While he ran along the seashore, he occasionally looked at the map to ensure he wouldn't get lost and to know at all times that he was heading in the right direction. As he ran along the path, the fog slowly cleared, revealing a bit more of the road ahead.

As time passed minute by minute and hours turned into hours, the blue arrow on the map he held in his hand showed his real-time location, indicating a curve of the island further ahead. As he recognized the familiar part of the map, Fer's eyes lit up, recognizing with a simple glance the exact spot where he was.

This curve is the best landmark to reach the herbivore island, as anyone familiar with the game map would know that this curve, right in front, leads directly to the herbivore island.

Although he could see the map, even with his super-fast speed, it would still require at least 3 hours of running at full speed to get there. And if we count that he had to stop occasionally to eat, drink, and gather food to replenish his supplies, the time would extend even further.

As he ran, the sand from the beach lifted a few centimeters off the ground. Fer's cloth shoes constantly collided with the sand. And as he advanced along the path, Fer's eyes grew more excited.

In the distance, he saw a piece of rock extending into the sea. At this moment, that rock was just a tiny speck on the horizon, but as he got closer and closer thanks to his great speed, that small dot transformed.

In just a few minutes, that rock that seemed like a simple dot on the horizon now turned into a huge rock formation in the middle of the sea, even though he was still a few kilometers away. With just one glance, Fer instantly recognized this island in the middle of the sea.


"Finally, I've found you, herbivore island. After so much running, I can finally set up my base," said Fer, sighing as he stood on the shore exactly at the place he needed to head straight for the herbivore island.

But Fer looked at the imposing sea he would have to cross to reach the herbivore island, and he felt that even with his energy of 500, it was totally impossible to cross the sea on his own. And that's without counting the dangers of the deep sea, which were many times more perilous than the rivers he had crossed before.

"It looks like it's time to learn some things that might come in handy in this tricky situation," said Fer as he hid behind some large rocks to conceal himself from outside dangers while he was distracted, checking the interface from his arm implant.

With everything he had hunted earlier, Fer had 3 skill points available to level up a statistic. He simply added it to strength, which went from 20 to 30. Fer felt a mysterious energy course through his entire body, draining for a whole minute. And when the mysterious energy disappeared entirely, Fer felt the mild warmth from the sun's high temperatures vanish, leaving his body feeling a slight freshness, maintaining a stable temperature without any disturbance from outside.

With the two remaining skill points in hand, he added them to health, raising it from 300 to 500 in one go. Fortunately for Fer, increasing his health points didn't harm him, as it was a statistical boost. If it were from an injury caused by a creature, then his situation wouldn't be as painless. Instead, he would have been gravely injured all over.

The engram points had increased by a total of 138 after leveling up to 20, and after seeing the available points, Fer didn't hesitate to enter the menu to see what he could learn now that he was level 20.

As he'd already looked over what he could learn before, he focused only on what was new after unlocking it with the level-up.

Level 15: wooden fence foundations (6), leather pants (9), leather shirt (6), bow (11), stone arrow (2), large storage box (9), raft (11), parachute (6), insect repellant (12), Pachy saddle (9), Raptor saddle (9), stone intersection and vertical pipe (6), compost bin (6), stone fence foundation (6), stone wall (8), water reservoir (7), large wooden sign (4), wooden ramp (3), dinosaur gates and frames (13), wooden pillar (9), wooden ladder (6), trough (12), wooden bench (10), wooden table (7).

Level 20: leather gloves (7), leather boots (7), leather helmet (9), magnifying glass (16), tranquilizer arrows (8), forge (21), triceratops saddle (12), alarm trap (7), trophy base (10), wall trophy base (10), preserving bin (9), wooden walkway (8), wooden trapdoor (6), wooden door frame (9), stone foundation (6), stone ceiling (6), right and left sloped stone wall (6), sloped stone ceiling (4), stone frame and door (9), dinosaur frame and door (15), bookshelf (5), railing (4), antidote (16).

Seeing the fascinating things he could learn made him quite excited. His gaze turned to the part of the engram where the raft was. At that moment, what he needed most was a raft to reach the herbivore island with almost no danger along the way.

He simply clicked and learned the raft, spending 11 points in an instant. When he learned it, he didn't immediately exit the interface; he wanted to learn a few more things that would be quite useful for him.

These were the full leather armor for more protection, bow and arrows for distance attacks, parachute for emergencies when he had to jump from high places, stone structures for more protection for his future base, the forge to get metal ingots, the preserving bin to make items last longer, tranquilizer arrows for taming more advanced dinosaurs, and some additional structures like the feeding trough for future domesticated dinosaurs so they wouldn't die from lack of food.

He learned all of this and was left with only one useless point that couldn't be spent.

"It looks like when I settle on herbivore island, I'll need to earn many points by killing. For now, I'm quite satisfied with what I've learned, especially with the raft that will help me reach herbivore island with little risk," thought Fer, looking at the engram for the raft he had learned with a pleased expression.

He exited the engram menu and went to his inventory folder to check the materials needed to make the raft.

250 wood, 125 fiber, and 75 leather.

When he saw the materials to make the raft, Fer didn't click right away because when he saw the leather, he remembered he was fulfilling the stack mod requirements. He checked the interface clock and saw that more than 5 hours had passed since he last checked.

To confirm, Fer clicked on the mods grid, and when he saw the familiar ENABLE/DISABLE on the stack mod rectangle, he didn't hesitate to enable it. Like the previous mods, it saved in the lime-green ticket.

When it saved, two familiar timers appeared with new slightly different counters.



This time, the time directly doubled compared to before. This made Fer frown slightly, a bit annoyed, but he didn't complain as he knew how lucky he was to have these mods available from the moment he arrived on this island.

He exited the mod menu and went to his inventory to test the stack mod. He gathered the leather, previously divided into 573 slots, and combined them into a single 573 slot, making Fer's eyes light up a little.

Previously, each stack could only hold 200 in a single slot, and this was only for resources like leather and fiber. Raw meat, for instance, could only be stored 40 per slot, but now, thanks to the stack mod, he could store infinite items in a single slot.

Although it might seem useless at first glance, this mod was actually quite impressive as it allowed certain items with expiration times to spoil less quickly, as they spoiled one by one instead of in stacks.

It also allowed his inventory to feel cleaner and more organized. Fer quickly merged many stacks into single slots to make his inventory tidier. Except for some items that couldn't be combined into a single slot, everything else was clean and orderly.

When he finished, he checked his materials, which were insufficient to make a single raft. He planned to make two rafts to have a spare in case of an accident so he wouldn't be stranded in the middle of the sea.

He had enough leather to make two rafts, but he was short on wood, with only 14, and fiber, with 153. Not wanting to waste more time, Fer left the rocks with his axe in hand and began chopping down trees like a madman.

Thanks to his increased strength, the trees fell with just a few strikes from his stone axe, and with his energy at 500, he was practically a human harvesting machine.

Fer enjoyed the feeling of gathering many materials with minimal effort; when he played ARK on his computer, he liked resource gathering as much as PvP.

15 minutes later…

+655 wood

+389 thatch

He gathered a little more just to have resources on hand for when he needed them. After chopping down many trees nearby, he now had to harvest nearby plants to get the fiber he needed.

20 minutes later…

+735 fiber

Fer ignored the berries he collected and focused only on the fiber he had gathered. Now that he had enough materials for the raft, he clicked to start crafting two rafts consecutively.

Originally the raft took 30 seconds to make, but thanks to the 20% added with a point, the time was shortened to 24 seconds. The materials I had collected were almost completely worn out, but the experience given by the two rafts is not bad at all, 88 for each raft made, that was more than killing some small dinosaurs, but the materials are equally expensive.

He also made the leather armor and put it on, the feeling it gives is much more comfortable than the fiber one, it practically covered almost his entire body except the face that was uncovered. Since he had enough materials, he made a bow with 100 stone arrows to protect himself from a distance.

The experience went up enough to go up one level again, but for the moment Fer kept the point in case an emergency occurred and needed to add a statistic.

When he finished making the preparations, Fer invoked the raft on the shore and got on it to go to the herbivorous island.

When he got on the raft, Fer felt a strange sensation, it was as if he had driven this raft countless times, instinctively he knew how to drive and direct the raft under his feet, he was happy about this since he did not have to learn to drive.


While Fer directed his raft in the direction of the herbivorous island, I don't notice that in the distance, on a hill between the undergrowth and trees a few hundred meters from where Fer was. There were three people in cloth clothes watching the raft heading to the herbivorous island at a constant speed.