Chapter 4 - fail

Warning: multiple depiction of suicide.

 My name is Carrie walker And I failed to make my boyfriend Xavier fall in love with me, causing me to fail a mission because I'm a World traveler I get randomly assigned missions randomly every couple of months and if I complete them, I can either get an extended life, more money or even upgrades like in an anime or cartoon, but this was one of my first fails ever because most of them were either I had to obtain an item or hurt someone I never had to make someone fall in love with me Once his love meter was at 99% just a little bit more and I could've went home but his true love Mary came back and it immediately dropped down to zero I never went back up and me and Mario were kidnapped. It was a fake kidnapping by some random person who looked no more than 18 at the very least who is probably only doing this just to get the money. I don't know how much she offered him a good amount and without any hesitation, he immediately grabbed Mary with a Love and caring I never seen before caressing her face, soothing her The kidnapper scoff and says.

Kidnapper: Look like your husband really doesn't care that much about what you think about I let you go.

The system then notifies me that I have Failed the mission and a surge of pain through my body. The system gave me a punishment of 2490 V of electricity long enough for it to hurt just not long enough to kill me. Just enough to hurt, but then the kidnapper immediately starts worrying as he picks me up.

Kidnapper: Fuck fuck What the hell is happing? shit i got to get you to a hospital. 

As the kidnapper picked me up I laughed myself, thinking how a whole stranger was more concerned about my safety than my own husband. I fully passed out and then I woke up, I could only smell the disinfectant of the hospital as I looked up the system appeared right in front of me and told me I failed the mission. I take a deep breath. Before asking the system, what's next?

System: since you have failed the mission, there's only one way of returning home. It is by death Once you die, you will wake up in your bed, as if it was all just a dream.

Carrie: Are you sure once I die? I'll go back home.

The system confirms this with a ding sound Like a done pizza after it's finished cooking I simply stand up and I walked towards the Open the window I sit on the edge of the windows Before jumping off of the edge, as I feel the wind push past my flash Each moment I try to make him fall for me and each time, failing each of my attempts I am brave my death. I feel a sharp pain in my arm as I stop falling. I look up and I see Tom holding me by My arm, his normally aloof and cold attitude Mom I looked at him confused because didn't he hate me look at him with a attached Face and I tell him to let go he simply ignores me I said for someone to help a Two other nurses went to the room, helping him lift me that he closes the window and The nurses lay me onto the bed then he looks at me with his usual calm.

Tom: What do you think you were doing?

What are you trying? If I wasn't here you would've probably gotten hurt. my brother isn't going to like you just by acting like you were willing to kill yourself please do not try And sympathy like that again.

Before Tom can continue his phone rings and he picks it up and I look around at the nurses checking my vital sign. I simply get back up, walk back to the window while everyone is distracted and I can open it. Getting ready to jump again immediately picks me up, holding me as if I was a newborn child, he actually begins to realize I'm not doing this as a joke, but I am dead serious back on the bed and close the window and make sure to keep at least an arms length towards me. As he tries to talk me down.

Tom: Carrie, will you take a moment to think why are you so willing to die for him if you have to divorce him he is not the only man of earth maybe somewhere someone else is in love with you…

He looks away with a blush. I ignore it as I turn my back on him and I go to sleep as he looks at me with a sad face then after a couple of hours I get discharged from the hospital and as I sit in the front Tom speaks up and says.

Tom: Xavier and bary are at the villa comforting mary they found out it was you who staged the kidnapping so apologize and the divorce will go smooth.

I shrug my shoulders and i look at the trees flying past my eye after a while we get back to the villa and i move out the car and i ignore tom act of being worried about me i grab my keys and i unlocked the door and when i walk in i see mary sitting down and Xavier feeds her grapes and bary rubs her feet and i just look at them with indifference after standing still for a while Xavier looks up and sees me and he looks annoyed.

Xavier: oh your back did you think you got away with staging the kidnapping your lucky mary has such a kind heart she didn't press charges.

Without letting me say a word he throws a note at me and I open it and I see it's a note from the kidnapper saying I was the one who paid him. I just sneer as Mary stands up.

Mary: Come on Xavier, she is your wife. I could never send her to jail.

Without even thinking i feel my palm hit marys face the room goes silent mary freezes in shock after a few seconds Xavier regains his comouser and storms over to me and grabs me by neck and start choking me with all his strength and my eyes roll to the back of my head as i smile as i slowly lose vision tom steps in and punch Xavier in the jaw he drops me and i rub my neck losing my smile and i start to walk up the stairs. 

Tom: Xavier what the hell is wrong with you you almost killed her?! Plus did you see her face she was smiling she was temptenting you she looked like she wanted you to kill her.

Xavier rolls his eyes.

Xavier: what does it matter she hurt mary plus she wouldn't let herself die.

I walk into my room and i grab a butterfly knife and i walk into bathroom lock the door go into the bathtub i sit down and i slit my wrists i feel my blood trickle down my wrists i smile as i imagine returning home i pass out but then when i open my eyes i see a white ceiling as i get up waking up the person next to me i look and see tom.

Tom: oh you're finally awake.

Tom slimes at me with warmth. I look around and I mumble Xavier's name under my breath then Tom loses his smile and gets mad.

Tom: What is it about Xavier hmm?? He has not visited you once all the time you were here plus he is one room away dealing with mary.

I just lay down and i turn away from him tom sighs and get up and tells me he will be back then i see him leave then i wait and then i see bary and i call for him and i ask him to bring me a butterfly knife and i tell him if he does i will leave mary alone he looks happy as he rushes to get me the butterfly knife and hands me the knife and bary looks at me.

Bary: Thare now you will leave Mary alone.

Carrie: no need to worry i wont be around to bother her again.

Bary give me a confused look but before he can say anything i plunge the knife in my throat my blood splatters onto his small chubby face he looks at the blood on his hands i pass out again then i wake up not in a hospital but in a dimly room i look around and is see the room as no lights every sharp edge is dulled down on the bed and table and with some extra soft material i frown as i see no way to die so i lay down and i try to go back to sleep but later i hear a door open and footsteps walk towards me and i feel warm body press on me

Xavier: carrie please don't leave me im sorry 

Xavier holds me close but out of nowhere i tell him to let go he lets out a shocked gasp but keeps a firm grip on me.

Xavier: why?

I look at Xavier with confusion before I can ask what he means.

Xavier: Why do you want to die so bad? Was it because I did not save you first? I'm sorry please don't leave me and bary….

I just go back to sleep and when i wake up Xavier bary and mary go to the mall trying to win me over i walk to the bathroom and bary and Xavier waits outside the door and mary follows me and tries to keep me from doing anything. 

Mary: Carrie please stop, you gave bary a panic attack please i'm sorry for what happened with the kidnapper but stop.

She looks at me with a pleading look with 100% like she means every word and i walk towards her and i hit her over the head knocking her out and i grab her before she hit her head then i grab her purse lock the door yo the bathroom and i break open the then i start to hear banging on the door and i here bary and Xavier scream trying to figure what is going on but i stab myself in the throat leaving a letter right next to me as i see the door burst open bary runs over to me and starts crying.


Bary just cries as Xavier grabs the paper and looks shocked.

Xavier: You're not from this world???

I fully pass out and this time I don't wake up in a hospital but in my original bed from my original bed as if it was all a dream. I get up and see my mother making breakfast and I smile and hug her.

Carrie: I should tell you about the dream I had mom.

The end?

b4aetVDHp8R4jf+y9ZZQIA==: Hello Xavier, tom, bary and mary…

Xavier: what the story is over who are you.

All four of them look at "b4aetVDHp8R4jf+y9ZZQIA=="

b4aetVDHp8R4jf+y9ZZQIA==: you will find out when this gets a part two or animation but i can help you get your wife back get your son back to his mother what do you say.

They all look at each other and bary is the first one to agree then Xavier mary then lastly tom then b4aetVDHp8R4jf+y9ZZQIA== smiles.

b4aetVDHp8R4jf+y9ZZQIA==: well let's do this

The true end.

There might me a part two for this stay tune...