Next day haru is going to his school and thinking about what type of training he teach me , the training is hard or easy surrdenly he hear a sound and he trun back and see his friend Lee Jun . Lee Jun is kind and happy person in his life Haru and Lee Jun are meet in junior high school and they both become besties.
Lee Jun : what's up buddy .
Haru : I am fine bro.
Lee Jun : why you are not come school for 4 days and you also miss are party .
Haru don't reply on this and change the topic .
Haru : Lee Jun do you think that in this world their is devil power .....
Lee Jun don't hear what he was asking to him a say Hi Alya.
Alya is the topper of school and the leader
of dancing girl.
Alya: Hi Lee Jun and Haru .
Haru : Hi Alya.
Lee Jun : what was you saying to me .
Haru : Nothing .
Alya and Lee Jun think that what's happen with haru is something wrong with him.
At lunch haru is going on roof top but Lee Jun : Haru come here and lunch with as .
Haru : No , thanks for asking.
Lee Jun thinking 🤔 what wrong with him.
Haru open the door of roof top and then he say why are you hear .
Mask : I am here for remind you that your training start at 1 am in night so don't be late.
Haru : ya I now that my traning is start at 1 am but I have a question.
Mask : tell me .
Haru : why you give me training at night why not in morning.
Mask : You can better understand it when your training start. Bye
After that he come back in class and thinking about what happen in night .
In Night at 1 am haru come at his terrace where Mask is already waiting for him .
Haru : where we start my training .
Mask : don't worry about it
And then Mask hit his leg on the terrace and surrdenly the hole are is changed . Haru was surprised what was happen just now.
Haru : what do you do just now .
Mask : Don't panic it is a illusion magic .
Haru: what magic .
Mask : It is illusion magic when you use illusion magic you can change the place and you can create what type of environment you want to create but it is illusion not real . But it has a plus point when you use illusion magic and create an another place the activity you do in your illusion place it not effect the real world so chill but it has only one negative point .
Haru : what type of negative point .
Mask : If youe opponent is stronger he can manipulate your illusion magic.
Haru : what do you mean by manipulate.
Mask : Manipulate mean your opponent can destroy your illusion or change it . Let start are traning.