The translucent figure of Li Rong bit her lips, looked down, and stared at the disciple and elder.
She shook her head in disappointment.
The disciple and elder bowed even lower, their bodies shaking in fear.
Li Rong sighed, took a deep breath, and said, "Direct the disciples to stop the two men.
"As for Tan Xiao Yao's men, I will render them fully under my control with my blood rain.
"Now, go and execute as instructed.
"We don't have all day."
The elder heard "blood rain" and tried to change Li Rong's mind.
"Lady Saint, wouldn't it be risky for you to use blood rain? You will be significantly weakened from it."
He spoke and waited for her response.
There was a moment of silence.
Cold sweat dripped onto the ground from the elder's forehead.
The next moment, Li Rong's voice could be heard.