Chereads / Deus Nos Ducit Ad Astra Per Aspera / Chapter 29 - Before there was time,there was...

Chapter 29 - Before there was time,there was...

Long long ago, before even time, there was Nothing and then more Nothing. And in this Nothing was Something, this Something was a bright something of energy as it condensed and expanded on itself.

Then something happened, a booming voice resounded throughout the Nothing.

"Let there be Light."


And so there was Light. The Being who said those words looked at the Light, and it was good.

As the small Newborn Universe infinitely expanded, it's superheated state of constant chaos and Light after eons slowly came to an Orderly halt.

Darkness was created as a result. Both Light and Darkness were in harmony as they were in a fused state.

The Being saw this and looked at the Darkness, and it was good.

"Let the Light and Darkness separate and become Day and Night."

The Being separated the Light and Darkness.

The Light condensed into spheres and the Darkness expanded into space.

And so Stars were born, who float within the Void of Space.

The Being saw this, and it was good.

Then after eons wich was only days for the Being, the Universe matured.

The Being within his dimension that predated the Universe looked at the Universe, and it was good.

A young Yellow Star is seen floating within the Void as it travels throughout its Galaxy. This Star was chosen as the home system of very special Planets.

The Being influenced the natural flow of the Universe and created said Planets.

"This World will one day become the Home of my Children and so I name it Eden."

And so Eden was created.

While Eden was created the Being made a second Planet.

"This World will be known as Terra."

For reasons unknown the Being made a second Planet that goes by the name of Terra.

And then more and more eons pass as life began to sprout on both Planets.

First came single cell organisms and after more eons it evolved into complex organisms.

The Being watched as the Planet Eden became a peaceful and tranquil World and was happy.

Then the Being looked at Terra. It was different, the World was in turmoil as the World faces catastrophes and events were it wiped out life, only for it to return stronger than before.

Both Worlds represent two realities. One faces challenges and becomes stronger from its ashes, while the other faced no difficulties as its surface was Void of any hardships.

The Being smiled as it saw the Planets.

More eons pass as the Being saw something he knew would come but was still happy to see. Terra gained new form of Life. This life was thinking and had feelings.

They called themselves god's, a name only the Being possessed, as those little godlings knew nothing of being a God.

Within the Beings dimension he created his Heavenly Host. His servants and children.

The Heavenly Host were with the Being throughout the process of creation and were fascinated at what their Creator did.

The Heavenly Host were representations of the Stars. As many stars there are in the Universe thats how many Heavenly Hosts there are.

As time passed again their Creator announced something. The Creation of his son. The Host watched as the Being took the dirt from Eden and molded it into a form.

And then blew the breath of life into the molded dirt.

And so the fist Human was born.

"You my Son, will be known as Adam."

Adam who was just born asked his Creator.

"What is your name?"

The Being smiled and answered.

"You can call me God my child."

As time passed and Adam traveled throughout all of Eden and saw numerous wildlife and named every species.

One day the God saw that Adam was lonely and so he put Adam to sleep and created a companion for him from his Rib.

She will be known as Eve.

As both Humans lived their Immortal lives, in God's dimension knows as Heaven was in turmoil.

One of his sons rebelled and pulled in a third of all Heavenly Hosts to his cause.

God was sad to see this happen, but alas he has given them the freedom to choose their path and won't interfere.

And so the War in Heaven began.

The War spread to the Universe as it destroyed everything in its path sparring Terra and Eden. With Eden unaware of the War.

After a fight between his Strongest Son and his Rebellious Son, the Rebellious one got cast out of Heaven along side his Host.

And so 1/3 of all Stars in the Universe vanished.

Then a subordinate of his Rebellious Son manipulated Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit who then gave it to Adem to eat.

The Fruit will only be eaten when they are ready, but they were not when they ate it and disobeyed God's order to not eat the fruit.

And so Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden with Eden disappearing from the Universe as God took it into Heaven.

Now only Terra remained with the two Humans living there. Slowly Humanity spread throughout the World as the gods who lived there gained their worship. This empowered them and made some crazy for more.

Even his cast out sons who rebelled now known as Demons started to influence the gods and Humans to do unspeakable acts.

As millennia pass Humanity was getting frustrated from the gods and the Demons.

This Frustration lead to the creation of 2 beings. One was of Pure Good, the other of Pure Evil.

God knew who those were as he knew all.

He decided to interfere this time and change the fate of the two beings.

The Beings look like Human babies, one of pure golden-white Light and the other of pure evil Darkness.

God set forth the child of Light to be born into the world to help it recover from the crazed gods.

But the child of evil remained with him, for he knew who this one is.

This Child would be known as The Flase Messiah, the Beast, the one who destroys the Wolrd.

That is, if said fate would remain unchanged, which it is.

"You my Child will become something more than just a destroyer. You will become a guide for Humanity. When the right time comes, you will be born into a good family."

Then after millennia of waiting the time came and God let the Child be born.

He put a mental suggestion into the parents who will take care of the child. It was a name for it.

The Name being?

It was





















Anastasia Alena Romanova.