Leroy kept up the act. Putting more desperation into his voice. "PLEASE! GOD, I BEG YOU! He's DYING! I-A Lieutenant at the dock sent me here! Please!"
There was a few short moments after he said it. He half thought the plan had failed when suddenly.
The doors opened. And A marine with a red cross on his shoulder, and a rough and gruff expression answered. Rifle still shouldered "Hand 'em o-"
And with out another second. Kirk was dropped, But in just the right way he wouldn't fall to his knees, and a fist was flung through the air! Impacting into the Medics nose, crushing it and spewing blood. Sending him flying.
He then turned to Kirk.
"Use those keys. Stick to the shadows, and release those refugees. The soldiers at the bay will be up here in no time. Hurry!" He held that same determined look on his face. One of conviction and will.
He then disappeared behind the Door, the metal slamming shut. And gun shots then reverberated through the night. Alerting the Marines at the bay to a disturbance at the base
Just before he disappeared. It was clear as day.
He was smiling
It shocked him how fast Leroy could just switch from one act to another, but he realized it was probably the same for him if anyone watched him going around, stealing things.
Kirk flinched against the yell and held his head down, no matter how badly he wanted to look up at those big doors expectantly, to see who might come up to them.
As soon as he was dropped, Kirk swiftly moved back, getting ready to move out of the way of an attack. He looked up soon enough to see the Medic flying back as the sound of a meaty crunch, blood and rain mixing on the pavement below them. Kirk stared at Leroy's arm for a moment, his brow furrowing.
That was off. That was definitely off. They weren't close enough to the doctor that he managed to punch him, right? He hadn't watched in time... Kirk frowned in confusion. This guy was certainly something special, though he wasn't sure how.
Could a devil fruit do something like that? He always thought they didn't exist, considering how goofy the idea that a piece of fruit could give you powers... but was he mistaken?
Kirk snapped to attention as the order was shot at him. He never liked being ordered around, especially by a damn pirate, but he'll make a conscious exception this one time. Plus... he didn't really have much time to argue, did he? Leroy was already running off.
As Kirk sorta reached out towards him, as if about to go after him to argue or say something and be a voice of reason about the situation...
He saw the grin.
"...I... Leroy..." He called after him right before the door shut, stepping back some as he heard the chaos on the other side.
It only took him a moment before he suddenly pulled the keys from his back pocket again and turned around, sprinting down the steps.
Fine. He'd go help the refugees. He'd stick to the shadows, slip past any guards coming his way, and go free those people. Kirk would beat some ass if he had to... only if this ass didn't have any weapons and couldn't turn him into a pin cushion with a sword.
God, why the hell was he doing this? He should be running away! Hiding till the storm passed! He could be figuring out which way was the closest island!
...It was that damn smile, huh?
That damn look and smile.
My lord, that Leroy must have some serious talents to make Kirk of all people bend to a pirate's will.
The Fishman kept running down to the docks, heading straight for where the refugees were being held, keys rattling in his hand.
Leroy effortlessly bobbed and weaved through gun fire. These guns were no ordinary weapons. These were more modern. Wood and metal. Semi-Automatic.
They were faster than anything Leroy had seen by that point.
But he was faster
Striking one of the marines down with an elastic punch, he whipped around to see a shotgun pointed right at him! The marine pulled the trigger and the spread of lead flung forth!
But as the rain of fire spewed through the air, Leroy dashed forward! Utterly Outpacing the munition and slamming his fist into the marines sternum! Sending them flying up into the air with a mighty Uppercut!
Yet in the midst of this, he smiled.
"You Guys have got! To have something better than that right! How else would you have taken over this island!"
A head butt, a dodge of bullets landing into another group of marines, a kick sending a group flying. All happened in such short moments it was like a blur
"Or let me guess, it was easy crushing some ordinary people under your boot HUH!" He enunciated the sound of his word as he put force behind his punch when suddenly
In front of Leroy, A large man had jumped from the top of the marine base and landed in front of him! He was large. Like a brick wall of a man. Standing at least eight feet tall! His wide frame rippled with muscle!
He wore a marine jacket with the sleeves ripped off, exposing his large mighty arms, Metals and ribbons adorning the side of the left breast. Underneath he wore a flat black shit. Which clung to his frame in the rain.
"You Damnedable little brat! Who the fuck do you think you are! Coming into MY island, hurting MY Marines!" The marine captain held a snarl on his face. His beard ruffled into a lock meant for battle. The ends twisted off.
He spoke with a gruff and deep voice. That was hoarse. Almost like it was sore from years of shouting and barking.
In his left hand was a large war hammer. Long enough that it came up to his torso. A long metal rod extended from the large rectangular end.
It had to weigh at most one ton. And this man was wielding it effortlessly.
"Finally. The ring leader himself shows his face!" Leroy twisted his bare feet into the hard stone floor of what seemed to be the training yard.
With a twist of his neck. The Red sashed pirate cracked his neck one way, then the other.