kunll has Immense Strength,Immense Durability: ,Immense Stamina,Immense Speed,Masterd Tactician,Stealth,Mster Swordsman,Dark Energy Manipulation: Knull was capable of conjuring fiery purple energy; wreathing himself and All-Black in an aura of it, firing it from his hands in a beam.Nigh-Immortality,Self-Sustenance: Knull is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided, and does not appear to need food, water, or sleep to survive.Immense Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his immense durability, Knull is capable of being injured to the point of incapacitation.However, he is able to not only survive injuries that would kill other gods but eventually recover from them.Flight: Knull can manifest a pair of large dragon wings that allow him to fly.Temporal Manipulation: Knull is able to reach backwards through the timestream Master Combatant: Knull Despite not possessing any formal training, Knull is a vicious warrior with billions of years' worth of combat experience, capable of slaughtering entire armies of gods augmented by the Uni-Power singlehandedly. Death Manipulation: knull can give death to any thing he wants,life force Manipulation: knull can take life and heal them,Space Manipulation: knull can control space like lock it and teleport, Dragons aura: knull can give a seans of death and dread giving fear to those who feels the aura Dragon transformation: can turn into a dragon Ever Adapting body: knull can heal and never be hurt by what hurt him,All Resistance