"What happened to you, Johnny—"
"The lion and lioness are resting under the shades of the tree—"
"Laisse-moi t'aimer! Toute une—"
"Last night, in Wawa City, a woman was killed by a twelve-year-old boy with a knife. She was—"
"Here we are, on the last lap! Marckez and Vinalez are crossing the last corner! This race is insane, Steven!"
"Yeah, as I told—"
The man placed the remote controller on the table before sighing.
"A lot of shit, as always."
He then picked a French potato and ate it in one go. But as he was on the cusp of a good feeling, the latter disappeared instantly, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. He tried to pick another one. Alas, the packet was empty.
Damn... Are you serious?
He scratched his head and looked up through the opened window. Outside was dark, dark as... Right, it was nighttime.
Then, he checked his watch and saw 9:23 p.m. displayed on it. Was it worth going out and buying something? No.
He stood up and approached the fridge, hoping to find something to eat. Alas, once again, it was empty. Next, he opened one cupboard after another to appease his impending despair, but it seemed fate had something else scheduled for him.
Shit! Am I Fated, me too?
His gaze shifted once again outside. He had to go out.
"But I don't want to die... Truck-kun is awaiting me... right on the corner."
He breathed in and out deeply before standing up. He really didn't want to leave his house, but under starvation, he didn't have a choice in the matter.
While sulking, he walked toward the exit.
Before stepping out, he inhaled profoundly again and then walked away.
Because it was pretty late, nobody was outside. Well, not really. Some dogs were barking in the distance, and he could hear the wind weaving between the shady foliage.
"That's it! The end is coming soon," he whispered with apprehension.
Suddenly, a howl was heard, and a creaking door echoed into the long night.
Then, in a flash, music reverberated into the air and with his astonished eyes, he saw some zombies appearing from the alleyway. Fear crept into his heart, and his body stopped moving simultaneously, and so did the zombies.
What the...
"Oh, excuse us, boy!" blurted one of them while waving his crooked hand.
The latter said nothing and kept staring at the crowd, walking away like nothing.
Only after a while did the boy move again. Without delay, he dashed toward the supermarket.
How can zombies exist in this world? Oh man, I am such a fool. Zombies don't exist. The Umbrella Corporation doesn't exist yet. I am safe for now.
Soon after, he entered a building decorated with big signs up front.
"Good evening," said the cashier girl.
"Good ev—" he answered before widening his eyes.
The "girl" who was standing before him was only wearing a T-shirt with a wide, bloody mouth drawn upon it. Well, the "girl" wasn't really one after that. She had only a trunk and no head. And the drawing wasn't one, for a real mouth was moving at her breast level. Her eyes were shining through the hole in her chest, blinking at every move of her breath.
Seeing this horrifying sight, the boy paled and stepped back slowly before touching the shelves.
"What is it?" asked the "girl" curiously. "Have I something on my face?"
"N-No! Nothing at all!" he stuttered.
What could he do? He didn't know. But he didn't want to come back home without some food. And knowing that Trunk-kun was waiting for him wasn't very relaxing either.
Damn. I really have to do it.
He gulped then slowly rotated his body before walking toward a shelve.
Don't pay attention to her, don't pay attention...
He was feeling her gaze on him, her starved gaze, and her bloody mouth dripping some fresh blood on her T-shirt.
When he reached his destination, he quickly grabbed some sandwiches and returned to the counter.
Mechanically, he handed his food to the cashier girl, who was waiting for him. Her delicate hands contrasted with her horrific figure, and she picked out the food while staring at him.
The bip sound was heard, and then, with a soft voice, she said, " Five dollars, please," while patiently stretching her hand.
The boy was nervous. Would he be eaten alive if he handed her his fingers? Would she devour him right after paying?
He just wanted to eat, not the contrary.
He pulled out his purse and opened it while searching for money.
After a while, he pulled out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to the cashier girl, who took it with her delicate hand and gave him back his change.
"Thank you for your purchase," she said joyfully.
But the boy could see her mouth, showing her immense teeth. He didn't wait any longer and left the supermarket behind. He wanted to return home no matter what before being found out by Truck-Kun.
On his way back, he ate one sandwich while glancing left and right. The Dark Knight wouldn't save him tonight; he was sure of it.
As he was surely progressing through the forsaken streets, he noticed something.
Above his head was a bird with three heads and two sets of wings, one scarlet and one azure. The bird was dancing like a butterfly, but his speed couldn't be misunderstood as an insect. Because of his tiny size, the boy couldn't discern the details, but once the butterfly... I mean, the bird stopped flying and landed right before him. The boy was stupefied to discover that the mammal was staring at him strangely. Well, as strange as it seemed. Because, next, something incredible appeared.
The bird opened his beak and roared: "Stop! Thou shalt not pass!"
"Are you kidding me?" the boy exclaimed. "A speaking bird! And with three f***** heads? Am I in a dream? Yes, that must be it. I am dreaming."
"Am I a dream? Thou cunt!" The bird, obviously enraged, flew toward the boy and tried to peck his eyes.
"What the hell is that thing... F*** off!"
He tried to shake off the bird with his only free arm, but the latter wasn't ready to leave him alone so soon.
The boy couldn't endure more and quickly left the street while running for his life. Unfortunately, he couldn't do so easily. After all, with so many wings and such a tiny size, the bird was like a mosquito.
"Fie! Thou cag-mag! I iwis wilt dealt with Ye!"
While the bird was saying many insults in its own language, the boy was trying to escape from him.
"Damnation, I was really fated, after all. Where are my shadow soldiers?"
A deep, heavy noise echoed through the air at this moment, and a blinding light came from behind. When the boy glanced in the back, he instantly knew who it was.
"Truck... kun... You old fogy. I knew it was you, after all!" Roared the boy.
Truck-kun was nearing at full speed while kicking back everything in its path. Cars, cats, dogs and so on were sent flying on the spot. Truck-kun was a natural calamity on earth.
"Eh, what is that?" cried the bird, seeing the metallic monster approaching quickly. "Nooooo!"
It was too late to avoid, and the mammal became the food for Truck-kun before disappearing under its wheels.
A screeching sound reverberated before being silenced by the monster's roaring motor.
"Dang! Don't tell me I will die here without fighting!"
He threw his last sandwich at his enemy, hoping to deal some damage, but what could happen to a 40-ton monster?
"Please, I don't want to die! Go away! Go aw— argh!"
Soon after, The truck reached the boy, and the latter became its food.
The end.
Well, not really...