a universe where primordial energy flows through all living things, Elluin, the creator of worlds, embarks on a new, unique creation. He forms the Nimbaris, extraordinary beings capable of transforming into any creature they understand, even humans. Tasked with maintaining the balance between nature and humanity, the Nimbaris are connected to the very essence of life.
Among them, Elva, the first of her kind, bears a mysterious connection to time. Haunted by visions of a dark future, she foresees humanity’s ambition leading to chaos—where genetic experiments create hybrid beings for war. These hybrids, a fusion of Nimbaris and humans, will drive the world into ruin, and Elva herself is bound to both past and future.
In this apocalyptic world, Elva, the hybrid, must confront her origins, question her purpose, and decide whether to embrace the path of destruction or restore the balance her creator once intended.
I created this work with the purpose of challenging and reshaping your concept of reality and life. My goal is to make you feel something—whether it be joy, happiness, or a sense of wonder—as you journey through this story. This is why I want to share it with as many people as possible. I hope my words can touch your heart and inspire new perspectives.