Chereads / Heaven's Rebellion / Chapter 4 - Training

Chapter 4 - Training

Usually when Leonard went to the library he would spend his time reading things such as history, literature and just overall things that would help further Leonards goal into becoming a scholar, but now Leonards goal has changed, he's planning to become a trainee guard. Naturally the books he's reading will adapt to the goal he has in mind.

As Leonard speedily walked through the sparsely populated streets he suddenly stopped in front of a very large building with a sign which read 'Public Library' Leonard entered into the library and walked to the receptionist handing her his membership card to allow access into the library.

The receptionist took a glance at the card and seeing it was Leonard who was a regular, didn't do any further inspections and let him though into the main room where all the books were.

Even though memberships to the public library costed money Leonard still had one since the he just used the directors card and since the director barely uses the library anymore he practically just gave Leonard the membership.

Instead of doing the usual and going to the literacy section of the library Leonard instead went to the section that held all the books about martial arts and such. 'Even though I had mastered multiple martial arts in my previous world to help with mecha fighting such as Kick-boxing, Muay Thai, Sambo, judo and many more as well as a mastery with all weapons. The only problem is I haven't been in a fight in over 6 years which has inadvertently caused me to forget a lot of techniques in martial arts as well as the fact that this body is much different from my old body as my reach is much shorter. What I need to do is rejog my memories by reading about various martial arts unique to this world and outside this library I need to train my body so it can handle long intense fights and train my coordination and program basic muscle memory in this body and only after I have done all that will I have complete confidence in my ability to become a trainee guard!'

Leonard looked through the endless amount of books and picked out a few that piqued his interest and began reading, not stopping until hours had passed and more and more people began to enter the library as it was becoming later in the day. After noticing the influx of people entering the library Leonard took that as his que to leave, after he was finished packing up Leonard left the library and walked back to the orphanage to begin the second part of his day.

Unlike in the morning when the streets were sparsely populated now as Leonard was walking back he could see the streets were much more packed as carriages were going back and forth on the roads and he could hear the shouting from shops as the shop sellers were attempting to advertise their goods and services saying things such as "Buy one get one free!" and "Mangos on sale for only two copper coins."

Pushing and shoving through the nigh endless amount of people Leonard quickly reached the orphanage. The orphanage had a little fenced off backyard around 5 meters wide and 10 meters long, though it was barren with only dirt and mud inhabiting the backyard. However it would serve Leonards purpose, he just wanted a private area where he could train and not be disturbed by others and he would also rather not let people see how truly skilled he was in martial arts. Though Leonard didn't deem it that important to hide his skills but he deemed it more convenient, at least currently to keep his skills hidden. 

As Leonard entered the backyard he began to practice all his Martial art moves, to build some muscle so he could unleash moves more automatically without thinking to much and he also practiced to build a better connection with his body and get rid of all the clumsiness.

Leonard practiced his martial arts for a couple of hours, taking regular breaks in between, as his stamina was still quite horrible. He trained by imagining he was fighting a shadow opponent, unleashing all his martial arts on the imaginary adversary. Leonard even envisioned the shadow opponent dodging, weaving through his attacks, and counterattacking. This method was the second-best way to train, just behind fighting real opponents. However, this approach wasn't something everyone could replicate, as it required a strong imagination and mental flexibility not to mention you needed to be very knowledgeable in martial arts.

When Leonard deemed he had done enough martial arts practice today he went onto the third and final part of his new daily training regimen, that was building his body.

The first part of his regimen was to gather further knowledge of martial arts, the second part of his regimen was to put the knowledge into action and build his body's stamina and the third and final part was to strengthen his body using calisthenics.

Leonard began to do multiple variations of press ups to train his chest, triceps and shoulders, then Leonard began to do crunches and sit ups to train his abdominal muscles and obliques after that Leonard went inside the orphanage and began to do pull ups and chin ups on his dressing rack as that was the only place where there was a pole he could grab on, and that trained his biceps, forearms and back and that Leonard finished training the majority of muscles in his upper body.

Leonard went back to the backyard and began training his lower body's muscles by doing various variations of squats that trained his quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves and other minor lower body muscles they also slightly further trained his abdomen and lower back muscles.

Leonard finished his calisthenics work out around when the sun began to set. He was left a mess after finishing the first day of his training regimen, Leonard could only lay on the dirt in a puddle of his own sweat. The entirety of his was body sore and Leonard didn't have the energy to lift himself off the ground.

'I accidentally trained too hard, I got so in the zone I didn't notice how intense I was training. My body hasn't ached this much since before my transmigration, given how much my body's aching I don't think I'm capable of training the next few days, not that it would do my body any good anyway as rest days are just as important or even more important then training, as that's when your muscles heal and grow, though that methodology may become invalid with the addition of magic to the mix but currently I'm still a normal human so I have to adhere to the rules placed on my mortal body. Though thinking about it I quite enjoyed the training, it felt as if I was letting off some stress that I had continuously accumulated ever since I transmigrated to this world.'

Right after that train of thought Leonards stomach grumbled in hunger, Leonard was so absorbed in his training that he completely forgot to eat, but he wouldn't make that mistake again as having enough food was vital when training your body as if you just trained and didn't eat enough food not only would you recover slower but your muscles would grow much slower. 

Leonard forced himself up struggling intensely before walking to the kitchen where he found tow plates of cold food placed on the countertop, as he didn't arrive to eat lunch or dinner with everyone else they had kept his food here to eat later. 

Leonard quickly devoured both his lunch and dinner, after finishing his meal, he forced himself to wash himself up before collapsing in his bed. Although it was dark outside, it was still a little too early to sleep at the moment but Leonard was too exhausted to care about such things and quickly fell into a deep slumber, he slept immediately, without the usual thoughts that kept him awake at night, this was a night unlike other.