Jasmine came out from International Arrival at Soekarno Hatta Airport. She feels again the air of Jakarta, the city she left for almost 12 years ago.
Her eyes catch someone that she really knows. Her driver Mr. Gun. He was her driver but when she went to Australia Gun became her dad's driver.
Jasmine casually hugged him.
"How are you Jasmine?" asked him.
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm good. We go straight to the hotel, right?"
"Thank you."
Jasmine immediately got into the car and looked for her cell phone which had been ringing for several times now.
She deliberately ignored the call, because she knew what this man would say, which was unimportant.
"Didn't you track my plane? Why do you still have to call me anyway?"
"Why can't I call you? How does the Jakarta air?"
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, funny, lots of pollution here."
"My dear Jasmine, that's not what I meant."
"Then what?"
The person on the phone is Jesse Anderson, son of the owner of the TS Corporation, and also her friends and boss.
"How does it feel to return to Indonesia after 12 years?"
"Complicated, I don't know whether to feel happy or anxious."
"What are you afraid of? There are more snakes in Australia than in Indonesia."
"It's better if a snake is an animal, rather than a person with a mouth like a snake."
"No comment," said Jesse, laughing, "so what now?"
"I don't know, I'll go straight to the hotel too."
"Don't you want to meet him first?"
"No way! Why did I meet him? Come on, when are you coming here?"
"I'll let you know, she's still mad."
"So what? Have you told Joel?"
"I have. I'll do my best to come to the opening ceremony. And I hope you two haven't met before I arrived."
Jasmine looked out the car window, tall buildings were seen everywhere, and that seemed to have no end. She took a deep breath, then exhaled it slowly.
"Hopefully not, I don't know what I have to say either."
"Take care of yourself, baby."
"You too."
45 minutes passed, and Jasmine arrived at the TS Hotel, Mr. Gun got out of the car and opened the door for Lexa, there were already several people waiting for her in front of the hotel lobby.
"I've sent your car to the parking lot, just use that later," said Mr. Gun.
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome, tomorrow your Mom and Dad are coming to the opening ceremony, don't fight with your Dad."
"It's okay even though I'm not promising about that. Be careful on the road."
Mr. Gun bowed for a minute and then left the hotel.
Jasmine looked at the hotel, a woman was running from inside the hotel and almost fell.
"Wow, be careful," said Jasmine and she caught that girl's hand.
"Hai, hello, my name is Lucyan, I-"
"It's okay, calm down, it's fine."
"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm Lucyan Marlyn, TS Hotel Manager."
"Ah yeah, I've heard it from Jesse but he can't come today, but he's trying to get here before the opening."
"Sorry ma'am, won't you be the one running this hotel later?"
Jasmine stopped and then looked at Lucy. "Lucy, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"No one ever calls me Ma'am, just call me Jasmine, okay?"
"But ma'am."
"Please, relax, I don't like it. So Jasmine, oke?"
Lucy was a little doubtful about the words she had just said but she convinced herself, then nodded even though she was a little hesitant.
"Okay, Jasmine…."
"That's it!"
"This is the room key, do you want to look at the hotel first or not?" Lucy asked.
"It's already afternoon, okay, let's look around first, for my suitcase can I ask for bellboy help?"
"Sure ma'am."
Lucy also understood what her mistake was. "Okay, come on Jasmine."
Lucy and Jasmine surrounded the hotel from bottom to top, she also tried to check all the rooms for cleanliness and tidiness standards.
They also saw the condition of the ballroom for the opening ceremony, the event will be held tomorrow night.
There wasn't much he could do because Lucy had already done everything they were supposed to do.
But something disturbed Jasmine's vision.
"Lucy," Jasmine called.
"Yes, why?"
"Why does this ballroom look—plain?"
"Ah," Lucy paused a bit and looked around the ballroom and she got anxious.
"Alright," Jasmine knew something is doesn't add up. "Tell me what happens."
"Actually, I ordered flowers for this room, but they just called me this morning, most of the flowers were damaged and they couldn't be used."
Now this was Jasmine's turn to be paused, she tried to process what happened, and then she rushed to the front desk, and took her car keys, Lucy just followed her from behind through the parking lot until she stopped and looked at Lucy.
"Can you drive?"
"I can."
Jasmine threw her car keys and moved to the passenger door. "I don't know where it is, so you drive."
"Right, I'll drive you."
Jasmine stood at a bunch of flowers at that place, while her ears were listening to Lucy and the manager arguing about the flowers.
"I'm truly sorry about what happened ma'am, but until now, we can only prepare half of it. Our partner who has the plantation was hit by a huge rain and a fallen tree. So they couldn't provide us as we requested."
"You could call another plantation house then."
"We already do that ma'am but, still, we can't afford all of it. It's only half."
Lucy looked devastated, she didn't know how to handle it again, and going to another florist was not an option.
"Lucy," Jasmine called her. "The flowers that you ordered, did match our logo? Red to Gold?"
"Yeah, I got the brief so I picked red roses."
"Okay, then–" Jasmine looks at the manager, "I'm sorry ma'am, what's your name?"
"I'm Tiara," she answered but she looked scared.
Jasmine smiled, trying not to look too intimated. "Better you take a note."
She immediately ran to the cashier and took a piece of paper and a pen.
"For the stage as we agreed can you do it?"
"Only for the stage?"
"Yes, we can."
"Will there be any red roses left?"
"Maybe around 200 or 250."
"Oke, so the remaining red roses left, just give it to the guests, and for the table–" Jasmine fell silent looking at the pink peonies. "No one has ordered this yet, right?"
She nodded, "No, we deliberately took it from the supplier but the flowers didn't last long."
"Okay, Lucy, we have vas for the table right?"
"Yeah, we do place the vas."
"Then we used pink peonies, white lilies, and chrysanthemums, the basic color is from pink to white, for the stand at the corner at the stage, door, and floor used the white musk roses, lavender, and chrysanthemums. That's all, we solve our problem, are we?"
Lucy suddenly clapped her hands and so did Tiara, how could anyone solve a problem that quickly, Lucy had never seen someone who had a problem solving that fast and Tiara had never seen someone who understood flowers more than her.
"No need guys, it's okay."
"You're great, it's like you know them like you and all of these flowers are siblings," said Lucy.
"Do you like flowers?" asked Tiara.
"My mother likes it."
"Wow, we'll finish it tonight."
"No, tomorrow it's fine, my team needs to rest, I don't want them to work overtime."
"Okay ma'am, thank you."
"Then, we settled up, excuse me, let's go, Lucy."
"After you."