if any boy is disturbing you. 

She rolled her eyes in her thoughts of course I would Jamie she said smiling.

He dropped her off. Hey Jake she said. Bye I would miss you, same here too he said and hugged her. 

Arielle loved Jake as well as she loved James but they don't bond well maybe because he's often quiet unlike James who was more free with her 

She decided not to tell him about her feelings until she has figured it out herself.

Mom, I would be going to the library on Saturday by 12pm. Okay dear do you need to drive you no worries mom I would cycle myself there. Alright dear her mom said. Her dad would be going out of town so she need not inform him as her mom would.

The awaited Saturday came for Arielle, she was the only one at home her mom had left for work and her dad was out of town.

Arielle woke up prepared,she applied a light make up to her face. She was lucky to be able to reserve a private room the day before. She already sent Dave the itinerary.

Arielle decided to wear sunglasses and a baseball cap as advised by Brenda. I would remove it when i get inside , moreover it's a private room no one would see me .

Dave got to the place 10 minutes earlier than the agreed time, he needed some time to cool off.

Arielle came in at exactly 12, she was surprised to see Dave sitted . Hi , Good afternoon He said . Hello Arielle said as she removed her face cap and sunglasses.

Dave was surprised at her look ,yes she was beautiful but she seemed to be able to pull off a different style every time he saw her. You look beautiful today, he said. I know she responded with sarcasm . He liked her boldness .

They ordered pizza and smoothies. As they ate they began to talk.

Dave introduced himself to her . 

My name is Dave McLean. He said I am 24 years old and a fresh college graduate. I love in New Orleans and came to West land to work and save up for my master's 

degree program.

He kept the most important reason why he came to West Land a secret. He came to look for his father after discovering that his father and mother met and dated in Westland, he also got to know that he was born here.

I will tell some other time he thought to himself.

That's nice Arielle said. Well my name is Arielle Jones and I am 18- years old so you are just 6 years older than me ,not bad 

My parents are quite popular here in Westland. I have twin elder brothers who are away for college. I have two best friends Brenda and Collin whom you have met.

That's nice Dave said . What are we to do about our feelings Arielle asked hitting the nail on the head.

Dave breathed in and out ,he was trying so hard not to kiss her until she was breathless . Well concerning that we have to go slow in order not to be caught. Since your parents are quite popular here we have to keep meeting in secret.

We can always meet in my office or the library within school.

So are we in a relationship Arielle asked

Let's just get to know each other ,I would like to ask you out properly. Dave said.

They spoke about several things like their favorite food, movies and friends.

Three hours went by it was time for Arielle to leave she pecked Dave on his cheek ,bade him farewell and left after wearing the sunglasses and baseball cap.