As the tanto stopped, Kale continued adding pressure, attempting to put his opponent under continuous pressure. The tiny blade certainly struggled against the added weight of a katana but Kale trained his strength a lot so he could make up for the difference.
Kale stepped back to avoid the downward slash's full brunt, but he took a small cut to his shoulder from the very end of the katana. He immediately sprung back into action. He stepped toward his target and faked a downward slash before spinning and delivering a left to right slash across Sujikiki's abdomen.
Sujikiki put his hand flat against the blunt edge of the katana and raised it up to block the strike before suddenly feeling the quick pressure against his abdomen, the blade was so sharp that there was no sting of pain, only a quick feeling of pressure against his skin before feeling a heat seep across his abdomen. The cut was deep, but merely cut his muscles and hadn't reached his gut. Dropping to a knee, the sword clattered out of his hand and onto the ground.
"Damn human...So quickly have you bested me. Just take the damn sword and get it over with..." The child seemed brash, avoiding eye contact with the bloody ronin, a deep scowl across his face as he held his abdomen.
Kale hopped back as his attack landed, making sure to keep space in case Sujikiki attacked again. Instead of that however, he dropped his sword and offered it to him. Very odd. Kale had fought enough tricky opponents to know that this was definitely a trap. He'd go to pick up the sword and the fishman would attack him. Perhaps he'll play the game though…
Kale walked to the sword and using his foot in the same way he did earlier, he placed his foot under the blade and kicked it up to his hand where he caught the blade. He expected a sudden attack from the fishman, so he kept the tanto firmly grasped in his offhand, prepared to block any attacks that would be thrown.
As Kale picked up the sword off the ground, and sheathed it before placing it on his belt. He looked back toward Sujikiki, who was holding his wound in pain. Kale didn't feel bad for what he did, but he liked Sujikiki, the kid had balls. Kale sighed before turning to Sujikiki to speak.
"Kid, you've got guts, I'll admit. My captain is about to kick your captain's ass and bring this whole thing down. If you're serious about swordsmanship, leave this shithole behind and head over to Shimotsuki. Those guys'll take you in if you tell them that you know me."
Sujikiki was just a kid, and he at least had the potential to be quite a strong swordsman in the future, he just needed proper training... and be a little less racist, of course.
"The Sword..." The kid began, as he fell back. "It's named Sujihiki. 'Flesh Slicer.' Do well to take care of it, Yes?" He groaned, placing a hand onto his abdomen.
"Yeah. Sure thing kid." The Swordsman would do is best to honor his wishes. But in the torrential seas, blades come and go. Regardless if a swordsmen wanted.
"Well. I've got a sword now." He turned to look at the other dozens of Pirate fishmen, and humans that filled the area around him.
"But it looks like the fights just getting started."
Back, Just after the Cannonball slammed into the Compounds wall.
Noir stared at the compound as it went up into smoke. A sly grin came onto his face, the cigarette in his mouth slowly burning down to its end. He'd have to light a new one soon if he was going to be able to focus. He was happy watching the cannonball hit the building, knowing the people inside were truly terrible.
While it wasn't good morals to hurt people just because they hurt a friend, anything the crew would do now to these fishmen would never outweigh what Barnum and his goons have done to this town and the people in it.
Seeing the child Fishman and Kale hopping off of the ship towards it, Noir couldn't help but chuckle. "Careful there, Kale."
His tone was sarcastic, but he truly had a bit of concern for the other deep down. Those wounds would make it hard for anyone to fight, no matter their enemy. "He might bite you good. Piranha, I think."
The fighting fish, Bettal, stayed in his stance, watching as Noir approached him. Just as Suijikiki looked to him, he looked to the pirana fishman
"I'll make this quick for you too human. Make sure to snuff that flame out so you can light another." He steadies his shoulders and speaks. Eager for the fight to start. "Come. Let us battle."
Noir had a bit of a cheeky grin at that, positioning his feet beneath him now. He tilted his head down, staring at the fishman from underneath his brow. "Let us, then." A big attack to start off wouldn't go well for the cook. The Fishman was on guard and ready, so a swift juke may be best. Noir forced himself forward into a quick dash, using the levering of his foot against the ground to give himself a good burst of speed.
At first, it was like Noir was heading for a straight on attack, getting right in front of Bettal for a split second before putting his other foot against the ground, pushing himself in a diagonal direction. Zigzagging his way to the side, he went straight for the Fishman again, trying to get him in his blind side. He firmly planted the top sole of his shoe into the ground, standing on the ball of his foot to add a spin of momentum to his attack. Lifting his other leg up, he attempted a sharp kick to the back of the Fishman's head while using that spin to out more force behind his leg.