The fourth floor was a little more active. There were many more people here, and seemingly, not all of them were gang members.
The first room they entered had two gang members inside, which Rayne quickly disposed of. The room next door, however, was filled with captives.
The room itself was smaller than an average conference room but was filled with over 30 people. There were women and children, along with just regular civilian men. Rayne didn't understand what the gang needed these people for.
She quietly entered the room and saw everyone huddled together to stay warm. Everyone's face was full of fear or hopelessness.
"Why have they captured you?" asked Rayne. She wanted to know the motives behind such actions.
One of the older women looked over at Rayne. "I'm not exactly sure. They didn't tell us directly. But I did overhear some of them talking. They made it sound like they're transporting us somewhere."