Chereads / Mysteries of Louisiana / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Just Coming into Town

Mysteries of Louisiana

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Just Coming into Town

Diamond Springs,3 Years Ago.

December 5th,2021.

11:00 P.M

It was the Middle of the Night,And,It was Pouring Down Rain,Heavily,All Over Town.


A Large Black Shoe stepped,Into a Puddle as It ran,Through the Puddle,Onto the Wet Street.

The Black Shoes belonged to a Scientist,A Brilliant Scientist,Who was,Currently,Running for his Life,At the Moment,Quite Literally.

The Scientist ran,Through Town,Running as Fast as He could,While,Panting Heavily.

"Come On,I think,He went This Way," One of the Townsfolk shouted as He yelled to the Other Villagers of the Scientist's Whereabouts,While,Holding a Flashlight,In Hand.

The Scientist Gasped as He took Off Running,Faster,Hearing Them,Coming his Way.

Beside,The Scientist,Was Something Else,That very Something was Running,Alongside Him,Following Him towards Their Destination.

"Hurry,We can lose Them,In Here," The Scientist ordered as He led the Small Something,By his Side,Into a Small Building,With Him.

The Scientist burst the Door to the Building Open as Him and the Thing ran,Inside.

As the Two ran Inside,On Top of the Building sat a Large Half Broken Sign,Blowing from Side to Side,From the Heavy Storm.

All,That was Left of the Broken Sign was One Word,Which was labeled Lab.

Above the Building,The Rain was getting Worse and Worse as a Flash of Lightning shined,In the Sky.

Diamond Springs,Present Day.

December  3rd,2024,9:00 A.M.

At the Entrance,In to the Town.

A Large Truck pulled Up to the Small Sign,That,Sat in the Right Corner of the Entrance,A Sign,That,Said,Welcome to Diamond Springs.

The Truck,Then,Began to,Slowly,Drive,Into the Town,So,The People,Inside,Could see All the Exciting Sights,That,The Town Had.

"Good Morning,Diamond Springs!!!! Looks like We got Some Heavy Rainfall with Us,Today,So,I would advise,Staying inside for Most of the Late Afternoon,Cause of,What,I am hearing is,That,This Storm is going to be a Doozy,And,Don't Forget,In Two Days,It will Officially be the Anniversary of the Death of Our Old Diamond Springs Famous Scientist,Alexander Bain,Who died 3 years Ago,From Mysterious Circumstances,Ooh,Spooky,I bet,If Some of You look Hard Enough,You might just be able to see Alexander's Spirit,Rising Up,From Out of his Grave,To take Revenge on the Town that Ran Him Out,This has been Casey Bernard on 98.3 News/Talk,See Ya Next Time," The Radio Man announced,From the Truck's Radio,as the Three Passengers,Inside,Listened to the Station.

After,Hearing the Radio Man finish Talking,The Passenger,In the Passenger Seat,Switched the Radio Off,So,He could Speak.

"Uh! How can you even stand Listening to This Guy,Mom?" The Kid asked,Curiously,With a Raised Eyebrow.

"Well,Xavier,There really aren't much Stations to listen to Here,In such a Small Town,Like This One,So,You listen to the Little Bit,That,You've got,Otherwise,You're not going to know Any of the News about This Town," Xavier's Mom, Aja explained to Him.

"Even if the News is,Kind of Trashy?" Xavier wondered,Disinterestedly.

"Yes,Even if it is,Kind of Trashy," Aja confirmed.

"Wow,This Town really has Some Cool Buildings," Xavier's Little Brother, Sean commented,From the Back Seat,as He looked Out his Window,Staring at Each of the Small Businesses,That,They passed by,On Their Way to Their New Home.

"If Cool was Lame," Xavier added.

"Aw,Come On,Xavier,Moving to This Place isn't That Bad,We get to meet a Lot of New People,Maybe,We could,Even get a Doggy," Sean stated.

"Sean,The Point of moving to a Small Town is to never be Around People,People come to These kind of Towns to be Alone,Cause,They're Too Small,To get Any Tourists,Or Any Big Businesses," Xavier explained.

"You're just saying That,Cause,You miss,Your Ex-Girlfriend,Honey," Aja warned.

"What? Ha! Ha! That is Not True,It's,It's,Because,I'm just Nervous to be in a New Town," Xavier responded,Awkwardly.

"Uh Huh,That is Totally It," Aja murmured,Not buying his Lie,At All,Knowing her Son,Way Better,Than He thought,She did.

Just Then.

Something Dark sped Past Sean's Window,Getting his Attention,as He looked Outside his Window,To See,What It was.

"Whoa! Something sped past My Window,I just saw It Run past Our Truck," Sean informed.

"Honey,It was,Probably,Just a Rat or Something," Aja pointed Out.

"But,Mom,It didn't look like a Rat," Sean notified.

"And,How would know,What It looked like if It sped Past You,Sean?" Xavier questioned,Skeptically.

"Cause,I saw It,Somewhat," Sean replied.

"Oh,That,Totally,Makes Sense," Xavier voiced,Sarcastically.

"Would You Two cut It Out,Please," Aja requested.

"Yes,Mom," Both Boys answered,In Unison,as Their Heads lowered,In Disappointment.

Both Boys,Now,Silent,Just sat Down,Looking Outside Their Windows,Staring at the Town's Buildings,And,Some of the People,Who were,Still Outside,In the Rain.

Sean,Seeing the People,Wave to Them,In an Attempt to be Friendly,as He saw Them,Just stare at Him and his Family,In the Truck,With Disgust and Distrust,Like,They,Almost didn't want Them There.

Once Sean saw Their Rude Faces,His Smile faded as He turned Back Around,And,Stopped Looking at Them,And,Out his Window,Feeling a Little Scared.

Xavier,Who was,Still,Looking Out his Window,Also,Looked at the Rude and Suspicious People,as He just looked at Them,With a Confused Look,Not getting Why,They were Looking at Them,So Rudely.

The More,He looked Out his Window,The More,Stuff,He saw,That,He didn't like,Making Him feel a Lot More Uncomfortable,In Their Current Home.

The Second,That,He was about to Look Away,From the Window was,When He saw One of the People standing Out in the Rain,With a Sign in Their Hands.

Xavier looked at the Words,That,The Sign had Said,as He read It to say,''Get Out While You Still Can.''

"H-How did Dad live Here,Again,Mama?" Sean wondered.

"Oh,It was a Long Time Ago,Sean,Your Father was born Here,As a Matter of Fact,This was Where We met," Aja elucidated.

"You sure,That wasn't Some Other Small Town?" Xavier interrogated.

"Heh! No,It was Here,Diamond Springs," Aja declared,as She chuckled,When She heard Xavier ask That.

"Well,It's,Clearly,Changed," Xavier muttered, as Aja drove Their Truck,Out of Town,Into a Small Neighborhood,Before,Pulling Up into the Driveway of Their New House.

The Minute,They pulled Up into the Driveway,Aja turned the Car Off,They opened Their Car Doors,And,Stepped Out,as They looked Up at the House,That,They were,Currently,Staying In.

"So,Mom,Where's All Our Stuff?" Sean asked,Out of Curiosity,as They walked Up to the Front Door,To Enter the House.

"The Men,We hired took Care of That,Sean,We packed Up the Old House into Their Truck,And,They took That Truck Up Here and Unloaded It,Into This House," Aja explained,as She put Her New House Key,Into the Door Key Hole,Unlocking the House,Before,Opening the Door,And,Stepping Inside.

The Three of Them walked,Into the House,And,Closed the Door,Behind Them,as They looked Around,The Inside of the House.

"Whoa! This Place looks So Cool," Sean announced.

"Eh,It could be Better,I,Honestly,Already miss Our Old One," Xavier voiced,as He grabbed his Headphones,Out of his Backpack,That,He had on his Back,Before,Putting Them On over his Ears,And,Walking over to the Couch to Relax.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'm going Upstairs,I'm going to Go dib My Bedroom," Sean shouted,Excitedly,as He went Up to the Stairwell,And,Ran Up the Stairs,Towards the Bedrooms.

Aja,Seeing Xavier sitting on the Couch,Listening to his Music,And,Sean,Running Up the Stairs,Sighed,as She watched Them do Their Own Things.

"Welcome Home," Aja muttered to Herself,as She walked Over to the Kitchen,To Go Ahead,And,Start on Dinner.

They had Only been in the Town,For about Thirty Minutes,And,the Two Kids were Already,Suspicious of the Townsfolk and the Mother was Already struggling to fit in to the New Town.

One Thing was for Sure,Though,Their Troubles were just Beginning.