The streets of Lagos offered little in the way of excitement. Harry sat in the back seat of the battered Toyota Camry, his arms crossed as he stared out at the drab and cluttered buildings lining the roadside. Their unimpressive facades blurred into the scenery as if the city itself lacked the energy to present anything worthwhile. Maybe it was the years he'd spent overseas, surrounded by luxury and pristine environments, or maybe he'd simply grown cynical. Whatever the case, the lifeless streets seemed to mirror his discontent.
A chilly breeze blew in from the east, carrying with it the pungent stench of rotting fish. The air mixed with the claustrophobic sight of dirt and debris scattered across the sidewalks and streets, painting a grim tapestry of neglect. Pedestrians shuffled past, their faces slack with frustration, the weight of poverty stripping them of any visible hope.
Suddenly, the car lurched violently. Harry was thrown forward, his forehead colliding with the edge of the front seat. Pain shot through his skull as he winced and rubbed the throbbing spot.
"Bloody hell," he muttered, his voice laced with irritation.
Outside the window, the cause of the commotion sprawled on the ground—a man twisted awkwardly beside the mangled remains of a cart.
"Fucking idiot, watch where you're going next time!" Joseph barked from the driver's seat, his chubby face contorted in a scowl as he leaned out of the car window.
The man on the ground groaned, trying feebly to gather his spilled belongings. Harry observed the scene, lips twitching into a faint chuckle. Joseph's indignation, as misplaced as it was, never failed to amuse him. Without so much as an apology, the car swerved around the man, leaving him to deal with the mess alone.
Harry settled back in his seat, his head tilting against the window. It's going to be a long, annoying day, he thought grimly. He let his eyes drift shut, hoping to salvage some rest before the day's troubles fully unfolded.
Night had long since fallen by the time they reached the outskirts of the city. The paved roads gave way to dirt paths, and the urban sprawl dissolved into a wilderness of towering trees and dense overgrowth. In the midst of it all stood a solitary building, its structure teetering on the edge of collapse. The tattered roof and warped columns looked as though a single gust of wind might send them crashing to the ground.
Joseph brought the car to an abrupt stop, exhaling smoke from his cigarette as he glared at the ominous building. "This is it, pal. I'm not going another step forward. I know the kind of shit you're mixed up in, and I'm not about to get involved."
He threw the cigarette to the ground and crushed it beneath his heel before heading back to the car.
"For a man your size, you'd think your balls would match," Harry said, a lazy smirk tugging at his lips. He always enjoyed poking at Joseph's insecurities.
Joseph shot him a withering glance but didn't take the bait. "Five hours," he said flatly, sliding into the driver's seat. "If you're not done by then, you're on your own. Hell, I might forget to come back if you keep running your mouth."
The car roared to life and disappeared down the road, leaving Harry standing alone in the dark. He frowned, realizing Joseph had won this round of banter.
"Bloody drunkard," he muttered under his breath.
He turned his gaze to the decrepit building, its shadow stretching unnaturally in the moonlight. 'Creepy as always' he thought, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
The lawn stairs creaked under his weight as he climbed them. With a deep breath, he reached for the handle and pushed open the door. The hinges groaned in protest as the door swung inward, revealing a scene of chaos.
The interior was worse than the exterior. Furniture lay overturned, a bookshelf hung upside down, and the walls were scorched with streaks of blood. The stairs leading to the second floor appeared ready to collapse at any moment. Harry stepped inside, his boots crunching against debris on the floor.
He glanced briefly out the window, where the trees swayed gently in the breeze, their silhouettes against the dim horizon. "I guess I'm in the right place," he muttered.
As the night deepened, the atmosphere shifted. The serene view outside darkened until it became an abyss. The trees vanished into the void, and the window reflected nothing but an all-consuming blackness.
Harry didn't flinch. He knelt on the cold, cracked floor, his bag open beside him. He worked methodically, arranging red candles at precise points around a crudely drawn circle. At the center, he placed a human skull, its hollow eye sockets seeming to watch his every move.
"Artistic masterpiece," he muttered with dry humor, standing back to admire his work.
He retrieved a folded note from his pocket and scanned its contents. The words were familiar, but he repeated them under his breath to commit them to memory. Satisfied, he closed his eyes and began to chant. Each word etched to the circle like in runic fashion
"and the finale"
His voice wavered, but he pushed forward, knowing the next line would shatter the fragile stillness of the room.
"whatever manifests here...... I summon you into the land of the living!"
The air grew heavy, and the room descended into an eerie silence. In the first few seconds nothing happened
'well what do you know, there's nothing going on...'
His sentence was interrupted midway by the candles all flashing off. Then, chaos erupted.
Candles flared on again with blinding intensity, the skull's hollow sockets twisted into a savage grin, and the house trembled. The circle glowed red, its heat searing through the room.
"I accept," a voice hissed from the center of the summoning.
The entity's presence consumed the space, and Harry realized, he had just made a lethal mistake