After some discussion, the order I would visit the churches in was decided. Ishnagh was the first, his church a large black tower with a flaming torch at its peak. He chose the best place out of all the churches, in the safest district.
I greeted the priests in crimson robes.
"Greetings, servants of Ishnagh,"
"Welcome, lord! Please follow us to the inner sanctum!" They were in a hurry and practically pulled me through the church's interior.
The inner sanctum was a room in the deepest part of the church, filled with flaming torches and candles.
The priest pointed to a bowl of liquid "Drip your blood within and the flames of the lord will welcome you," He explained, his excitement overflowing.
'It's time to meet an old bastard,'
I did as instructed and a flame rose from with the bowl and flowed onto my body, covering me in a burning cocoon of flames.
I blinked and the world around me changed.
"A dying star?"