Valentina's POV
I walked out on Mateo after the kiss and I cannot help but feel bad. I wouldn't lie that didn't enjoy the kiss but I cannot let myself be in that situation.
Mateo and his brothers are supposed to be my enemies but instead of me hating them i have started to have feelings for Mateo and I have become comfortable with them.
I should be thinking of the safety of my sister but I am letting a man cloud my senses.
I wish I could deny the fact that I do not feel anything for this man,i wish I hate him as i should, i wish i wasn't comfortable in his house and with his brothers.
I walked into my room and met Diego waiting for me, i was startled because i never expected him to be in my room.
Diego is the smartest and fastest thinker between the brothers and he has made it very obvious that he does not trust me and i wouldn't blame him for it.
" Hi Diego, how can I help you?" I asked him
" I need to talk to you about something" he said.
He sounded very serious and I cannot help but imagine what this conservative might be about. I sat down facing him and said " I am listening,what do you have to say"
He looked at me intently like he was trying to read my whole life through my eyes and I was getting uncomfortable.
" You know I don't trust you right?" He said
Well you don't need to say it because it is so obvious,I thought rolling my eyes.
" Yeah I do and i don't blame you for it, i wouldn't trust a person who tried to kill me either" i said
" You are smart that's good but that isn't what brought me here. I saw what happened between you and my brother and I am letting you know that I do not approve of it" he said
I do not also approve of it but I feel something for him that i cannot explain.
" I know you do not approve of it and so do I but you cannot tell the heart what to feel" i said
" Are you saying you love my brother?" He asked scrutinizing me
" I would not say love because that is a very strong word but I can say for a fact that i feel some kind of way about him" I replied.
He just stared at me for some time and got up to leave.
" We are done with this conversation for now and there is a cellphone on the table with your sister's number on it". He said before leaving.
I immediately grabbed the phone and called my sister, after the first few rings she picked up the phone and said
" Who am I speaking with?"
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and I was so relieved to hear from her.
" Hey sis" I said almost crying from joy.
" V is that you? Oh my God I thought something happened to you " she yelled on the phone.
I smiled and said" I am okay sis nothing happened to me, how are you? Where are you?" I asked
" I am good sis, there is this handsome guy called Angel who came to pick me from school few days ago and he said you sent him that's why I went with him. I am currently in a safe house being guided and I can assure you I am safe" she said
A feeling of relief and gratitude washed through me and I couldn't help but smile broadly.
" I actually sent him sis and I am glad you are okay and safe" I said
" Where have you been and when are you going to come pick me? She asked
" I am somewhere I cannot disclose now but just know that I am okay and safe sis and I will come pick you up really soon" i said
" Okay sis I will be waiting for you and please make sure you are safe" she said
" I will sis,see you soon I love you " I said to her before ending the call.
I miss my sister so much and I want to see her but that would be me asking for too much from Mateo.
Speaking of Mateo I cannot forget the kiss we shared not just because it was my first kiss but because it felt so good and the way he kissed my next felt heavenly. My body have never felt that way before.
As I settle on my bed, a knock came on my door and I asked who it was and it turned out it was Aunt Luna.
She came inside holding a tray of food which contains the omelette I was making and a drink.
She dropped it on my table and said " I decided to help you complete this so you can eat"
That's actually very sweet of her,it actually shows that she cares for me.
" Thank you Aunt Luna I really appreciate" I said
" You are welcome my dear,I will leave you to eat your food" she said leaving the room.
Aunt Luna is such a sweet woman,I mean she makes sure she cooks the meals of the three brothers just because she doesn't trust other people to do it.
Now she has also started caring for me and that makes me feel loved.