The next morning, Rayne woke up and got ready to head over to the forest clearing at the base of the mountain with Julian.
Before they set out, she paid their visitors a visit while Julian went over to tell Noah and Ian about the newcomers.
"Good morning, Mila. I hope everyone slept well," smiled Rayne. She wanted to make sure they were all settled before spending the whole day out.
"Oh, it was very comfortable. I still can't thank you enough for that delicious soup yesterday," she said, genuinely thankful.
"Not a problem! I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I will be going out for most of the day today, so we will leave two others in charge in our stead. Julian is talking to them now so that there are no surprises," said Rayne.
Brandon walked over and smiled. "Hey, sounds good. Please let us know if there's anything you want us to do today. We have a number of able-bodied men here if anything."