Chapter 6 - YAPPER

"You know, I don't understand what is going on anymore," Angel whined, as she paced back and forth.

"It's one thing to kidnap me so cunningly, and another to keep me in the dark about why I was kidnapped. I don't get it, and I don't think I want to!" She stomped a foot, but it was so close to the edge of the bed, she ended up stubbing her toes.

"Ouch!" She dropped to the floor, and grabbed her toes in her arms. "It hurts so bad," she said, and began to blow over it.

When the pain started to wither, she stood up on the leg that was fine, and hopped onto the bed.

"The unicorn guy is the most frustrating man I've ever seen. He doesn't say much, but does the most. Do you know I have a fashion exhibition slated for tomorrow? Back at the party, he didn't even let me mingle with some of my friends I sighted there!"

She scrunched her nose, and looked to the window when she still didn't get a response from the woman who looked like she hadn't left that particular spot in the last ten years.

"Hey, are you always this quiet? You didn't even feel bad for me when I stubbed my toe. I thought you were old, and old women are really endearing?" Angel pouted.

She fully turned to the direction of the older woman, after waiting for a response in vain.

"Do you not just know how to speak? Oh my God, are you mute?!" Her eyes widened, but relaxed at the same time. "No, you can't be. You did talk to me today. Or was it yesterday? I don't even remember anymore," she sighed, and palmed her forehead.

The woman began to hum the same tune she hummed the first time Angel met her.

Angel was confused about the entire thing. She was also curious as to what the woman's story was.

"Well I guess you just don't want to talk to me. Although, you did act like you knew me earlier on. Or did I just assume that?" She questioned herself in a low voice.

Her eyes went to her stubbed toe, and she wheezed. It was turning purple already.

"It hurts so bad," she whispered.

Dragging her butt behind, she moved until her back was resting against the headboard of the bed.

She stretched out her legs in front of her, and closed her eyes.

There was nothing else to do but wait. The other person they had left in the room with her, made it a mission not to engage her.

She wasn't used to shutting up. Everyone knew her because of her love for yapping.

Her thoughts wandered briefly to her father. She wondered how he would react to this blatant disrespect.

He had gotten her back, and lost her in a space of minutes.

There had to be a backstory to their beef, and now, she was caught in the middle of all of it.

"I thought you'd never shut up," the woman suddenly said, and Angel's eyes shot open.

"You do have a voice! OMG, please tell me you know a way I can get out of this hellhole. Like I said, I have a fashion show tomorrow, and if it doesn't hold, it would be social suicide for me. I can't imagine having to compete with Sophie for second place. God forbid, third place! You have to help me!"

"Wow, you sure do talk a lot."

"Huh? I do? Hmmmm, I guess I do talk a lot." She bobbed her head in agreement.

"You're never leaving this place. And even if you do, it won't be the same way you came," she dropped the bomb.

Angel's head stopped mid nod, and she frowned.

"What are you talking about? You must not know about my father. He would burn down this place to get me out of here," she scoffed.


"Well, duh! He's a very powerful man. Although we disagree on almost everything, I respect him for his accomplishments. After all, I wouldn't have all I have today, if it wasn't for him, right? I do think children owe the parents that have provided for them, be it financially, or in protection, some sort of appreciation," she said, and ended her speech with a smile.

"You're really bubbly, and see the world with such light in your eyes."

"How would you know? You've not even seen my face. Neither would you let me see yours. What's your story, ma'am hummer? And what's that tune you're always humming?"

"I'm sure you'd like to—"

The door opened, and someone stepped into the room.

"Ugh, finally, another face! I've been cooped up here all night. Have you negotiated with my family? Are you going to release me now?" She asked the man that had come into the room.

"Wow, it is as they say. You're pretty," the man said, and smiled, showing off the diamond stones in his front teeth.

He was a really handsome man, Angel observed in her mind.

Perfect for the kind of model she had in mind.

The unicorn guy would also be a top face in the modelling world, if he wasn't such a twisted psychopath.

"Wait, let's forget everything for a second. What do you think about modelling, Mr?"

"Ivar," he chuckled.

"You have a beautiful name too!" She clapped. "You should totally model for me. Oh I can just imagine you in my new leather clothing line. With the cowboy hat, and even some glasses. The girls would go crazy!" She analysed her thoughts out loud.

Ivar stared at her with the utmost fascination in his eyes.

He had heard from the servant girls that the boss's new addition was a whiner. They did say she was beautiful though, and now, he was confirming that fact.

"So what do you say?" She asked with heavy anticipation in her bulged eyes.

He chuckled again, amused by everything she was.

"I would love to humour you, ma'am, but the boss wants to see you."

She snickered, and rolled her eyes. "Tell your boss that I don't want to see him if it doesn't involve releasing me." She folded her hands, and pouted brattily.

"Now, that could be a little problematic," he said, as his voice slowly lost the light in it.

"And why's that?"

"Because I wasn't asked to be gentle with you, but I would love to consider myself a gentleman, mademoiselle. You either come with me gently, or I'll have to bundle you out."

Angel weighed her choices. The smiling man had lost all traces of his smile. He was every bit a gangster, threatening her the way he just did.

"Hey, humming lady, what do you think I should do?" She called to the woman who had her back against them, and had gone silent the second Ivar entered the room.

When she didn't respond, Angel sighed in defeat.

"Okay, model man, here's what's going to happen. I stubbed my toe, so technically, I can't even walk. You'd have to carry me to your boss. Think you can do that?"

He smiled again, and this time, his smile stretched the fabrics of his face.

"Your wish, my lady."

He walked up to her, and picked her into his arms.

"Wow, you do have strong arms. Do you work out a lot?" She asked, as he carried her towards the door.

He didn't respond, but only widened his smile.

"See you later, humming lady!" She called behind her shoulders, as she was carried out of the room.

Ivar was awed by her nonstop yapping as he carried her all the way to the dinner room.

In just five minutes of walking, she had successfully told him everything about her rivalry with another fashion company.

"So that's when I told Anita to eat a fat load of—-" she heard the door close, and that was when she realised she was no longer alone with Ivar.

"To eat a fat load of what?" She heard a familiar voice ask.

She pushed her head so she could get a better look of where she was.

Her heart leapt to her mouth when she did see.

Unlike the previous dark rooms she had been taken to, there was enough light in this room. It had to be, because she had just discovered they were in a dining room.

Three men were seated. One at the head of the table, with his head bowed.

"Of course!" She muttered in her mind, and rolled her eyes.

The other was the one that had just spoken. He was the funny guy.

Then there was another one that looked like a killer.

Her father usually called men like him, "butcher's."

A shudder ran through her spine, and she quickly shifted her gaze.

"Why is she in your arms?" Ares asked, slowly lifting his head.

"No, Angel. You're not going to be enamoured by his face. He's a bad man. A bad bad ma—"

He found her eyes, and her thoughts went instantly silent.