Chereads / Cherubim System / Chapter 19 - Spoils of war

Chapter 19 - Spoils of war

The overall scenery of the serene landscape of the hillsides was not in anyway affected by the bloody and brutal battle that had rocked the usually peaceful chain of hills.

Here and there were remnants of the fierce battle in form of battle-damage and wear. Shattered rocks and destroyed trees littered across the hills but the damage didn't seem to have been significant enough to rob the beautiful landscape of its majestic view.

A few rocks were painted red with blood like an amateur was attempting to remake ancient cave paintings and failed miserably. Nonetheless it was nothing a good rain could not wash away.

The only thing that made it disagreeable and abhorrent were a few disfigured and mangled corpses of dead Oaklanders spreading across the hills and hummocks.

Each decomposing corpse told a story, a gruesome tale about a ruthless young man who would do just about anything to save his family from the maws of ravenous lions.

On the other side of the serene hills were hummocks, bald and chiseled, their surface smooth like stone. Carved out of the belly of the small hummocks were ancient tombs and in one of the tombs, an ancient prodigious boulder had been slightly rolled to the side.

Beyond the carved colossal circular rock, a figure of a young man was brightly shinning like the stars of the Orion in a moonless night sky, twinkling in all its glory.

A few moments later, his body began to dim like he had finished imparting from the legendary warrior but his hair still illuminated a radiant and brilliant whitish hue.

The power of Samson was in his hair so it was expected that Kodesh's hair would respond to the impartation.

For the first time in a long time, his weighty hand was perfectly normal. Well there was nothing normal about the hand, considering how he got his hands on it. But now it was as light as a hand should be.

His core strength had grown exponentially when he imparted from the legendary remains of the fallen hero of Olive.

His body surged and overflowed with Herculean strength, and a natural, gleeful smile spread across his face followed by a heavy sigh of relief. He had done it. He had triumphed against adversities and overcame anything life hefted at him.

With that, he checked the block prints. He had received an ability just after killing the high born knight of burnished silver armor so he decided to check it first, leaving the the divine aspect for last.




[DESCRIPTION] [The Creator is not confined by physical limitations or spatial boundaries. This ability allows you to create multiple clones of yourself or other individuals and through their eyes you can perceive the world]

"What?? Another omnipresence aspect?" Kodesh's sunny eyes lit up in exhilaration, buzzing with excitement.

He couldn't believe his streak of luck. Although his other omnipresent ability was of divine rank, this one was not too bad.

Empyrean is a third rank but he knew he could evolve the aspect as time goes on so he was very pleased to have it in his arsenal considering just how rare it was to stumble upon any Omni aspects.

The other thing was, the vision spawns were a game changer in his quest to save his family. He could use them to as scouts in an effort to search for his family since he can simultaneously see through their eyes.

The downside is that the vision spawns didn't possess any fighting capabilities but he knew as they evolved, they would become formidable warriors too.

With that he lowered his gaze towards the next ability and his mouth agape with shock.

He didn't hear the angelic voice whisper to him that his armor had evolved right after the ghostly shield appeared.

Or maybe he was too absorbed with the bloody battle at hand.




[DESCRIPTION] [A ruddy boy without an armor defeated a towering champion with just a sling. Beyond human eyes though, the boy was wearing a formidable spiritual armor not seen by a naked eye. This armor protects user from both physical and spiritual attacks]

Immediately his heart lurched with joy and excitement. Before, his spiritual armor was of deiform rank, class VII.

There are seven classes so he thought if his armor evolved, it would be first class of the upper rank but it jumped right to the third class. Meaning his shield of faith had grown three classes stronger.

Happy with the spiritual armor, he continued down to the last ability with anticipation and intrigue, his eye glinting with piqued curiosity.




[DESCRIPTION] [A renowned hero was bound with bronze shackles and blind in both eyes. But within those hollow eyes, he could perceive and connive. In the end, the shackles couldn't stop him]


[The UNBLIND ability allows you to see through any objects EXCEPT all kinds of clothes]

At first he had mixed feelings about not being able to see through clothes. But he immediately realized how uncomfortable and vile it would be to see through people. He is not really a pervert so the block prints did him a favor.

With that, he continued to read.


[No chains, locks, shackles, spells, powers, authorities, thrones, dominions, nor ranks can bind you]

The block prints had dropped a bombshell judging by the flabbergasted look on Kodesh's luminescent face as it was radiating the brilliant otherworldly whitish hue still engulfing his hair.

He was exhilarated beyond measure because such an ability had never been possessed by a human in all of history. With that kind of power, he would be untouchable and unstoppable, provided he first masters his spiritual form.

As he finished reading the block prints, faint auras of six individuals permeated the atmosphere. It seemed they had heard a commotion earlier as the battles were raging on.

"Time to test the strength I have imparted from Samson." He murmured, knuckling his fingers with aroused curiosity and confidence.