Vers stood beside Loki, watching as the airlock opened, not really sure what to expect from a place like this. She felt a curiosity bubble up inside her, wondering what the inside of a Celestial's skull was even supposed to even look like.
Her first impression was that it was big, far bigger than she expected. There were neon signs everywhere, advertising businesses in alien languages, most of which she couldn't read. The buildings themselves were a strange patchwork of new and old, some brand new, others corroded and dingy, but all of them tightly packed together side by side.
She craned her neck, looked up at the artificial lighting, casting deep, shifting shadows everywhere. That was when the smell hit her, a combination of burnt metal and chemicals with a subtle hint of decay.
As Loki led her off the ship, she feel vibrations through the cold steel floor beneath her feet.
There were aliens everywhere, all different shapes and sizes moving in every direction. All of them looking strange and menacing at the same time.
She looked down at her bare feet, then at Loki's boots, realizing it would be all but impossible to outrun him in a place like this. She double checked her robe, making sure it was closed tight.
As they left she couldn't help but turn around and look at her former ship. It was completely unrecognizable, something her people wouldn't even look at twice, much less realize was a modified Kree ship.
She took a deep breath, falling back on her training. Loki may have taken away her combat training, but not the rest of her skills. As they walked, she looked around for escape routes, categorized threats, and places to hide.
She noticed immediately that all the inhabitants of Knowhere were armed to the teeth. She kept her eyes peeled for any weapons she could pocket, something she could take without notice, and easily hide.
She looked up at Loki, feeling a twinge of worry. Her captor's normal playful and arrogant smirk was gone, replaced by a focused, and for more anxious, and worried expression.
'He's distracted,' she thought to herself, seeing him look at each alien they passed suspiciously as he held her arm in a tight grip. She knew she couldn't overpower him, but all she needed was one slip, one good distraction, and she could break free, then disappear into the crowd before he noticed she was gone.
As they traveled deeper within the Celestial's skull, she felt the growing tension in not just Loki, but also the aliens they passed, each of them giving Loki a wide berth. She could feel their eyes on her as well, some of them curious, others menacing, but they all looked away when Loki caught their eye.
As they continued to navigate the overcrowded streets, she couldn't help the growing feeling of anxiety in the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling she had little experience with until now. Without her weapons, and her abilities, all the dangers around them felt so much more real, and frightening than they ever did before. It gnawed at her pride, feeling so vulnerable.
Without thinking, she shifted closer to Loki, subconsciously looking for any semblance of safety and comfort she could find.
She felt Loki's wrap his arm around her waist, holding her tight. Her pride made her want to pull away, but there was an undeniable feeling of safety and security in his arms she was reluctant to part with. Her plans of escape faded to the back of her mind as safety and survival took priority.
She wondered if Loki had been here before, if these aliens recognized him, or they simply sensed a predator amongst them, and knew enough to stay back.
"We're here," Loki said as they finally stopped in front of a large building.
Vers looked up, seeing the building stretch into the sky. It was separate from the other buildings, standing out prominently on its own. Whoever Loki was here to meet, she knew they had to be important.
They approached the two massive guards standing at the door, eying them suspiciously as they drew their weapons.
"Tell the Collector that Loki of Asgard seeks an audience," Loki said, a hint of arrogance in his tone as he stared down the guards, no longer showing even a hint of worry.
The guards nodded, one of them going to the door and speaking in an alien language before returning.
"The Collector will see you," the guard said in a gruff voice, pulling open the heavy steel door.
Vers stayed close to Loki as they made their way inside, her unease growing as she looked around the Collector's home. It was bigger than she expected from the outside, with many hallways going off in different directions.
She could see display cases, lots of them, each housing different creatures, most of which she had never encountered before. They were in all shapes and sizes, but what had her truly worried was when they spoke, banging against the glass as they walked past.
They didn't speak any language she understood, but many of the creatures were obviously intelligent.
Her eyes lingered on them as they walked past them, hearing faint screams from deeper within the building that sent chills down her spine.
She took a shaky breath, focusing on the walls instead, looking at the weapons, tapestries, statues. There were artifacts from hundreds if not thousands of different worlds, leaving no doubt in her mind why this person Loki wanted to meet was called the Collector.
She felt the eyes of the Collector's guard linger on her as they walked deeper into his domain.
She pressed herself closer to Loki, gluing her eyes to the floor, not liking how they looked at her in the slightest, almost as if she was another acquisition for the Collector.
That was when she had the most disturbing thought of all. Was that why she was here? Did Loki capture her to trade her to the Collector? She looked up at him, seeing the determined expression on his face, and dismissed the idea.
If that was all she was to Loki, he would have locked her in the brig, or kept her in suspended animation after he captured her, but her doubts still lingered as they entered a grand chamber.
She saw him then; the man sitting in a throne-like chair on the other side of the room. She knew immediately that he had to be the Collector.
He was tall and slender, his fingers adorned with multiple rings, ending with sharp, clawed fingers. His skin was pale, almost ethereal, and his hair was a stark white.
He looked at them as they walked in, his eyes sharp and calculating as he appraised both her and Loki silently.
She found herself looking away, unable to meet his eyes, feeling deeply uncomfortable in his presence.
Around them she could see large tanks holding what had to be his most prized possessions, each with a plaque showing what they were and where he acquired them.
There was something she could only describe as a ferocious monster, frozen mid-roar. She looked down at the plaque that simply read. Frost Wyrm, Jotunheim.
The next exhibit was of a Dark Elf poised to attack, his pale skin in sharp contrast with his black armor that seemed to absorb all the light around it.
She could see many others, but before she could examine them more closely, Loki stepped forward, his arm leaving her hip. She looked at him in surprise, feeling an unexpected spike of fear without him by her side, but remained silent.
"What is your purpose here son of Odin?" The Collector demanded, his voice ancient, thrumming with power.
"I come with a proposition, Collector," Loki replied, keeping his voice even, despite being in the presence of such an ancient being. "I wish to trade for the Reality Stone."
The Collector leaned forward, stroking his chin silently for a moment. "You are mistaken, son of Odin. The Reality Stone is not part of my collection."
Loki couldn't hide the surprise on his face at the revelation. While it had never been outright confirmed, it was largely believed the stone was in the Collector's possession.
All his plans hinged on collecting the Infinity Stones, the Reality Stone chief amongst them.
'Reality Stone?' Vers thought, furrowing her brows in confusion, wondering what it was, and why Loki was so interested in it.
"A word of advice, son of Odin," The Collector said, sitting back in his chair, his voice quiet, yet somehow filling the entire chamber. "The stones are not for the faint of heart. What you seek is power beyond your understanding."
Vers could feel the tension ratchet up as Loki and the Collector stared each other down. She found herself subconsciously reaching for the comforting presence of her blaster, only to realize it wasn't there.
"I know what I seek," Loki responded firmly, watching the Collector closely. "And while you may not have it in your collection, you know where it can be found, don't you?"
The Collector smirked, looking down at the child. "Perhaps I've heard a rumor or two over the centuries, but such information does not come cheap. Tell me, Loki. What do you bring to the table… or rather, who?" He asked, his gaze drifting to Vers as he observed her with a calculating gaze.
Vers froze in place, a chill running down her spine at the thought of becoming a part of his collection. She wrapped her cloak tightly around herself, keeping her eyes glued to the floor.
Suddenly she yelped, her eyes going wide as her cloak suddenly vanished, leaving her nakedness on full display to the cold, calculating eyes of the Collector. She wrapped her arms around herself as she ducked behind Loki, not liking the way his eyes followed her every movement.
He didn't look at her with desire or lust, but something far worse, a covetous greed that left her more frightened than she had ever felt before.
Loki's jaw tightened as he cursed mentally. The Collector noticed the illusionary cloak he created for Vers from the beginning, and rather than dismiss her as unimportant as he intended, it had drawn his attention right to her.
It was a problem he hadn't accounted for, and would need to rectify.
"The woman belongs to me," he said, his voice turning cold as locked eyes with the Collector. "And I have no interest in trading her."
"A pity," The Collector said, never taking his eyes off Vers. "You, my dear, would have been a most valuable acquisition."
He smiled at her, his teeth gleaming, hinting silently that he knew more than he was letting on.
"What else do you have to offer then?" He asked after a long moment, turning to face Loki again.
Vers let out the breath she had been holding, feeling a flood or relief, not even thinking of correcting Loki this time, wishing for nothing more than to be as far away from this place as she could get.
Loki stared back at the Collector. He needed something both valuable and unique to peak the Collector's interest, especially now, and there was only one thing in his possession that would fit the bill.
He waved his hand, the Cask of Ancient Winters appeared in front of them.
"An artifact from my home of Asgard," Loki explained. "Taken from the frost giants of Jotunheim by Odin after their defeat. It is capable of unleashing a powerful, otherworldly cold, creating an endless winter."
"It is certainly unique," The Collector replied, his eyes drifting to the cask, studying it carefully. "…But not a fair trade," he dismissed.
"We are not trading for an Infinity Stone," Loki reminded the Collector, seeing his gaze drift back to Vers. "Only it's location."
"You still ask for too much, and offer far too little in return," the Collector replied. "Begone," he dismissed, waving his hand. "Before I feel less charitable."
Loki clenched his jaw. He knew he couldn't leave here without the location of the stone, not with Thanos — he stopped mid thought, realizing what he had to do. "Very well, the cask, along with information on a looming threat against you."
"Looming threats hardly concern me," The Collector replied, but subtly waved off his guards as he regarding Loki curiously. "I have been dealing with them since the universe was young."
"Thanos," Loki said, knowing that he needed to get the Collector's attention. "He is after the stones, and the rumors will eventually lead him to you."
'Thanos?' Vers thought, not recognizing the name, but from the widening of the Collector's eyes, he certainly did, and for the first time since they arrived in his home, she saw a flicker of fear in his eyes.
"… That does complicate things, but…" the Collector replied after a long pause, "given your… reputation. I will need more than your word."
Loki looked at the Collector, feeling a bead of sweat drip down his forehead. Negotiating with the Collector was far more difficult than he ever imagined. Even now he was observing him, looking for tells, trying to ferret out as much information from him as he could, forcing him to reveal far more about the infinity stones than he wanted to.
"The Stones were always Thanos's endgame," Loki replied after a moment's thought. "How else would he achieve the 'balance' he seeks?"
"Why now?" The Collector pressed, narrowing his eyes. "What has changed, Loki of Asgard?"
"It hardly matters," Loki replied, meeting the Collector's gaze. "Whether it's now, or a thousand years from now, he will come here, looking for the stone."
"Hmmm," the Collector said, sitting back as he tapping his chin, considering the Asgardian's words. He could tell he was holding something back, something important.
His non answer all but confirmed he had something to do with Thanos's renewed interests in the stones.
He weighed the possibility of capturing Loki himself and handing him over to the Mad Titan, but it would also mean dealing with Thanos directly, and that was trouble he would rather avoid.
"That hardly solves my problem," the Collector replied, staring down Loki, his eyes unblinking.
"It will," Loki denied. "Thanos will learn the stone was never in your possession to begin with. I am sure a man of your reputation will see to that, and Thanos will have no reason to darken your doorstep."
"You play a dangerous game," the Collector acknowledged, reading between the lines. Thanos knew Loki wanted the stones for himself, and because of it, the universe was poised to become far more interesting than it had in millennia.
"Do you accept my trade?" Loki pressed.
"The reality stone is on Svartalfheim," the Collector replied, the cask appearing in his hands.
"Svartalfheim? The home of the Dark Elves?" Loki asked, unable to hide the surprised look on his face.
He knew Odin's father Bor defeated the Dark Elves, but not even Odin knew where he hid the reality stone after that.
Vers eyes flickered to the Dark Elf displayed in the corner, her mind whirling. Until today, she didn't know anything about Loki's plans, but now that she knew what he wanted, it left her with even more questions. 'Svartalfheim? Dark Elves? Reality Stone? Thanos? What does it all mean?' she thought.
'From the way Loki and the Collector spoke, there's obviously more than one of these stones. And Thanos? Who's that? What's this balance he wants? And why are they both so afraid of him?' she thought furiously, trying to make sense of it all.
A ghost of a smile appeared on the Collector's face. "Svartalfheim," he confirmed. "A clever ruse by your grandfather. The one place no one would think to look for it. Now begone… and Loki," he said, stopping him. "Never return," he said, leaving the threat unspoken, but the message clear.
Loki nodded, expecting nothing less from the Collector as he grabbed Vers's hand and they quickly left.
Vers breathed a sigh of relief as they stood outside the Collector's home, glad to finally be out of there, and free of his unnerving gaze. She looked up at Loki, hoping he would do what the Collector said, and they could go back to the ship.
That was when she realized her other problem. She was naked. The Collector took her cloak. She had been so distracted it slipped her mind. She blushed, feeling the gaze of the many aliens on the street in front of them.
"Here," Loki said, creating another robe for Vers to wear.
Vers took it gratefully, wrapping the cloak tightly around herself as she breathed a sigh of relief. She may have got used to Loki seeing her like this, but she wasn't prepared for an entire planet of aliens to do the same.
Loki met her gaze, cracking a smile. "You've been unusually quiet, Vers."
Vers's eyes widened, staring at Loki in disbelief. He did to her again, and it was only now she noticed it. She hadn't said a word since they set foot on Knowhere. He used his mind tricks on her again!
"Don't give me that look," Loki dismissed, the smirk returning to his face. "Did you want to speak to the Collector too?" He asked sarcastically, seeing the outraged look on her face.
"That's not the point," Vers huffed angrily.
"Isn't it?" Loki questioned. "You saw it for yourself, the way the Collector looked at you. Did you really want any more of his attention than you got?"
A shiver ran down Vers's spine at the thought of the Collector, the way his eyes lingered on her, staring at her greedily as he tried to convince Loki to trade her to him.
"I didn't think so," Loki said smugly.
"Are we done?" Vers snapped indignantly. "Because I would really like to leave before the Collector changes his mind."
"Let's go," Loki agreed, wrapping his arm around her waist as he led her away.
Vers thought about shrugging off Loki's arm, but dismissed, not wanting to draw anymore attention to herself than she already had.
As they navigated the winding and twisting streets of Knowhere, she looked up at Loki, unable to contain her curiosity. "This Reality Stone you're looking for, what is it? What are you planning?" She whispered, hoping that after everything that happened, he would at least tell her that much.
"It isn't something for you to concern yourself with at the moment," Loki replied quietly, still as obtuse as ever.
Vers rolled her eyes. She was more likely to get blood from a stone than a direct answer out of Loki.
"This isn't the way we came," she realized, not seeing any of the streets they passed on the way to the Collector's home.
"We're not going back to the ship just yet. There's one more stop we need to make," Loki revealed as they turned another corner.
"You can't be serious," Vers snapped. "You heard what the Collector said," she hissed, making sure the throng of aliens around them didn't overhear.
"All the more reason to make this stop now," Loki replied, not missing a beat. "We won't get another chance like this for a while," he said, stopping in front of a building.
Vers looked up at the sign, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she read it. "The Gilded Strand?" she asked, wondering where Loki had brought her now.
She could tell by the sign and the design of the building that whatever this shop sold, it was expensive, but had no idea what Loki's interest in a place like this could be.
It looked out of place next to the other buildings, but didn't have the same menace as the Collector's home. 'Weapons?' she thought. 'Maybe something else to do with these stones he wants?'
"Welcome to the Gilded Strand. I am the owner, Lyria. How may I serve you?" a woman said as they stepped through the door.
Vers had to do a double take as she looked at the woman. The first thing that caught her eye was her red skin and golden eyes. She also had black marking all over her body, looking like some kind of tribal design. Then her eyes widened, seeing the tentacle like arms protruding from her back.
"Wh-what is this place?" Vers asked, wondering what Loki had gotten her into now, trying to understand what this place was, and what was Loki's interest in it.
"The most exclusive and sought after beauty parlor in the galaxy," Lyria said with a pleasant smile.
Vers felt her jaw drop open as she whirled around to look at the clearly amused face of Loki. "Beauty parlor? You can't be serious! We have to leave! Now!"
"I need your best work," Loki said, ignoring Vers's outburst.
Lyria raised a sculpted eyebrow. "My best work?" she asked, liking the idea of a challenge. "That will depend. Show me what I'm working with, and of course, how much you're willing to pay."
"Price is no object," Loki dismissed, waving his hand theatrically.
"What?!" Vers yelped in surprise as her robe disappeared for a second time. She blushed, using her hands to cover herself up as she glared at Loki.
"Come now, my dear," Lyria smirked. "There's no need for you to be so shy, especially with a figure like that," she said, walking a slow circle around Vers. "Put your hands down. Let me see what I'm working with."
"Damn you, Loki!" Vers cursed, seeing the amusement in his eyes, and wanting nothing more than to wipe the smug look off his face.
"Vers, you are to do as Lyria says," Loki said, leaving no room for argument.
Vers stared between Loki and the increasingly eager face of Lyria, realizing there was no way out of this. If she didn't do as Loki ordered, he would make the decision for her.
She looked back at Lyria, reluctantly accepting her fate as she lowered her hands, her face still flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't allow Loki use his abilities on her, and risk losing her chance to escape.
Lyria had already shown that money motivated her, and if she stayed on the woman's good side, she may even be willing to send a message to the Supreme Intelligence, or even help her escape Loki.
"What did you have in mind?" Lyria asked, her eyes lighting up as she considered the possibilities, her mind already churning with ideas, ignoring Vers as she gave her full attention to Loki.
"Let's start with a bath," Loki said, seeing all the dirt and grime Vers had picked up as they walked through the streets of Knowhere.
"I can't believe this," Vers muttered, her voice dripping with disbelief and anger. Was Loki doing this just to get a rise out of her? The last thing she wanted to do was waste time in a place like this.
"I assure you, girl," Lyria said in an unamused tone, easily hearing Vers muttered words. "You are in the finest hands in the galaxy. Lord Loki," she said, turning to face him. "I promise you, you will have my finest work."
Vers winced, realizing her comment had made it that much harder for her to get Lyria on her side. It was a problem she dealt with frequently, but never when the stakes were so high, and with her freedom about to slip through her fingers.
"I have no doubt," Loki smiled, seeing the affronted and challenged look in Lyria's eyes.
Lyria nodded, ringing a bell to call for one of her servants. "Nyx, bring Lord Loki some refreshments. Please be seated, Lord Loki. This will take some time," she said, gesturing to an overstuffed armchair.
"Mistress?" Nyx asked, looking Vers up and down, her eyes lingering on Vers's breasts. "Do you require any assistance?"
"No, Nyx," Lyria dismissed. "This one is special. I will handle every aspect of this transformation myself."
"Of course, Mistress," Nyx said with a bow, a hint of disappointment in her voice as she gave one last look at Vers before leaving the room.
Vers looked up, seeing Lyria's servant scurry off, not liking it one bit that both Lyria and Nyx talked about her as if she wasn't even there, but she held her tongue this time. She couldn't afford to get on Lyria's bad side, any more that she already had.
"Come, my dear," Lyria said, taking Vers's hand firmly in her own as she lead her a few steps away to the bathing area.
Vers looked down into the water, but she wasn't even sure she could call it that. "It was light blue, and she could see something shimmering in the water she didn't recognize."
Lyria reached for some jars lining the shelf behind the tub. Picking a few of them up, she held them to her nose, nodding to herself, before pouring some of the liquid into the tub.
Vers watched as the liquid in the tub turned from a light blue to a swirl of colors, blue, red, orange, green, but none of them mixed together, all of them remaining distinctly separate, swirling and dancing around each other. She sniffed, smelling a soothing blend or aromas she couldn't quite place,the tub exuding a soft glow as steam wafted enticingly out of the liquid.
"Step inside, my dear," Lyria said with a confident smile. "You are about to have the most luxurious bath you have ever experienced."
Vers looked hesitantly at the swirling liquid for a long moment, looking up when she heard Loki clear his throat, drink in hand. She saw the look on his face and knew he would force the issue if she didn't do as Lyria instructed.
Bracing herself, Vers stepped into the bath, settling herself into the warm liquid, feeling a slight tingling sensation on her skin.
"There we are," Lyria smiled teasingly. "Not nearly as bad as you thought it was, was it?" she said with a teasing wink.
Vers settled for nodding her head as Lyria reached for a sponge, dipping it into the tub. She closed her eyes, feeling the slightly coarse texture of the sponge as it glided across her skin.
She reflected on her situation, how eerily similar it was to her dreams about Lady Vers as Berta and the castle servants bathed her, preparing her each night for King Loki.
She cracked open an eye, glancing across the room at Loki sipping his drink. He looked back at her, smirking as their eyes met. She turned away, shutting her eyes again, not in the mood to deal with whatever game Loki was playing now.
A few moments later, she opened her eyes again, feeling the sponge on her breasts, and quickly grabbed Lyria's wrist, her cheeks tinged red. "I can take care of this part myself," she muttered, hoping to hang onto at least a few shreds of her dignity.
"Nonsense dear," Lyria said, easily slapping away Vers's hand as she rubbed the sponge along her chest in slow circles. "I've promised Lord Loki my best, and he will get it," she said firmly, reminding her very much of Berta at that moment.
Vers winced, rubbing her hand. Lyria's slap was deceptively light, but hurt far more than she expected. She caught her eye, ready to argue.
"Dear," Lyria said in a low voice. "Do as you're told," and edge in her tone now. "I will not have your tantrums ruin my work."
Vers swallowed, looking at Lyria in a new light. She had first thought of her as a bubbly alien running a beauty parlor, but there was clearly more to it, and if her slap was anything to go by, she was also far stronger than she looked.
"There's a good girl," Lyria said, the smile back on her face, like nothing had happened. "Now, spread your legs for me. We need to clean there next."
Vers hesitated, looking up at Lyria. It was apparently the wrong thing to do as two of Lyria's tentacle-like hands dipped into the water, spreading apart her thighs.
She gasped, feeling the alien woman's warm tentacles encircle her thighs, holding them open.
She reflexively clamped her legs together, or at least tried to, but Lyria proved to be too strong for her, easily spreading her thighs even further apart as she strained against her.
Her eyes widened as instead of the expected sponge, she felt Lyria's fingers between her thighs, combing through her pubic hair. She stifled a gasp; her face going beet red.
It was one thing to experience it as a dream, but something else entirely when it was really happening to her.
"Don't be difficult, dear," Lyria advised, keeping her tone light. "You do not get to choose what happens today, accept that, and I promise you, you will enjoy yourself."
Vers found herself nodding along as she glanced back at Loki. He was watching, but it didn't seem like he'd heard them. It was now or never. "I'm his prisoner," Vers whispered. "He captured me, and either killed or incapacitated my unit. I need-"
"Fascinating," Lyria interrupted in a dismissive tone, using one of her tentacles to dip a bucket into the tub and pour the liquid over her head.
Vers spluttered, wiping the liquid from her face. "Would you please just listen," she hissed, keeping her voice low, as she glanced at Loki out of the corner of her eye for a reaction, breathing a sigh of relief when he started a conversation with Nyx, ignoring them.
"Alright dear," Lyria whispered, a smirk on her face. "I'll play along, so long as you do the same, and give me no more trouble for the rest of your bath."
"Fine," Vers huffed, knowing she had little choice in the matter. "I'm part of the Kree Military," she explained, another gasp escaping her lips as she felt the rest of Lyria's hands on her body, squeezing and rubbing as she worked the liquid into her hair and skin.
"They'll pay well for my safe return, a lot more than Loki is paying you," she promised.
"Dip your head under the water, dear. No need to hold your breath. You'll be able to breathe just fine," Lyria interrupted. "I'll let you know when it's time to come up."
"Are you even listening?" Vers hissed, seeing little to no reaction from Lyria about everything she'd said so far.
"Yes, yes," Lyria replied. "Kidnapped, Kree military, reward," she rattled off. "I've been paying attention."
Vers took a breath, doing her best to not let her frustration show as she allowed Lyria to submerge her in the liquid. She blinked, looking up at the blurry face of Lyria through the liquid, finding she could breathe just as easily as normal, even surrounded by the liquid.
She could feel all eight of Lyria's tentacles on her body, caressing and squeezing, even lathering the liquid into her hair. She shut her eyes, feeling Lyria's hands on her breasts, pussy, and ass, all at the same time, her body unwillingly respond to the alien woman's touch.
At that moment, she was thankful to be submerged in the liquid. Loki couldn't see her over the rim of the tub, and the effect Lyria was having on her.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Lyria lift her head out of the liquid. "Just help me escape, and get in contact with them," Vers said. "They'll take care of everything."
"Are you finished?" Lyria questioned, looking at her impatiently.
"…Yes," Vers said, not sure how to react to Lyria's flippant tone.
"Good, then get on all fours. We're almost done," Lyria replied.
"What?" Vers demanded, not believing her ears. "After all that, that's all you have to say?"
"Were you expecting something different?" Lyria asked with a shrug. "I promised you I would listen, and I did."
Vers growled, feeling her annoyance quickly turn to anger as it became clear Lyria never had any intention of helping her.
"You need to understand something, dear," Lyria said, her voice taking on a harsher tone. "Lord Loki is paying me handsomely. Far more than your people will ever pay for your return, and I will not make an enemy of him in exchange for your hollow promises."
Vers set her jaw, realizing there was nothing she could say or do to convince her to help her.
"Now don't be like that," Lyria leaned in to whisper, the smile back on her face. "Lord Loki has plans for you. I can tell. He will treat you well, far better than your people ever did."
"What plans?" Vers demanded suspiciously, wondering how Lyria knew so much after meeting Loki for the first time.
"That is something you will have to ask him," Lyria replied mysteriously. "But considering what he's agreed to spend on you today… I'm sure you will enjoy them," she winked.
Before Vers could respond, Lyria flipped her onto all fours, easily manhandling her into position. She let out a surprised yelp, splashing some of the liquid out of the tube as Lyria held her, keeping a tight grip on her wrists and ankles as she used another one of her hands to press down on the small of her back, forcing her down.
Vers strained, letting out an angry yell, but Lyria's grip was like iron, easily holding her in place, not allowing her to move so much as an inch. "Let me go!" she snarled.
"Problem?" Loki asked with a raised eyebrow, looking up from his conversation with Nyx.
"No, not at all," Lyria said, clamping another hand over Vers's mouth, and muffling her yells. "Your slave, she is just a little more spirited than I expected. I assume she's a new accusation?"
Vers eyes went wide before she bit down hard on Lyria's fingers, fuming. She wasn't Loki's slave! She was his prisoner, but much to her chagrin, Lyria simply ignored her.
Loki chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took in the furious expression on Vers's face. "Yes, I only acquired her a few weeks ago. Let me know if she causes any more problems, and I'll see to it."
"I'm sure it won't be a problem," Lyria assured him, the smile still firmly on her face, before looking down at Vers. "You will not do that again," she hissed through her forced smile, only loud for Vers to hear.
"I see," Lyria said, her eyes narrowing as Vers continued to struggle in her grip, glaring defiantly back at her. "If that's the way you want to play it, would you like to see what Lord Loki thinks of your silly little escape attempts, hmm?"
Vers eyes widened, never considering the possibility of Lyria using what she said against her.
"I didn't think so," Lyria smirked, knowing that she had her now. "Now I'm going to remove my hand. When I do, you're going to tell me you'll be a good girl, and not cause me anymore problems. Nod if you understand me."
Vers shut her eyes, exhaling through her nose as she calmed herself down. She was still seething at the liberties Lyria took with her, but couldn't risk Loki finding out what she was up to. She opened her eyes, swallowing her pride, as she gave a curt nod to Lyria.
Lyria removed her hand, a smirk on her face now, knowing that she had to put the willful girl in her place before she made a mess of things. "I'm waiting," she said, looking down at Vers expectantly.
Vers wanted so much to wipe the smug expression off of Lyria's face, but knew she couldn't risk it. "…I won't cause you anymore problems," she muttered before looking away sullenly.
"And?" Lyria pressed, deciding to hammer the point home.
Vers groaned internally, hating what Lyria was forcing her to do, but seeing no other way out of her predicament. "I'll be a good girl," she ground out.
"Good," Lyria smiled, pouring more of the liquid on her back and shoulders. "This next part is going to feel a little unpleasant at first," she warned, "but it's something you'll grow to enjoy with time."
Vers mind flashed back to what happened to Lady Vers, and the similar position she found herself in, realizing immediately what Lyria intended to do.
"Oh good," Lyria said, misreading the look on Vers's face. "You've done this before. Alright then, you know what to do. Just relax, and we'll get to the more pleasant parts of your treatments soon enough."
Vers eyes widened, feeling one of Lyria's tentacles circle the rim of her ass. She reflexively clamped down on the invading digit, but it did no good. Lyria's tentacle was already slick with the liquid she bathed her in, and easily slid the tip into her ass.
She gasped, clamping down hard as her whole body stiffened, stopping the invading tentacle.
"That's odd," Lyria said, looking down at Vers quizzically. "That's normally how first timers react."
"Stop," Vers hissed insistently.
"Stop?" Lyria said, letting out a mirthful laugh. "Don't be silly girl. Your master already made his decision. You are to have a bath, and that's the end of it."
"He is not my master," Vers denied vehemently. "I told you before. He kidnapped me. I'm his prisoner."
Lyria rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh. "Yes, that's generally how slavery works. Now be honest with me, is this your first time," she said, wiggling her tentacle.
"It makes no difference to me," she said, seeing the indignant glare on Vers's face. "But if this is really your first time, it's in your best interests to tell me now."
"Yes," Vers bit out angrily, seeing no way out of this.
"Alright then," Lyria said, withdrawing her tentacle.
Vers blinked, looking up at Lyria in surprise, thinking that perhaps the alien woman had taken mercy on her, but the feeling was short-lived.
She watched Lyria scoop up some more of the liquid, then felt her smear it around the rim of ass.
Vers groaned, feeling Lyria's tentacle press against her asshole again, this time with less force than before, but she twisted and wiggled it as she pushed, taking her time to spread the liquid inside her, and stretch her out.
She felt Lyria's tentacle sink deeper inside her, despite her best efforts to keep her out, keenly feeling the difference between her dreams and reality.
In her dreams, she only felt the pleasant aspects of it, not the waves of discomfort as Lyria eased her tentacle deeper inside her ass, stretching her to her limits.
She felt uncomfortably full, clamping down tightly on Lyria's tentacle to stop her, but it had little effect. Lyria simply added more of the liquid to her tentacle before trying again, gradually pushing past her boundaries until she had what felt like the full length of her tentacle buried inside her ass.
Vers breathed out a sigh of relief as Lyria finally stooped, hoping that now that Lyria had her fun, she would remove her tentacle and end this humiliation, but as the seconds ticked by it dawned on her that this experience was far from over.
"It's not that bad dear," Lyria said, with a light chuckle, seeing the expression on Vers's face. "I didn't even go that deep, just six or seven inches."
Vers's eyes widened. 'Just six or seven inches?' she thought in disbelief, feeling another flash of anger as Lyria stared back at her, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Before she could retort she felt a growing warmth in her ass and knew immediately it was the liquid Lyria coated her tentacle with. To her surprise, it began to feel pleasant, her muscles gradually relaxing and stretching the longer Lyria left her finger insider her.
"See, I knew you would like it," Lyria said knowingly, catching the look in Vers's eyes. She leaned down, whispering in her ear. "Trust me. It only gets better from here."
Vers bit back a groan as Lyria wiggled her tentacle inside her ass again, slowly pumping it in and out as she stretched her ass even further.
Her movements were slow and methodical. The pain and discomfort slowly faded away, leaving behind a deep and growing feeling of pleasure. It was nowhere near as intense as her dreams, feeling somewhat muted by comparison, but the pleasure was still there, just beneath the surface.
Vers lowered her head, taking deep breaths as she tried to ignore Lyria's touch, but then Lyria did something that shocked her. She let out a gasp, feeling Lyria's tentacle push deeper insider her. She looked over her shoulder, a confused look on her face, wondering how Lyria had done it. Then she felt her tentacle pull back slightly, even though she hadn't moved her hand.
Lyria gave Vers a knowing smile and wink as she increased the length of her tentacle again, making it feel like she was pumping her finger inside her ass.
Vers bit her lip, feeling Lyria's tentacle go even deeper inside her. There was nothing she could do to stop her. She bit her tongue sharply, trying to give herself something else to focus on instead of Lyria's invading tentacle, but it was easier said than done, ignoring Lyria's touches.
"Don't hold back. Let your master hear you," Lyria leaned in to whisper. "Look at him," she said, subtly nodding to Loki. "He's mesmerized by you. This is the power you hold over him. If you play your cards right, you can have everything you could ever want."
"Except my freedom," Vers replied bitterly, clenching and unclenching her fingers as she fought against her growing pleasure.
"Freedom?" Lyria asked, laughing lightly. "Why would you ever want something as silly as that?"
"What?" Vers asked, confused by what Lyria said, her breath coming out in short gasps. Of course, she wanted her freedom, to go back to her job, to be a soldier again.
"You heard me," Lyria replied, making her tentacle wider, earning another surprised gasp from Vers. "Lord Loki is a powerful man. You can feel it, can't you? When you look at him he practically exudes power."
"No," Vers lied, shaking her head, feeling a dull ache in her ass as Lyria somehow made her finger wider as she continued to pump it inside her. "…He took me by… surprise. With more soldiers… I could have… beat him," she managed to get out between gasps.
Lyria laughed again. "You don't even believe that, dear. Look at him," she said, grasping Vers's jaw and forcing her to meet Loki's eyes. "See the way he looks at you? You may not accept it yet, but you are his, and you will be far happier in his possession than with this precious freedom of yours."
"No," Vers said stubbornly, trying to look away, but she couldn't break Lyria's grip, no matter how hard she tried. She saw the lust in Loki's eyes as he put down his drink, making his way over to them.
'No,' Vers thought in a panic. The last thing she needed was for Loki to come closer, and the insufferable smirk on his face as he saw the position she was in.
"I must say Lyria," Loki said, sitting down on the edge of the tub. "I've been quite impressed so far, and with your assistant, Nyx, as well. She had so many interesting suggestions for my Vers, so many ideas. Think I hadn't even considered until now."
"We aim to please," Lyria smiled, keeping a tight hold of Vers, as she slowly pumped her tentacle into her ass.
Vers clenched her jaw, making her whole body go rigid, trying desperately to hide the effect Lyria was having on her.
"Not that I don't find the view… enjoyable," Loki said, his eyes drifting down to Vers's breast, watching as the droplets of liquid trickled down them, dripping back into the tub. "But how much longer do you expect this to take?"
Vers felt a flood of relief. 'Yes,' she thought, feeling a glimmer of hope that this humiliating experience would soon be over.
"Not much longer," Lyria reassured him. "And I assure you, the wait will be worth it."
"I'm sure it will," Loki said with a smirk, seeing the state Vers was in, regardless of her efforts to hide it.
"Lord Loki," Nyx said, getting his attention from across the room. "I have the drink you requested," she said, holding up the tray.
Loki looked back at Nyx, giving Vers a knowing wink before returning to his seat, looking through the catalog Nyx brought with her.
A groan escaped Vers's lips as Loki sat back down, shutting her eyes tightly as Lyria pumped her tentacle inside her a little faster.
"Think of me as an instrument of Lord Loki's will," Lyria whispered, twirling her tentacle as Vers shuddered. "Imagine it is him inside you, taking your ass, making you his," she said, pumping her finger even faster.
"No," Vers denied, struggling in Lyria's grip as Lyria forced to stare up at Loki. He had stopped talking with Nyx, staring at her directly now. There was no hiding what Lyria was doing to her, Loki hadn't been fooled for a second.
She could see Loki's eyes darken with lust, the same way Sebastian and King Loki had done in her dreams. "I'm his prisoner, not his, his.."
"You are," Lyria denied sensually. "Your pleasure belongs to him now," she said, her smirk widening as Vers subconsciously pushed herself back on Lyria's invading digit, accepting it inside her.
"No… no, that's not true," Vers denied, but the words felt distant and hollow. She felt a spike of arousal, unable to get the image out of her head. She couldn't help but imagine it was Loki behind her, and not Lyria, imagine it was Loki's cock instead of Lyria's finger thrusting inside her ass.
"It's ok," Lyria whispered in a soothing tone, slightly increase both the width and length of her finger as she spoke. "You can let go. Just give in to the pleasure, accept who you are… what you are," she teased.
A mew of pleasure escaped Vers's lips as she fought against the vivid mental picture Lyria painted in her mind, feeling a shudder of pleasure course through her body as her resistance crumbled.
"I'm a solider, I'm a soldier, I'm a solider," she whispered, over and over again as she fought against her growing pleasure.
"Not anymore, dear," Lyria whispered back, pumping her finger a little faster as Vers thrust her hips back to meet her invading tentacle. "You're his now. Look at him, see the effect you have on him," she said, tilting Vers head down to see the growing bulge in Loki's pants.
"Uggh," Vers groaned, unable to hold back the cry of pleasure this time.
"Yes," Lyria spoke softly into her ear. "Give in, let him hear you. Let him see what belongs to him, and him alone. Imagine it. It's him inside you now. Feel his strong hands on your hips, his fingers digging in to your supple skin. Feel him thrusting inside you with wild abandon. He defeated you, he made you his," she said, extending the length of her finger again. "You've never let another man take you here. There was a reason for that. You may not have known it then, but you were saving this for your true master. He's here now. Look at him," she said, making sure Vers's eyes were locked onto Loki's.
Vers couldn't look away, not even if she tried. The vivid picture in her mind's eye was too much to ignore. Everything else faded away. It was just her and Loki. It was him thrusting inside her, claiming her. She could feel it with every fiber of her being.
"LOKIIII!" she screamed out, no longer able to contain herself as she came hard, her eyes locked on Loki's powerful form as she slumped into Lyria's grip, gasping for breath.
Hi! Thanks for reading. What do you think of the story so far? The storyline picked up a little more in this chapter, what did you think of the Collector? I didn't want the stop at Lyria's to feel like it came out of nowhere, that why the cloak Vers wore was an illusion created by Loki. Did it come across that way?
Please take the time to review, let me know how the story is going so far.
For more info on my writing, character pictures for Loki and Vers(Carol Danvers), exclusive chapter artwork, audio chapters, and early access to chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 please visit:
A big thank you to all my supporters, I really appreciate it.