A street wise man walks with swagger down a bustling city street.
The master of his own little play, where he plays the most important role, The King.
The shepherd of his own little flock of witless idiots, all fighting for the slim chance of glory. That's just the way he likes it. All's well in this little utopia of sin and debauchery.
Well that is until.
A gunshot cuts the air, silencing a once audacious city. hitting the smug little man clean in the chest, taking the Kick from his feet.
Two more follow, knocking man the flat. His dapper white attire stained the color of bright crimson. His death all but certain.
I'm sure you know the saying.
The bigger they are, the harder they.
A fourth and final shot between the eyes, marking the end to man out of luck, a man out of time.