Chereads / Sandra's Diary II: The Battle / Chapter 2 - The frail girl

Chapter 2 - The frail girl

March 8th,


     I remember telling the others about some mysterious notes I saw once, in my locker. Well, I found some more and I just don't know how I can ignore it. I was tired of the games. I felt pranked.

   Who kept sending all these notes? For crying out loud, I've got a lot of exams and tests lined up for me and I don't need any distractions!

   Today, as I took out my assignment form my locker, I saw a note, plastered on its wall and it was written in block letters. I looked around the hallway but it was almost empty.

Who could be doing this?

  Out of annoyance, I threw the paper into the nearest bin and I had just walked a few steps away when I felt a twinge of guilt.

What if it's actually true? What if someone needs my help?

I walked back to the bin and I was just about to pick up the crumpled paper when a thought stopped me.

...but if the person truly needs my help, why can't he just ask? He doesn't have to be anonymous...ugh! I'm already calling the person a 'he' without even knowing.

   I shook my head and turned away. Just then, I saw Patrick, leaning on his locker and smirking at me.

  Wait...could this be one of Patrick's tricks to get my attention? That boy!

I gave him a stern look and stormed off as he chuckled and muttered, "feisty".


   "Hey seniors!" Ray teased as we sat together in the school's cafeteria, Lissa nudged my arm, wiggling her brows at me as I laughed.

   "Yeah that's us." Tony said with a satisfied grin on his face as I smiled. Lissa was just about to start talking when a loud voice interrupted her and the whole cafeteria went silent. I looked back and frowned in frustration. It was Samantha and her girls. They were bullying a girl- as usual.

   "How dare you?! I asked you to get me a chicken salad. What's this?!" She asked. I noticed the girl she was talking to had this quiet, nerdy look and boy was she about to cry!

    "I-I t-this is y-your salad. It-it's what they have." She stammered, adjusting her glasses with a shaky hand. Samantha looked enraged as she stood up and grabbed the girl's hair menacingly. The girl whimpered and fell to her knees as Samantha screamed at her.

     "Go get me what I want! Not what they have. Got that?!" She asked, pushing her away as the girl shook her head, scared and scurried away.

   "Tsk! Why is Brookville college so bias? Just because Samantha's like the richest kid here doesn't mean she has the right to treat other kids that way. It's not fair!" Lissa said, frowning as we returned to our food. She was right. Just because Samantha's father was like the highest shareholder in this school doesn't mean she has to be mean. She treats other kids like trash and she doesn't get punished because her father literally owns the school!

    "I'm just waiting for the day someone would stand up to her and give her what she deserves. All these has to stop." Ray said as we nodded. Samantha had definitely ruined the mood. The cafeteria slowly became more lively like before until a shrill scream made everyone stand up, alarmed.

  "What's wrong?"


    "What happened?"

    "Who's that?"

Came the different questions as we all looked at Samantha, who had screamed. Before any more reactions could come, we heard a very loud slap, followed by a thud as I saw Lissa stand up in fear. Samantha had slapped the girl and she fell- really hard.

   "My limited edition PU sneakers!!" Samantha shrieked as the girl cowered away in fear, holding her reddened face, stained with tears as Samantha kept on ranting.

   "Look what you've done! Just look what you've done! You could never afford these shoes and look how you've destroyed it! You're not even worth half the price of this shoes!" she screamed as 'oo's filled the cafeteria. My fists clenched and unclenched and I began to boil with anger. Tony looked at me and shook his head then put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and looked away. Old me wouldv'e gotten into a fight without even considering the consequences.

     Thankfully, the bell rang and Samantha kicked the girl in annoyance and stormed out, with her girls, pouring their milk on the girl. I was distraught when I saw how  everyone just walked passed the girl, avoiding her like a leper and moving away, casually like nothing had happened. The girl just curled up in a corner and cried miserably. The caterers just looked away and went about their business like it was just a normal thing.

    "C'mon Sandra, let's go." Ray said solemnly as the rest stood up too. I felt different- guilty. I couldn't just leave her that way. I don't know why I just felt attracted to the girl of a sudden but I walked over to her, much to the amazement of my friends and mine too.

   "'s okay-" I noticed how she cowered back in fear as I knelt in front of her. I stretched out a hand to help her but to my surprise, she slapped it away!

    "Leave me alone! You're a the same! All the same!" She screamed at me and ran away, limping a little. She was a mess. She had bruises all over and she looked so pitiful and frail. My shoulders slumped in sadness as I looked at my friends.

   "We have to help her."