In the night after everybody ate, Rachael went to her room. There was eerie silence in the mansion, the corridors were dark and gloomy. Someone knocked on Rachael's door. "Come in," she replied.
"José, is she the one? Are you sure?" Rachael questioned José while she eyed down the girl.
"Yes, my lady, your uncle's daughter. Lady Natasha Drogo, she is a 'parelthóntos mántis', she can see the past, she is a rare phenomenon in vampires. She doesn't have a weaving but an ability to see in the past. Generally witches have these kinds of powers, but, nature is twisted, your majesty," explained José. In hopes of finding her dead aunty's murderer's clue by seeing in the past.
"Sister, come sit with me. Come here, i know it's been a while and there is a lot to catch up" said Rachael while putting her right hand on the bed indicating Natasha to sit there while putting up a forced smile.
In that low lighted room there was an awkwardness with a tinch of shyness, Natasha looked towards José as if she was asking for some kind of approval. José nodded his head in a yes and hinted at her to sit beside Rachael. At first she was really hesitant as she was young and had never met her sister, she started rolling her eyes upwards and taking a glance of Rachael before sitting. Rachael stood up and walked towards Natasha who was standing across the room beside the fireplace. She raised her hand and tucked a strand of Natasha's brunette behind her ear.
"You look as pretty as I've heard about you. Your big eyes can soak even the greatest ocean of this world, your smile so beautiful and full of life it would shame the fountain of youth itself, the platinum wired necklace with golden beads around your neck, your pale white skin so pretty which shames the shiniest diamond in the world. And I can keep on going all day. Truly, you are a piece of art in yourself," uttered Rachael while looking at Natasha's beauty.
"I-I, am pleased to be able to make your acquaintance, your majesty," Natasha replied while lowering her eyes again and staring at the floor.
Rachael took Natasha's hand and walked out of the room, as she opened the gate Jake tried to stop them as it wasn't safe for her outside her room.
"My lady, you shouldn't go out. It's not safe yet, there are unknown dangers we are unaware of. Please, my lady, I beg you," requested Jake while giving a glance to José in an attempt to indicate him to stop her but José ignored him as he already knew the results.
"Jake, tell me do you think I am weak? Or I would get killed easily?" Questioned Rachael while leaving Natasha's hand. "No, not at all, my la-".
"Then don't you ever try to cut my way as it won't be anything good. Now stay back and if you can't follow your master's order, then it would be better if I release you from all your duties" replied Rachael while glaring at Jake but this time it was more than a simple rage or a fire of vangeance, this time it was guilt, guilt of ordering Jake, as he was one of the only few friends she had and not for a single moment in all these years she ever thought that Jake was a servant or a lower being. As Jake didn't want to leave Rachael's side no matter what he took a foot back.
As Rachael was walking out of the room Jake and José started to follow her but Rachael didn't want them to.
"Didn't I told you to not follow me?" Questioned Rachael while turning towards both of them. Neither one replied to her question.
"Go back in the room until I come back and it's a command" ordered Rachael. In that bleak corridor her voice echoed as she ordered both of them. As she was turning she started to feel a little nauseated she quickly held Natasha's hand and hinted at her to walk.
As Jake and José both were commanded and couldn't follow them they went back to the room waiting for her to return.
José sat on the couch in the room while Jake was getting agitated as he didn't wanted to leave Rachael alone. He started pacing the room and suddenly stopped by the window while putting his hand on the glass panel.
"José, what should we do now. It's really dangerous for her to be out alone, we don't know who our allies are." Said worried jake while turning. As he turns he gets shocked by how José was sitting so calmly, he continues "what the fuck are you even doing, man? this is no time to sleep, and that to while sitting".
"I'm not sleeping, can you just not disturb me for a second. I know you are obsessively in love with me but please let me concentrate" José laughed Jake's question out and started to weave a certain hand sign. He extended both his hands forward, putting one hand on the other then he kept both the thumbs side by and pressed the upper hand and chanted.
"the earth creates thy body, the fire creates thy hunger. the wind creates thy life, the water creates thy blood. As I create thee help me see in the dark and the mud" as he completed the chant he released the hand sign.
"Umm, José, I don't wanna question your ability but I think you failed" said Jake while he looked around searching if anything happened.
"Failed, who me?" José started laughing really hard while looking at the clueless Jake. He continues to "look behind your leg".
"What the fuck is this. Take it off of me, it's disgusting".